Chapter 13: Our First Mission

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                  -BEEP BEEP BEEP-
        That's all I heard till I slammed my hand down on my alarm clock. Time to get ready. As I slowly rise from the bed I hear my papa chanting from the kitchen, "CHIBIIIIIII MY SWEET CHIBIIIII!" This man be getting up real early doesn't he? Shit I wish I was a morning person myself.
                After I freshen up and get ready I head downstairs.
"Chibi!" he screams happily. I smile and sit down at the table. "I didn't get a chance to tell you how proud I am of you. Your mom and dad would be so proud" he says softly. "Thank you papa" I whisper. He smiles and places my plate in front of me. "So Chibi, I wasn't trying to pry or anything like that but ummm who was that fella outside last night? Haven't seen him around here before" he says concerned. My face gets RED AS HELL!
"Oh-uh-I" I stutter.
What the fuck!!!
Then I blurt out, "A friend. Just a friend papa."
               "Oh. Of course!" he says softly smirking at me. Ehh?!?! I turn to look at the clock, "Oh shit! I'm going to be late! I gotta GO!" I shriek. He checks his watch and starts shrieking too,
"Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Get out before you're late!" At that point we're both screaming as I quickly run out of the house.
              Okay I have 30 minutes tops. I should easily get there in time. I start heading that way. To think that I have my first mission today, crazy. I literally just passed yesterday.
          Almost there! Gosh I'm nervous. As I walk by this alley I hear some commotion going on. What the fuck? Whatever I don't have time for this right now.
   Then I hear a voice, "Get away from me!" Kinda sounds like a younger girl. I take a couple steps back and look down the alley. I see a girl with short hair who seems to look at least 14 years old. I also see two younger boys blocking her path to escape as well.
   "Hey! What the hell are you guys doing?" I scream. They both look to me and the girl immediately throat punches both of them. Oh shit! Grabbing their throats, they run away crying. The little girl sighs.
       "What the hell was that about?" I say softly to her. She immediately blows up, "Those douche bags tried taking my stuff again!" she shrieks. Tilting my head, "Again?" I reply.
"Yes!" she says.
"The way you throat punched them I don't think they'll be bothering you again!"
She smiles and wipes her forehead, "Yeah I guess I am pretty strong..sometimes. Oh! I'm sorry! You can call me Waffle."
"Oh—Pleasure. I'm Chibi." She immediately smiles at me.
Waffle? That's interesting.
"Oh shit!" I shriek. Her eyes widen.
"I'm sorry Waffle but I'm going to be late if I don't leave now! See ya!" I say waving her bye. She waves back and then I'm gone.

   Shit shit shit! I don't have much time now. At this point I'm running trying to make it.
2 minutes? How in the heck?! I wonder if they made it already...probably.
         Arriving to the Commanders office I bust through the door, 9 am ON THE DOT!
Everyone turns their head to look at me.
Tsuki, Monsai, Kash, Commander Lee, and his assistant Saki.
"Well....Please do come in" Commander Lee says sarcastically. I walk in, "Umm-hello everybody" I say softly.
"Hey beautiful" Tsuki replies.
"Grand Rising Chibi" Monsai says politely.
"Uh-hey-morning Chibi!" Kash blurts out. He immediately looks down. Commander Lee shakes his head, "Umm- okay then. Let's just get started." He walks to sit behind his desk and Saki walks over and hands him an envelope. Grabbing it he opens it up.
"Hmmm" he hums, "Here's the situation, there is a village called Bachi. Now in that village there is a group of thieves. They go around tormenting people with their abilities taking from innocent bystanders. Families, Orphanages, and more. You catch my drift?" We all nod at him. "I've gotten some information about this leader they have. The followers apparently call him El Diablo but his real name is actually Diego Noyola" he says sarcastically.
"Diego Noyola?" Monsai says calmly.
          "Yes!" Commander Lee says happily.
"What I need you guys to do is stop this group of bandit bastards and bring me Diego" he says with excitement.
Okay. He's kind of crazy.
"Well here is your maps! Good luck to you all!" he says handing us our scrolls. Saki is just standing there cheesing. "Umm-great" I reply sarcastically. As we start walking out the door, Commander Lee and Saki is just standing there waving us goodbye.
Well here we go. Our first actual mission.
          As we head out of town we stop at the end of the gate. "Okay guys, if we stop for rest only once, we should make it before sunset" Monsai says calmly as he puts his scroll away. "Sounds good to me" Kash replies. We all start walking away from our home. Our village Norrah. We can hear some villagers chanting behind,
"For Norrah!"
"You got this!"
We just start walking away faster at that point.

