Chapter 19- Lies....

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        I can feel Tsuki grab my hand. She holds it very tightly and her hand is warm. I inhale then exhale.
"....whewwww" I whisper. Tsuki turns to me and smiles, "You know everything's gonna be okay, right?" Her voice gets so soft. I quickly turn to her and her hazel eyes shine in the darkness. I nod my head and she smiles, "Perfect!" she shouts. Our eyes widen and we glance behind us.
        Monsai, Kash, and that bastard all stare at us confused. We just turn around and start walking away faster! Tsuki and I can't help but to laugh.
Shortly after we hear Monsai from behind, "Up ahead. Do you guys see that?" he says calmly. We quickly look forward.
           I! Not just any kind of men..."El Diablos Men."
  Me and Tsuki both stop instantly and I turn around. Monsai is standing right there and Kash is right behind him. "So we need a plan" Monsai says calmly.
"OH MY- shit Monsai!" I quickly say. He pulls his head back, "Plan? We need that" he says calmly. "Oh...right" I whisper.
  "Judging from the looks of it, they're guarding the building. We need to get inside of that building. Okay?" Monsai says softly. We all nod our heads and he continues.
      "I'm thinking I could walk by and play a normal traveler. They won't pay too much attention to me but that's when our Chibi comes in" he looks at me, "Just be yourself and try to get their attention. Kash and Tsuki, you guys try to blend in as siblings and meet me at the door in 5, understood?" We all nod our heads.
   Wow. Monsai is freaking good!
As we all turn back to the building I instantly freeze.
That damn bastard is going for it! He's actually leaving!!!
Me and Kash try to dash off but Monsai grabs our arms. "No. Same plan, remember? Don't worry about him. We can deal with him later" he says sharply. He lets go and walks past us. I let out an exhale. Shit! When I get my hands on that bastard, I will rip him apart! I notice Monsai getting closer so I make my move.
   Get their attention huh? How the hell am I supposed to do that? Think Chibi think! As I get closer to them I blurt out, "Hey wanna arm wrestle?" What the fuck! I can feel the energy shift as they turn to me. That was totally an accident, shit!
      One guy by the door taps his friend, "He will" he snarks while his buddies laugh. "Bring it!" I reply. I glance at Monsai and he's shaking his head. The buddy walks over, "Well? Come on." He sounds very irritated. What's his problem?! We get into positions and I can see Monsai ready to pounce!
"Ready......set.....GO!" I shout. I slam his hand onto the table as Monsai takes down 3 men, that's half. "Ugh!!" the buddy groans, "So not cool." He gets up and walks back to his friend, "Your turn douche bag." The guys huffs and walks on over.
"Ready?" I say softly. Monsai creeps on the next two and points at the one in front of me.
The guy rolls his eyes and sits down,
     "Whatever! This shit can't be that hard! This little girl-" I grab his hand and flip his whole body over. Being ambidextrous really has its pros huh? "Enough of that" I snark. I head to the door and everybody is here already. Perfect.
   "Everybody alright?" Monsai whispers. "Just jolly!" I shriek. They all turn to me. "Sorry" I say softly. We look back to Monsai, "Tsuki you lead. We need your fire. I'll be right behind you" Monsai says calmly. Tsuki nods her head, "When you say it like that....I'd love to" she replies. I giggle and we walk in.
Tsuki stops, "Shit! Guys...we have to go downstairs..... again" she whispers. "It's alright" Monsai replies, "We're all together." I grab onto Monsai and we continue, heading down these stairs. At the end, we see a door and walk up closer.
         "Do I just break it down...or?" Tsuki whispers.
   "Not yet" Monsai says calmly as he walks up to the door. He puts his hand on it and leans towards it. He flinches back instantly after!
               So does the three of us!
"What?? What is it???" I whisper sharply. He takes a huge step back with his hands hugging the three of us from behind.
"Go! Nowwww!" he shouts.

     Oh my gosh!!!! We all instantly turn around to run back up the stairs as fast as we could!         Monsai takes his hands and starts doing circular motions towards the ground causing water to shoot us ALL out of there! We're going fast!
That's when an explosion happened right behind us. As we're about to land, Monsai wraps water around the four of us. Shielding us from the disaster behind. Shit! What the hell was that? As we all get up the water dissolves into the ground.
"What the hell man??!" I shriek.
"Everybody listen! Be on guard at all times!" Monsai shouts calmly. We immediately stand into position. Waiting and watching the blown up entrance that could've been it! Wait...what's that sound? That tapping sound.... I see Monsai's foot shift. I bet he can hear it too.

         Then I! It's that bastard! Of course it is....he did get there first....but how in the hell did he get past these men? Traitor....but I already knew that.
     When we can clearly see his whole body I notice two men coming from behind him and they're carrying "El Diablo." Interesting.
   I feel Tsuki come up close beside me while Kash walks past me to stand beside Monsai. The two of them hold their stance while me and Tsuki hold ours. I just knew that bastard would do that. The 3 of them including Diego all stand in front of us.
Then that bastard smirks! Seriously?!?!
    I go to walk forward because I just need to beat his ass! "You are a piece of shit—" I scream as Tsuki grabs my hand to stop me from leaving her side. I look to him, "If you think any of you are leaving you're dumb!" I growl. The two guys behind him look to each other, worried as they whisper. The white haired bastard then speaks, "Listen Chibi.....Sorry. I'm sorry have to fail your first mission" he says sarcastically, "but that's not my problem—."
Kash then immediately dashes forward, "Shut the fuck up!" Monsai follows closely behind not a second later. The bastard smiles, clicks his staff, and puts it away. "Sure. If you make me" he says quietly.

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