(EN) Beauty

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What is beauty?

There is no one way to describe what it is

As beauty for one is not beauty for the other

Being considered beauty's a hit or a miss

For one has many layers for another to discover

Me, what is beauty for me? Describing that is now my duty.

Beauty is the million lights of long-gone stars sparkling in their eyes

Beauty is the music of laughter lighting up with the brightest of smiles

Beauty is the feeling of joy when they touch you slightly

Beauty is the safety as one holds you tightly

Beauty is when you miss them every second of the day

And when they're with you, the world's everything but grey

Beauty is what others call them out for

But you couldn't love that aspect more

Beauty here and beauty there

Hours go by as both of you just stare

Beauty is nothing you can see at first glance

Only when you know one you can have a chance 

Beauty, in it's purest form is not to see but to feel

And once noticed there's not way it isn't real

So this is beauty in it's truest form

For beauty itself never had a norm

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