Chapter 5

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Third POV

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Third POV

"I doubted your devotion to me several times Luna, but this....seducing one of Slenderman's top proxies- my my what a shock!"

Toby's body becomes ridged. He turns his get to look back at Luna, slowly pulling away from her- his tics going overdrive. "Y-You...set m-me up?"

"No Toby I didn't-"

"Of course she did! She's my daughter after all! Why else would she willingly sleep with one of Slenderman's men? Just to spite me? She knows better, isn't that right Luna?" Zalgo grins, eyeing his daughter. "She knows what I'd do to her if it's the latter."

Toby shakes his head, his heart hammering against his ribcage. It hurts. He feels the pain of his heart shattering. Why is he experiencing such overwhelming emotions when he hardly knows this women. Yet his connection to her, felt so real.

So whole.

So light.



"No Toby I swear I-"

"Best drop the Act Luna. No need to continue your poor excuse at acting. Oh wait- tell him about the dreams! I bet that reeled him in!" Zalgo laughs tauntingly.

Toby's ears begin to ring, his breathing becoming sporadic. He became to quick to throw his loyalty to Slenderman out of the window- over a kiss. How could he have fallen for this simple trap? His master is right, he wasn't ready for a mission this large. He's still to trusting, to kind. He hasn't given in to that darkness lingering in his heart.

Toby's to weak.

"Alright. Fun and games are over, we have a ball to attend. Finish him Luna."

The witch hesitates, looking between Toby at her father- her body trembling. Zalgo notices, tilting his head. He steps forward, placing his hand on her shoulder- his claws digging into her skin.

"Are you disobeying me? He questions, voice distorted.

Luna flinches, shaking her head- eyes trained onto Toby's. The ticking killer's breathing seems to calm at the sight of her dull eyes displaying fear, a look if horror you can't fake. He tries to step forward but Zalgo locks him in place. He feels heat bubbling in his stomach, coughing up buckets of blood. It took everything in Luna to not scream, to beg her father to stop.

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