Chapter Twenty-One: Open Your Eyes

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It's almost over.


I see you...
in a lonely place,
How can you be so blind?
You're still regretting the love you left,
left behind.


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Two Weeks Later

My chest heaved as I tried to catch my breath. "Run it again!" Ahsia called out, motioning for us to reset to first formation. Sweat covered my body and the active wear I was dressed in. My oversized t-shirt tossed aside somewhere long forgotten.

"Tired already?" Ahsia teased as she passed me. I let out a laugh, my hands tiredly resting on my hips as I tried to even out my breathing before moving to my spot. Ahsia watched in the mirror with a challenging eyebrow quirked at me. I smiled causing her to chuckle before she began counting us back in.

Bring it on.


Life had been pretty simple since I left the Jaguar Tour. While at the beginning making adjustments were pretty hard, especially with the press at my neck those first few weeks. But because of the heat of them, I managed to lock in and keep focused. I used social media less and trained more. I didn't really go out much. If anything a lot of my newly acquainted dance mates were annoyed that I wouldn't party with them at least not 'often enough' in their opinion. They'd only catch me if and when there was a special event or celebration. Something which of course they argued against spewing crap like "Life was the special event" and "everyday is worth celebrating!" While I did agree, it never swayed me.

Studio, then home that was my routine. Lex calls me a hermit, something I always counter with the fact that I leave for rehearsals and classes all the time. But apparently that doesn't count. Regardless, she makes sure to visit every week at least to fuss and while I appreciated her effort, I just needed a little more time and some solitude. Being in the public eye on top of everything else had really taken a toll on me. It was a wonder that I was still so adamant to stay in LA despite everything but I had dreams/goals to focus on and accomplish. And if that wasn't enough my determination to not let anything or anyone in this shiesty ass industry stop me was backup fuel to keep me going.

Brianna, of course, played a big role in getting me and keeping me together. She took control of most of my socials at my request. While I did still have access to them, I only posted behind the scenes content or occasional life updates sporadically. I left the comments, likes, tags, and everything else up to her. I had no interest in keeping up with people, plus the ones that really mattered had my number and knew how to reach me. I couldn't be more grateful to have a manager like her, even if she does continuously scold me about getting too reclusive. "You just need to gain the right kind of attention" she'd say, well more like preached almost as often as Lex.

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