Chapter 6- Maintain Peace

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                  We arrive back. "Ahhh!" I stretch my body. "I feel brand new!" I say so happily. The 3 of them giggle. We walk back to our spots and notice that the tournament is finished with the first rounds and is on hold till the next rounds start. Basically giving the remaining contestants a break to get their "strength" back up. Looking around I notice the ones who didn't pass aren't here anymore. Just the 8 of us now. Great how they narrowed it down for me. I let out an evil laugh.
Tsuki looks to me and does the same.
We laugh.
I do wonder though, who gets to fight who? So there is me, Tsuki, Kash, and Monsai. Unfortunately Kura made it through too. Whore. Then we have this guy named Drew, Jean, and some chick named Sonya. This should be interesting since they actually made it through and all.
After our little intermission the intercom finally goes off, "Howdy folks! Hope everyone enjoyed themselves! I seen the nacho stand line get prettyyyy long!"
He laughs.
"Now back to the action! We are left with 8 wonderful, talented human beings here who are ready for action!" The crowd roars.
"First up in The Finale we have Chibi v.s. Jean!" Damn. I know I said I was ready but shit. "Whew!" I scream as I walk off.
"You got this Chibi!!"
"Yes bitch!!"
"Show 'em!" My friends scream. Okay. I got this. Walking up to positions I notice this guys got a Bow and Arrows. What the hell? How did I not notice this beforehand? Oh right...probably because of that LONG bathroom break. Damn. The guy on the intercom speaks again, "Okay guys and gals, are we ready? Cause I sure am! Ready...set...FIGHT!!!"
Instantly he's gets into stance and has his arrow ready for takeoff. He shoots. Damn. Stomping onto the ground I create a mini wall in front of me. Fuck he's fast! Wait....what's that ticking sound....? Oh shit! The arrow is gonna blow!! As I jump out of the way the arrow blows up my wall. As I land I look around. Where is Jean? Where is he?? I turn around too late and he kicks me in the back. Shit!! Shit! Shitttt! Flipping over I see another arrow ready....pointing at me. He smirks then shoots again while I'm lying there facing him. Rolling over to one side, I punch the ground forming a small shield catching his arrow. I then throw it as far as I can so it'll explode somewhere else.
"Those tricks won't work Chibi. I've watched you. You're just a little nobody." He says. A little huh? A LITTLE WHAT? I flip landing on my feet then quickly look to him.
" say......little?" I say quietly.
"Yes bitch! Can you not hear? Just surrender so your friends don't have to see what happens next, you little....nobody." He screams to me.
Oh.....little huh? I'll show you little. I took my stance, holding my form, breathing. He lets out a laugh, "alright then!" He proceeds shooting another arrow at me. I stomp and cause the ground to lift me up as well as him. We're about 20 ft from the ground, standing on pillars that I created. He looks frightened now. Funny. He tries shooting another arrow at me so I instantly drop his pillar back down. His arrow hits the middle on my pillars causing it to break so I jump towards him. If I make this, that's it. I win.
Flying towards him I stick out my leg and connected it to his chest. We're falling straight down. "How's that for a little nobody!!!!?" I yell to him. After landing I flip off of him landing on my feet this time. Yes!!
I instantly start jumping up and down.
"ANDDD THATS A KNOCKOUT!! Chibi is our first winner folks!!" The crowd goes CRAZY!
"Oh my gosh!!! No wayyyy! Yes!" I scream. I can even hear my friends screaming my name.
My grandpa...He looks so happy. I'm glad I could make him proud. I'll make him even more proud of me! "Thank you everybody!!" I scream as I walk to my friends. "Ahh! Chibi Chan! You did so good!" Tsuki says to me as she wraps her arms around my neck. Kash and Monsai just stand there side by side smiling at me. The intercom goes off, "Next up we have Kash V.S. Drew!" The crowd instantly cheers. As Kash walks off we're cheering him on.
"You got this Kash!!!" I scream as loud as I can. He turns to look at me and smiles. As he gets into position the intercoms goes off, "Okay fellas, give me a nice clean match! Ready...set....FIGHT!" Kash stands there in position, waiting. Drew looks focused too. As Kash moves his foot Drew darts to him, immediately disappearing. Shocked, Kash says, "What the fuck?" He looks around then finally turns around but before he could,  Drew kicks him in the back. Kash flips forward and Drew teleports again. Grabbing Kash, Drew throws him down into the ground. Kash lands hard....he's not moving. As Drew walks up to Kash to look down on him, "That was too easy" he says calmly. Drew goes to kick dirt on him then Kash immediately shoots out a string wrapping it around his ankle. "Fucking bitch!  Kash screams as he pulls the string flipping Drew down. Kash gets up fast and his eyes turn bright red again. Drew stands up as well, angrily. He wipes the dirt off of him and darts forward, disappearing once more. Kash immediately spins around throwing his leg back and connecting it into Drew's face. Drew flies back but Kash doesn't stop. Kash forms a ball of blood and claps it causing it to shoot towards Drew. Doing so, it split up and became sharp pieces that pierced into Drew's clothing, pinning him against the wall. He's unconscious at this point. That can only mean one thing!
"AND WE HAVE OUR 2ND WINNER FOLKS! KASH!" The crowd cheers for him. Kash just looks around, smiling. Then he bows and heads back to us.
"Kash that was amazing!" I say.
"Thank you Chibi, really." He says calmly.
"Impressive" Tsuki says sharply. He looks to her and gulps, "Uh...thanks?" Monsai laughs and puts his arms around Kash, "You did great out there, don't worry."
Kash smiles. "Thanks bro."
As we turn waiting for the next match, Tsuki looks at Kura who is already smiling at her.
"Bitch what!?" Tsuki growls. Kura scoffs and walks away. "Exactly! Run away Kura!" Tsuki screams. Suddenly after, the intercom goes off, "Now we have our next contestants, Sonya V.S. Monsai!" He lets out a deep breath and heads to the ring. We all start screaming in sync. Monsai blushes and pulls his cloak over. I can't wait to see Monsai in battle again. He moves so elegantly. As he arrives in the ring, he gets into position.
He Is Ready.

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