Chapter 16- Right or Wrong?

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              Me and Kash stand there looking eye to eye. I'm waiting for him to move and I'm right behind him! We can't actually let this happen......right? Tsuki and Monsai wouldn't dare think about fighting each other! Never!
    "Well?! I'm waiting!" Diego snaps.
Monsai and Tsuki stare at each other. Tsuki immediately takes a stance and smirks at him. Monsai bows then does the same smiling softly at her. "I'll even throw in an extra dinner or two if you can kill that Nakamaru, fucking garbage!" Diego growls.
     The ground beneath my foot cracks. Garbage? When the time is right, he's mine! Kash never flinches. Instead, he stares Diego down!
Monsai doesn't move a muscle. He never takes his eyes off of Tsuki. Then....they dash towards each other.
      Tsuki is throwing punches while Monsai is blocking. The both of them then go back and forth, in sync with each other. It reminds me of when we were kids. Martial Arts class.  The way they go in sync with each other but neither one of them actually hits the others. It's beautiful really. I can literally see them grinning the whole time. Ha! They kill me!
   You can literally see the frustration on Diego's face. He's upset! "Shit! Kill him already!" he screams. The two of them slide away from each other. Tsuki then puts up one eyebrow signaling Monsai. The two of them then immediately shoots their water and fire clashing it together in the center.
     Shit! It's big...
Monsai is smiling while Tsuki's laughing. They look to each other and push it towards Diego. He grips the chair flipping himself backwards. More soldiers immediately start running in after hearing so much commotion. "Kill them all!" he shouts, "Just kill them all!" Oh hell no! That's not happening at all you bastard!
     I immediately dash in and Kash follows running beside me. "You pieces of shit! Watch this!" I shout. Stomping my foot onto the ground I raise my hands pushing them towards Diego. A piece of the ground rises up heading to him at full speed. Kash follows behind it not a moment later. I notice Monsai and Tsuki are holding off all of those men. Well damn then!
               As it heads towards Diego he jumps up to dodge it. Kash jumps up with him and immediately kicks his stomach then flips to kick the top of his shoulder. Shit!
Diego flies straight down landing hard as hell! Before the dust could clear up, Diego punches the big ass rocks causing pieces to shoot towards us. Dammit Kash move! As he stood there I can see his body shift in front of me. He's trying to block them! Fuck!
I lift my hands up and close them as tightly as I could causing the rocks to stop in place. I throw my hands down and the rocks follow.  That was too damn close...Wait....Where did Diego go? I turn to look at Tsuki and Monsai and they're still busy holding all the soldiers off. As I turn back to look at Kash he looks at me worried.
Kash starts to say, "Where the fuck did he-"
        Then all of a sudden, Diego has him by the neck lifting him up.
          Everything starts to slow down.....Tsuki and Monsai aren't paying attention...Kash is struggling...what the fuck do I do?!
"Let him go you bastard!" I scream as I dart to him. Diego then immediately throws Kash to the other side of the room. Kash hits the wall hard and Diego just turns to me.
      "Fight me! Freaking sicko!" I scream as I throw a punch. I connect it to his chest but he doesn't budge. Ohhhh shiiiiittt-
   He grabs me by both of my shoulders and pushes me to the ground.
"You're weak bitch. Stay on your knees like a good little girl!" he snarls.
         What? WHATT?! He turns away from me and starts heading to Tsuki and Monsai. Oh no you don't!
     Monsai glances over and doesn't see Kash with me. Doesn't see him at all. He scans the room and notices him laying on the ground and immediately darts to him. "Kash...Shit!" he whispers.
   Tsuki turns to me and sees me on my knees and she then immediately glares at Diego. She takes her stance, "Get up Chibi. Let's show him something" she says calmly.
Shocked, I get up. Okay Tsuki. If you say so.
Diego glances at both of us and smirks, "Well well well....look at you girls. Oh once I crush you? Oh I am going to teach y'all some respect" he snarks. I can feel my face getting hotter and hotter. This man is disgusting! Tsuki immediately dashes to him and I do the same.
   She runs up and immediately throws a two piece which he dodges. I slide in and wrap one leg around his causing him to fall over. Tsuki then takes her legs and swings it down towards him. He grabs it and looks her in the eyes smirking. He pushes her back causing her to slide backwards. Damn! Ok!
He flips back up and cracks his neck, "That'll never be enough..." he whispers.
Tsuki is on one side and I'm on the other. We glance at each other and she then nods her head at me. Go! We dash to him in unison. We both start attacking him from both sides and he dodges all of our hits. Shit! How strong is this bastard?! The last punch I sent flying, he grabs my fist and bends it back. Dammit! I scream, "Ahh! SHIT!" I think he almost broke my hand! As I'm on my knees holding my hand I look up and he's right....there. Before he tries finishing me...Kash tackles him to the ground. Kash!!! Monsai runs over to me and Tsuki runs over to Kash and Diego.
      "It really-ah! It really hurts Monsai" I whimper. He looks to me calmly, "Shh shh shh it's okay Chibi. I got you" he says so softly. He then takes a cloth and wraps it around my hand, "I'll take care of that later. Don't move okay?"
  I sit there staring at him, "Okay" I whisper. Monsai then gets up and dashes to Diego.
      I notice the four of them fighting. The three of them all bombard his ass taking turns. Shit! Why do I have to be the one not doing anything? I suck ass! When I turn to look at the entrance I notice more soldiers coming in....Oh my gosh..! The three of them are distracted though and I can't just sit here and do nothing! I slowly get up holding my hand glaring at the men running in. I slide one foot forward and raise my hands...shit this hurts. I can't let this stop me though. No matter what! As I slide my foot forward I raise my hands up screaming, "Ah- Get back!!!!" I lift up a huge wall and push it forward pushing the guys back and closing off the entrance. I immediately fall down landing on my hand.
    "Ahhhhh! DAMMIT!" I shriek. 
Tsuki and Kash looks straight at me, worried. Diego takes his opportunity and kicks them both back!
               I can't do anything. Nothing!
Monsai glares at Diego and immediately slings his arm wrapping water around Diego's legs. He pulls them back flipping him onto his back. Monsai then slings his leg down and connects it on his chest.
Blood shoots out of his mouth, "Fuck!" Diego groans, "Shit!"
        Before Monsai could do anything else, Kash dashes back in standing over him. His eyes turn blood shot red as he glares over him. Kash inhales and when he exhales he sends blood made arrows into his arms and legs. "Ahhhhhh! FUCK!" Diego shrieks.  Blood then starts leaking from Kash's eyes but he quickly wipes them away and turns his face from me.
     "Fuck Kash....that was...That was nice" Monsai says concerned.
"Dammit! That took too much damn time for me!" Tsuki shrieks as she walks back over. She glances at me and shrieks, "OH MY GOSH!!! MY CHIBI!!" as she runs to me. Here we go again.
"Please no....gosh no! I think my hand is officially broken! It's gotta be!" I shriek. She sits down next to me sitting me up, "Should I kill him?" she says softly.
"Absolutely not!" Monsai shrieks.
We all turn to him.
He lets out an exhale, "I think we should just get out of here while we still can."
"Agreed. I don't want to be here anymore" Kash whispers. He then turns to me and immediately walks over to help Tsuki lift me up. "Okay on three! One...two....three!" Tsuki says calmly. Kash then snatches me up and holds me in his arms. "Oh! Oh! Well damn then!" Tsuki shrieks, "Better not drop her!"
        The four of us, plus Diego, heads out. Monsai is dragging Diego though, over rocks, dirt, name it.

