Chapter 9- Moving Forward

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As I'm heading back I can hear Monsai and Kash walking behind me. If only she can walk here beside me. Oh do I miss the sleepovers we used to have!
Arriving home I turn to them,
               "Alright! Made it home safe and sound!" I say as I then open my front door. "See you guys later on, okay?"
Monsai and Kash replies, "Okay."
After walking in I shut the door and head to my room.
"Mango!" I scream, "My precious kitty!"
I sit on the bed and Mango jumps on my lap.
"Mango I won in the tournament! See my nice cool NEW badge?"
I flash my badge to him.
"Pretty cool right? I think so too!" He jumps off and I lay down and sigh. Wonder what I'll wear tonight. Oh my gosh! Do I have anything to wear?!?! SHITTTT! ok ok.... Chill Chibi Chill. I stood up and walked straight to my closet throwing out random things onto the bed. When I was done searching high and low, I finally found the perfect outfit but first I shall freshen up!

      After my shower I head back into my room and finish getting ready.
When I finally stood in front of the mirror I added some final touches.
                                       "anddddd DONE!"

-starts doing warrior poses in the mirror-

I let out a laugh and grab my bag. "See ya later Mango!" I say petting his head.

     I walk out my house and I can already see the stars. Oh wow...I can see the lights flashing from the party too! I go to dash into that direction then pause—, 
                       "Okay. Dress. No Running."
Instead, I start walking.
I can hear laughter and cheer already. I also smell something wonderful! Is it potatoes?!
I sure hope so. Arriving closer I hear movement sounds coming from around the corner. Maybe if I just keep walking and mind my business, nothing will happen.         Talking a step forward then BOOM! Another motherfucker runs into me. I can hear all the items he was holding drop. As I rub I eyes I scream, "what the hell?? Can you watch it?!" I go to open my eyes and he's looking at me, he's pissed. Wait! It's that motherfucker from this morning!
"As if my day couldn't get any worse" he replies angrily. Looking at him I notice that he's holding a staff with a weird symbol engraved at the top. His green eye then pierced mine. "Well? Aren't you going to say sorry?" he growls.
"Me? Say sorry?" I laugh. He huffs and starts picking up his items. When he stands he rolls his eyes at me. "You won two matches and don't know how to act now" he replies. Excuse me? How would this punk know anything about me?
"I don't see you winning any matches!" I scream to him. He laughs.
"That's because I choose not to, little one."
Here we go again.
"Little? Let me show you something little!" I yell as I jump forward. He immediately turns his staff and points it at me. I stop, shocked.
"C'mon now. Don't do that again" he whispers. What the fuck. He smirks at me looking me up and down. I take my stance ready to beat this fools ass!
"Get your ass back" I whisper taking a step back. He immediately pulls back his staff and clutches his bag. As I stare him down I notice his bright white hair. He's blind in one eye too obviously. He made that clear this morning. Fuck! Who is this mother fucker? He grins. "I'll be going now. Next time watch yourself" he says quietly and walks around me. He disappears after that into an alleyway.
I didn't even get a name.
Oh well.
I have a celebration to be apart of.
          Here it is.
          I look all around and see all the beautiful lanterns hanging, some floating. Some people are at certain stands waving their powers around. I walk up to the only thing I'm concerned about right now, FRIES!
"Hi excuse me?" I say
I heard a noise coming from the inside and a lady pops out. "Uhh?? Hiya! Hello! How can I help— how can I help you?" she says nervously as she rubs the top of her head.
"Oh...uh yes. I just wanted an order of cheese fries please ma'am" I say.
"Of course!" she replies and runs away. I stand there waiting and notice someone behind me.
I turn around.
It's Kash.
"Hi Chibi. You look really nice" he says softly.
              I can feel my face literally turn red.
"Here are those fries!" The lady shrieks happily.
"Ah shit!" I yell.
She jumps back, "Oh my! Uhh I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to scare you!" she screams.
"No you're fine! Thank you!" I reply grabbing my cheese fries. I turn back to Kash and he's just all smiley and giggly.
"So not funny" I whisper to him slapping his arm. We look to each other and pause. In the moment I notice his hair pulled back on one side with jewels clipped in. His eyes look deep into mine.
       Startled I say, "Oh! Uhh want some fries? They have cheese on them!" He smiles and replies, "Sure. I'll take some." We stand there eating when I notice Monsai walking up. I notice he doesn't have his cloak but has a face mask. It covers everything but his eyes. His locs are long and he has it pinned up with a clip. The two strands he has in the front have jewels at the tips of them.
"Good evening" he says softly. He nods at Kash, Kash nods back. Then Monsai looks to me and smiles softly.
      "You look extravagant Chibi Chan" he says.
      "As do you" I reply with a smile.
"I apologize for the delay but I had to grab a certain someone who will complete this night" he whispers.
I feel someone tap my shoulder and I turn around.
"Hello beautiful" Tsuki says softly.
"Tsuki Chan!!" I scream as I wrap my arms around her neck. She spins me around and we laugh. I pull back to look at her and she's beautiful. Her hazel eyes are glowing at me. Her hair is up in two puff balls with red chopsticks sticking threw. Looking down, I notice her tight red dress. Shit Tsuki.
"My gosh Tsuki! You look magnificent! Holy shit!" I scream. She giggles and blushes touching my curls in the back. "And what do you think you look like Chibi?" she says quietly. Her eyes pierce mine.
     "Uhhh you tell Me" I whisper back.
She takes a step back and looks me up and down. Then walks around me going in circles. "First off, ass is huge" she says seductively. I turn around, embarrassed.
"Ehhhh!" I shriek.
"Kidding. Well not kidding but Chibi—" she grabs my face, "you look as beautiful as ever" she says. I smile and we turn to look at Kash and Monsai, they nod.
"See!! They agree!" Tsuki says, "Now let's head to that drink stand."
We all laugh and follow Tsuki.
       Nothing can go wrong.
       The four of us.
       Definitely should be a great night!      

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