Chapter 3- Fighting With Chaos

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Chapter 3- Fighting with Chaos

      Standing. Watching. Kuras eyes are piercing Todo. If looks could kill, he'd be dead. As me, Tsuki, and Monsai stand there watching, Kura is the first to move. She waves her hands up manipulating the air to follow her movements. As Todo tries to form a ball into his hands she quickly swings. All though they're 15ft apart she still throws a jab, shooting piercing wind straight into his head. His head gets thrown back causing him to flip. He landed hard. I can't see him with all the dust and rock's flying around. Jeez. No movement and the dust finally clears up. Did she knock him out ?!? Tsuki tightens her grip and the bars beside me melt and a piece breaks off. "Ehhh??!" I shriek.
The guy on the intercom blurts out, "That's a knock out!!!! Kura is our winner for this match! She will be moving forward!" The crowd cheers, especially her friends. Monsai is looking at them, glaring. Looking back down, some medics are carrying him out and Kura walks back up to go to her friends. As they tap her back and congratulate her all she can do is stare, at me. Tsuki snarls and turns her head.
"Next we have Mika facing Tsuki!!" as the guy screams over the intercom. Tsuki jets off not saying one word. Me and Monsai look to each other worried. All we can do is watch now. As they walk down remaining 15ft apart Tsuki prepares herself. As she breathes, her hand is tapping her forehead. She's concentrated. So cool. The guy announces "Ready...set...FIGHT!" Mika instantly charges. I look over to Tsuki and she's still breathing. Mika yells "PIECE OF CAKE YOU BITCH!!" Charging with everything she's got. Tsuki's eyes open and she instantly throws up her leg towards the direction of Mika sending a line of fire. Followed by a two piece sending two balls of fire. Mika quickly changes course looking back at the line of fire that could've been the match. As she then quickly turns her head back to Tsuki, Tsuki is there. Mika was startled.
"Bitch!" Tsuki screams out as she throws another two piece connecting it into Mika's face and stomach. Her body flew straight down.
"ANDDD THATS A KNOCK OUT!!! TSUKI IS OUR WINNER FOR THIS ROUND!!" The crowd goes crazy! Tsuki wasn't smiling. She just walked back up to us still not saying a word. I wanted to say something to her. Anything. "Tsu—"
"NEXT UP we have Chibi facing Ranya!" Wow. That's unfortunate.
Ranya is Kura's plus one. The girl with the stupid ass paper. The crowd roars. Walking off Tsuki yells, "Beat that ass Chibi Chan!" Yes! I will. I run down standing 15ft from that bitch. The intercom goes off.
We're standing there. Looking eye to eye. My foot starts tapping. Shit. I'm so nervous right now. She smirks at me and jumps at me. I move back, startled.
"Ha! Nervous aren't we?" She says and she throws her arms straight forward at me. Paper planes? Really? Bitch. The paper planes come flying. Not one and definitely not two but a DOZEN of them shits!
"Shit! Shit! Shitt!" I say to myself. Instantly I scream and stomp my foot onto the ground as hard as I can lifting my arms up. Manipulating the earth, a big wall made of rocks and stones is formed. "SHITTT!" The paper planes collide into the wall dropping all at once. Ranya is running at full speed short after. I can hear her footsteps coming closer. Lifting my leg, I kicked the wall as hard as I can, kicking through it. I see her, she looks pretty upset. She tries lifting her hands up to block but it's too late at that point. My leg connects to her chest. Her body flew straight down and I backflipped off of her landing on my ass. Tragic. The intercom goes off, "Uh...AND OUR WINNER IS CHIBI!!!" The crowd goes wild. I get up and start looking around. Wow. They're all cheering for me. I smile and throw my hands up. "YES SIRRR!!!" Jumping up and down.
I hop back over to my spot. Monsai and Tsuki hug me. "You did so good! I'm so proud of you!" Tsuki says and she moves the hair out of my face and Monsai is there, fixing the back of my hair. I start smiling so hard and a couple tears fall down. Tsuki wipes them immediately. "Don't do that baby girl." She says so softly. "You're right!" I back up to look at the both of them, "I have to stay focused for the next match!" Flexing my muscles. Looking back up to Tsuki and Monsai and their faces instantly get serious. "Wait...what the-" I turn around and I pause. It's Kash.
"Hey Chibi I—"
He's immediately cut off by the intercom.
"Next up we have Kash facing Carlos!"
The crowd roars. I'm still looking up at Kash and he immediately turns his head to look over to Carlos. His eyes turn bright red again. I back up a couple steps. "Uh Kash...good luck." I say nervously. As he's still looking to Carlos he says, "I'll be right back. Won't take long" and walks off.
Standing there I snap back to reality and turn to walk over closer to Tsuki and Monsai. She puts her arm around me and so does Monsai. I say quietly to the group, "Let's see what this Kash dude can do." We all look over.
The guys speaks, "LET US BEGIN! READY....SET....FIGHT!"

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