Chapter 11 - A Talk

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I wake up after another shit nights sleep and after Valkyrie was nice enough to guide me back to my room after finding me in such a shit state last night. I exit my room and walk to the cafeteria where multiple other operators were eating. I grab some breakfast and walk to the furthest table from everyone else where I ate. I had Valkyrie, Ela, IQ, Dokkaebi, Ash and Frost all come and sit at the table with me again.

Y/n: Hey, girls.

Ela: Y/n, we need to talk.


Ash: About last night.

Thankfully, I was saved by the bell when Harry and another person walked into the room. The person was just in regular clothing and surprisingly not in any military uniform to assert his status.

Harry: Alright, I know you all must be surprised right now but we have a new operator joining us today. He's part of the Navy SEALs and has come all the way from the states to join us. Would you like to introduce yourself?

Badger: I'd love to. Hey, everyone, my name's Spencer Scott but you can call me Badger. I'm part of the Navy SEALs and usually whenever I get time off I stream on twitch and post videos on youtube. I am a sharp-ish shooter and have knowledge on many types of firearms and army vehicles. I was originally born in Canada but moved to the states for my military career and now the thing I am most known for, being a content creator.

Harry: Thanks for the introduction, Badger. Go around and talk with some people, make some friends and I hope everyone makes him feel welcomed.

Harry walks out while Badger walks to the table where the Russians were along with Bucky. I look back at the girls who were all staring at me.

Y/n: *sigh* Continue...

Ash: Why were you beating the punching bag at MIDNIGHT?

I sigh before looking at Valkyrie who has a worried look on her face.

Y/n: I had a nightmare and just needed to blow off some steam. That's all.

Ela: That's not what Meghan told us.

Y/n: If you suggest going to therapy, it won't work.

Frost: Have you tried?

Y/n: Multiple times... If anything I think the therapist needs therapy now.

Thankfully I'm saved from the conversation when the new operator walks over to our table. I stand up and shake his hand.

Y/n: Nice to meet you. Spencer, right?

Badger: Call me Badger. Am I interrupting something?

He says motioning to the girls who were all frowning at me. I turn back to Badger.

Y/n: Nothing important. Wanna catch up later?

Badger: Sure, I'd be down to hang out. Harry said I'll be in dorm 82.

Y/n: Guess you're with me.

Badger: I'll unpack my stuff in our dorm. I'll meet you back there.

Y/n: Need some help?

Badger: Nah, I'll be fine.

Y/n: Alright.

Badger leaves the cafeteria so I turn back to the girls and see them all glaring at me. I sigh before sitting back down.

Y/n: Like I said, therapy won't work and since Bucky told me what the cost was I might be stuck with these for the rest of my life.

Dokkaebi: C'mon! There has to be someway we can help calm you.

Y/n: I feel pretty calm with you girls around.

They all went silent and tried to hide their faces while their faces seemed to be turning a shade of pink but I didn't really know why so I moved past it.

Y/n: Look, I appreciate you all trying to help me get through this but this is how I have to live now.

Valkyrie: Can't we do something to at least ease the nightmares?

Y/n: How am I meant to know? I just came out of mind control and I'm still trying to get used to things here. I think that's more of a question for Stark. I'm gonna go help Badger with moving in.

I walk away from the group and out of the cafeteria where I go and look for Badger.

3rd POV

As Y/n walked off the girls looked between each other, all concerned about Y/n's mental health and wellbeing. They all stand and walk out of the cafeteria and to Harry's office where he and Tony were talking.

Ash: Harry, Mr. Stark, we need to talk about Y/n.

Tony: If it's about his PTSD, we're trying to come up with a way to help him.

Harry: Believe us, girls, we've been doing everything to try help him but haven't found a way.

Tony: Best thing I've come up with is completely resetting his memory. He'll only remember the stuff before he was the Winter Soldier.

Ela: Couldn't you just erase the Winter Soldier completely?

Harry: He'd never be gone completely. Y/n would still be haunted by his past actions.

Tony: It's either he has to deal with these hauntings or we erase everything about him.

IQ: There has to be something!

Tony: He's tried therapy, meditation, shit he even went out and walked out of base for a couple hours a few days ago. Nothing has worked for him. I suggest if you find him out doing something, you let him and don't interrupt him.

Harry: I am in agreement with Tony on this. Just let Y/n do his own thing and just pray this all goes away in time. Other than that, there is nothing we can do.

The girls sigh and leave Harry's office, saddened by the outcome of the conversation. They all walk through the halls to see Badger and Y/n talking and joking around like nothing happened to Y/n during the night. Badger and Y/n walk to their dorm while the girls talk amongst themselves formulting a plan to try help Y/n.

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