       We walk outside. "Ahhh fresh air!" Tsuki screams. The breeze hits my face and it feels amazing. It's so cool tonight. After we take a couples steps forward Monsai stops immediately! "What's wrong?" Kash whispers.
        "I know you're out there! Come on out!" Monsai yells.
   We all look to each other confused but Monsai never moves an inch. "Listen if you don't come out now I have a friend that wouldn't mind burning down this whole area just to find you" Monsai yells out.
"He's not kidding!" Tsuki then yells out. Kash just grips me tighter. We hear a couple of sticks break and then this guys comes out. Wait.... That freaking bastard! The dude with the staff!
      He walks out and the moon light hits his face. His white hair shines with the moon.
"Are we gonna have a problem?" Monsai says calmly. The guy laughs, "Nah nah! Of course not." He twirls his staff and places it back down into the ground.
     "Well....actually I'm going to need that man right there" he whispers as he points to Diego. Huh?! Why would he want him for?
"Uhhh that's not happening" Monsai snaps.
He tilts his head and glances at all of us, "Cmon man. You guys look beat up enough. Just let me take this guy off your hands. It won't be a problem" he says sarcastically.
"Excuse me?!" Tsuki shrieks, "You better back up!" The guy forces a fake laugh, "Ha ha alright. Either you give him to me, or I'll just take him from all of you!" he shouts.
    "Well I guess you better step then" Monsai whispers. We all turn to this guy, waiting. Watching.
       What is this guy doing? Did he follow us here this whole time......? From the looks of it, this isn't gonna be good.

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