Chapter 12- Nothingness

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                 She dashes towards Carlos. He moves his feet around and waves his hands up in the air.
"I gotta hold your scary ass down!" he yells. He then pulled up pieces of the ground formed as spikes. They form all around Tsuki, trapping her. She can't move.
"There. Fucking finally" he yells.
Tsuki screams angrily, "Get me the fuck out of here! If you don't I swear I'll kill your ass!"
The ground literally shook. She's restrained from using any fire. Damn it! I look over to Kash and Monsai, worried. The guy who tried sneaking up on Kash is knocked out on the ground. Well shit, that's good. They still fight toe to toe with the rest.
      I try getting up. I have to.
"Ughhh shit!" I groan, "This shouldn't hurt this bad damn it!"
      Kash notices me on the ground, "Chibi!?" he yells angrily. He then claps his hands towards the two masked bastards in front of him. Blood shoots out wrapping around their necks. He picks them up and slams them down! Oh my gosh....
     He runs then slides down beside me. Monsai sees us and puts the last two guys in a ball of water, slamming them next into the ground. He gives both of us a quick glance. I scream to him, "Tsuki Chan!" His head immediately turns to Carlos and his eyes pierce into his eyes. Carlos takes a step back, shocked. Monsai never takes his eyes off of him.
                Tsuki is just there struggling, trying to break free. "Tsuki.." I whisper. Kash immediately turns his head to look at me. He grabs me, lifting me up, " can free her Chibi!" he whispers to me. I stand on my feet holding his arms.
Breathe. Focus. Be Chill.
       I let go of Kash and take my stance. He backs up, only a little. I can see Monsai waiting, preying on Carlos. Monsai then takes a quick glance at me and sways his arms all around. Now!
         I stomp my front foot onto the ground and slide it forward with both hands reaching out.
"Shitttt!" I scream as I pull the rocks back.
They move! Yes damn it! I let out a laugh and I started feeling light headed.   Everything starts getting blurry.
              I can feel my body leaning forward. Suddenly I stop falling. I feel a hand gripping my shoulder and another gripping my side. Then I'm turned around and placed onto the ground lying on my back.
   "Fuck Chibi! Hello? Can you hear me?"
It's Kash. His voice sounds worried, but still so soft. He must've been the one to catch me. Beats falling on my face.
        All of a sudden, water splashes on my face. I shot straight up. "Shit!" I yell, "What gives?!" Turning my head, I see Monsai and Tsuki attacking Carlos. Whoa...the both of them are moving so fast. It's like they're in sync! Carlos seriously looks like he's struggling to keep his position right now! Tsuki screams, "I'll kill you!" She then swings her leg toward him sending a line of flames! He forms a wall in front of him. Almost too late.
    Not a second later, Monsai sways his water behind his cover slapping the fuck out of Carlos! He flips on the ground as Tsuki and Monsai walk towards him.
"Damn Carlos", Monsai whispers, "What happened?"
Carlos scoffs.
"What was that?!" Tsuki screams jumping towards him. Monsai grabs her arm stopping her, "Now now Tsuki. We mustn't waste anymore energy on him", he says softly. She scoffs snatching her arm back and turns to look at me.
      "OH MY GOODNESS! My Chibi!" she yells running towards me. Oh fuck.
Tsuki wraps her arms around me lifting me up. She's squeezing me, pretty damn hard.
"OuCH!" I groan.
She immediately puts me down and grabs my face, "OUU sorry about that! Are you okay though?" she says softly.
"I'll manage" I reply. She sighs and wipes her forehead, "Thank goodness!"
       We all turn to look at Carlos, "Well? What the hell are we gonna do now?" I say.  They all look at me and back to Carlos.
       "I'd say that you guys and gals go home. You're definitely gonna need your rest for tomorrow morning"
Fuck! That voice is that—
Commander Lee?! My mouth immediately drops!
            "No need to explain", he says calmly, "I've been standing by watching the whole thing pretty much!"

Wait what?! He was there this whole time?!

     "You were here this whole time?" I scream. Shocked, he looks to me.
"We could've gotten seriously hurt or worse!" He sighs and rolls his eyes. I can feel the four of them looking at me. The energy is very tense but I don't give a shit!
     "What kind of Commander just stands there and watches his new recruits get attacked for no reason !!?" I say.
          "You're right. A Commander! Your Commander!" he yells, "Now all of you go home and come by my office tomorrow 9am sharp. I have a mission for you guys."
A mission? Already? Damn!
              At this point what can I say? I just huff and dash off.
I hate just leaving everyone like that but it just pisses me off! He watched as we struggled. He watched!
   Arriving closer to home I can hear rapid footsteps behind me. Turning I notice it's Kash.
"Hey" he says softly.
"Look Kash I'm sorry fo-"
"No" he says quickly, "I'm not here for an apology. I just needed to check on you. You passed out earlier and I was a little worried."
"I'm okay Kash, really" I say softly. He then walks up closer to me, looking at me. His eyes grow softer with every second.
     He smiles softly at me, "Goodnight Chibi."
"I-uh-goodnight!" I reply quickly as I dash into my house.
     Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! The hell was that?!
"Chibi you're home!" My papa yells.
"EHHHHH!!" I shriek.
His eyes widened, "Oh my I didn't mean to startle you!"
"I was just-um-I'm pretty tired actually. Peace!" I quickly say as I run up to my room.
      Running inside my room I quickly shut my door.
Breathe Chibi! Shit!
I let out a sigh and jump on my bed. Mango jumps up and lays beside me. "Oh fuck" I whisper. Mango turns just looking at me. I pet his head and smile.
           "Goodnight Mango" I whisper.
Soon after-I slowly doze off.

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