(EN) Decision

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People. Everyday one sees hundreds of people. Some they know, some they'll get to know and some they'll never see again. 
What do these people think of each other?
What do these people think the other's lives are like?
What do I think of them?
What do they think of me?
And does all that even matter?
it doesn't right? Or maybe it does?
Do their thoughts influence my future and vice versa?
My decision to keep walking, not talk to any of them, in the same way they decide to keep walking influences all our lives forever. 
A potential friendship, a relationship, a future walked past me and opened another possible future. 

Ich hatte neulich mit nem Freund ne Unterhaltung über Determinismus und freien Willen und kurz darauf entstand dann das hier... Vielleicht hat's ja gefallen
Einen schönen Tag noch 

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