           We made it about halfway so we take a little break. "This should be good" Monsai says softly, "Anyone thirsty?" I quickly turn my head towards Monsai immediately walking then eventually crawling to him.
"Water! I need your water!" I say playfully groaning. He looks down at me and walks around me, "Kash? Tsuki?" he says calmly.
They both giggle, "Sure" Tsuki says.
"I'll have some too" Kash says. After giving them water I make my way back to Monsai crawling once more. "Water! Por favor!" I shriek. Rolling over on my back Monsai quickly throws his hand towards me splashing water on my face. "" I groan. Monsai just shakes his head and sits on a stump.
   Tsuki starts preparing a small fire and Kash starts prepping our meal. I turn to Monsai, looking at him. "I wish I could get a better breeze" he says calmly.
"A breeze you say?" I whisper as I smirk slowly as him. I quickly slam my palm into the ground shooting him and the stump he was sitting on in the air. Bringing it back down the stump lands first but as Monsai comes back down he starts twirling all around with his water gracefully landing.
"Well what the hell?" I shriek.
"That was a pretty nice breeze. Good one Chibi" he says politely.
"Ughhh you're welcome Monsai" I say sarcastically plopping my face into the ground. I can just hear them all giggling after. I love this. Even though we don't have any plans or any idea of what could happen, I'm glad to be doing it with these motherfuckers.
    Soon after, our dinner is done. Kash gets up and hands everyone their bowl. I quickly sit up to receive mine. Oh wow! Miso soup! Delicious!!
          I notice Tsuki getting up to sit with Monsai but she makes eye contact with me first and smirks. What the hell? Why is sh-
"So far so good?" Kash says softly.
"Oh-ummmm-Absolutely! I love miso soup" I  reply.
"Great. I'm glad you love it" he says as he smiles softly at me. He sits down next to me.  
    After a couple of minutes we finish up our soup. "Ahhh! That was good as hell!" I scream. Kash just giggles,
"Hey I-" he tries saying.
"That shit was good! Can I have another round?" Tsuki shrieks. Kash turns to her, "Yes of course." He then fixes her another soup and sits back down next to me. We both smile.
"So uh Chibi-" he tries saying again.
               "DAMN! That was so fucking good! May I have seconds please?" Monsai says abruptly. Kash rolls his eyes and we both turn to Monsai. 
"Sureee" Kash say's sarcastically. He gives Monsai another bowl and sits down beside me once more. "You were saying?" I say all giggly. He shakes he head and smiles, "I just wanted to say that I'm glad I ran into you Chibi, literally" he says softly, "You were the light I needed back into my life." Oh shit.
"I don't know what I could've done but I'm glad I could help" I reply softly.
"Well for one, you were the first person to actually give a damn. I didn't think I was going to get close to anyone but you showed me kindness I didn't expect" he says. I smile softly at him. His eyes soften. "Of course! You aren't an asshole yourself" I say sarcastically. We both laugh then stop, just looking at each other.
        -COUGH COUGH-
We turn to look over and Monsai is patting his chest, "Sorry", he says calmly, "Tofu." Him and Tsuki then giggle. We shake our heads just laughing.
       "Alright, I think it's time for us to continue now" Monsai says softly.
"Thank goodness! I was getting bored!" Tsuki shrieks. We all start to pack our things and start our journey, heading to Bachi.


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