Trauma Before The Storm

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Angel Dust: (defensive) Hey, I'm just saying, it's a possibility we can't ignore. Hell's a tricky place; you never know who's pulling the strings behind the scenes.

Alastor, upon hearing Angel Dust, twitches his eye as Clara gets off her seat to try to attack Angel Dust until Charlie gets between the two.

Charlie: (nervously) Whoa, whoa, whoa! Let's all just calm down here. Accusations like these aren't helpful, and they certainly won't solve anything.

Clara: (frustrated) But he's implying that my sister is a spy! That's completely outrageous!

Angel Dust: (defensive) I'm just trying to be cautious. We can't afford to trust everyone blindly, especially in Hell. I mean, Sir Pentious here was originally a spy for the Vees; it wouldn't surprise me if Odette was doing the same for Carmilla.

Clara: (angrily) Shut up, just shut up! If it wasn't for my sister, you would still be making those disgusting adult films.

The room falls silent as Clara's words sink in, and everyone puts two and two together on what Clara was implying.

Angel Dust: (shocked) Are you telling me that Odette... was the one who killed Valentino?

Clara looks down in shame, realizing she just made things messy.

Clara: (hesitantly) It's... complicated.

Charlie: (concerned) Is this why you and Odette came here?

Clara looks down, knowing she'll be better off telling the group the truth.

Clara: (hesitantly) I guess I have no other option but to tell you lot now to not make things messy between us...

It was just a simple delivery to V Tower. We had never been there before, our Mom cautioned us about the Vees, especially Valentino. But we were tired; it was almost midnight, we just wanted to get back to Carmine headquarters and go to sleep.

Once we got there, we were greeted by Valentino. He acted nice to us, but looking back now, it's clear he was drunk or possibly high on drugs.

He asked Odette to go into a room he said was his office upstairs while I put the crates and boxes on the floor. Then ten minutes later... I heard a gunshot...

I rushed into the room and opened it and immediately saw Valentino's dead corpse bleeding out, and I saw Odette on a bed. The room wasn't an office at all; it was Valentino's bedroom. She was holding the gun; her coat was undone, and well, the bottom half of her was completely exposed and covered in... Valentino's... juice if you know what I mean.

Luckily, Odette had shot that... monster before he made her have round two with him. I immediately called my Mom, and we were able to cover things up. When Vox and Velvet caught on, my Mom lied to them, saying she killed Valentino. Unfortunately, Odette... hasn't been the same. It's most likely if this happened when we were alive, Odette would have definitely gotten pregnant, but the damage was done, and she's still living with the consequences.

The room falls silent once more as the group takes everything in.

Angel Dust: (shocked) I... never knew, Clara. I-

Clara: (interrupting) Save it. I've said it; there's no going back now... Just don't tell Odette I told you this. Hell, don't

reference it when she's around, or I will have your head, got it?

Unfortunately, unknown to everyone in the lodge, Odette is hiding behind a corner, tears in her eyes, knowing the cat is out of the bag.

Emily, fortunately having heard nothing of what the others have said, turns to Odette, confused.

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