Chapter 5 - Truth Revealed

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Bucky POV

Price: You mean to tell me, you want my team to go head to head with the Winter Soldier to try "neutralize" him?

Ghost: Sounds like a suicide mission.

Harry informed us of his plan to capture the Winter Soldier. They didn't like the idea of going head to head with the Winter Soldier especially after hearing about him beating Cav... twice.

Ghost: The Winter Soldier is a man who is essentially a one man army.

Harry: Which is why you five will be fighting him head on while we set up a stealth team to try take him out without him knowing.

Roach: What's to stop him from killing one of us?

Harry: Ok, how about a new plan then? Bucky goes against the Winter Soldier alone with a body cam but you four are there as backup.

Bucky: I'm all for it. I think it's probably the best shot we have at getting this guy.

Soap: I hate to say this but I agree with Bucky. This is the best plan we've got.

Price: *sigh* Alright. What's the operation plan?

Harry: Bucky will guard a high ranking politician who has a target on his back for the White Masks. When the Winter Soldier comes out that's when Bucky will go for the attack. When the Winter Soldier is occupied, you four will try knock him unconscious and then extract back here.

Ghost: If things go south-

Harry: If things go south you all will be extracted immediately. I care about the lives of my operators more than the mission. Your heli departs in five so I suggest you get to the roof.

The five of us leave the office and walk through the halls. I could feel the concern radiating from 141.

Price: Are you sure you want to go through with this?

Bucky: Price, I fought the Nazi's, I'm pretty sure he won't be that big of an issue for me.

We continue walking until we reach the roof where Marius was waiting for us in the chopper. I find a body cam inside the heli so I put it on and turn it on. I get a sense of familiarity being in the same heli as the rest of 141.

Bucky: Heh, feels like old times, ay boys?

Roach: Honestly does. I missed doing ops with you Bucky.

Soap: It had gotten pretty boring without you.

Bucky: Alright, let's do this. Jager! Take off!

Jager: Gotcha!

I felt the helicopter begin to fly off the ground and into the air. Marius began to fly in the direction we were supposed to be going and the entire way, 141 and I just went over past operations where we took nothing seriously.

[time skip]

After multiple hours the helicopter lands at a political campaign in what looked like Manhattan. 141 went off to get a good view of the area for when the Winter Soldier shows up while I walk over to the politician who was running the campaign.

Politician: Ah, you must be body guard they sent.

Bucky: I am.

Politician: Excellent.

He walks back onto the stage and begins giving a speech to a large crowd of people who were present while many cameras were pointed at him.

3rd POV

While the politician continued his speed, the Winter Soldier was readying a shot from afar but Bucky was able to spot him.

Bucky: *mutters* Got you, you sneaky son of a bitch.

Bucky was waiting for the right moment while everyone in the cafeteria watched in anticipation. Suddenly, a bullet flew through the politicians head catching everyone off guard, including Bucky. He began to run in the direction he saw the Winter Soldier, who jumped down from his perch and slowly began walking toward Bucky.

Valkyrie: I still think that struck is sexy as shit.

Dokkaebi: I wish I could argue but I can't.

Ash: He's a terrorist!

Frost: A sexy one at that.

The table of girls continued to watch as Bucky and the Winter Soldier got closer to each other. Bucky threw his shield at the Winter Soldier but the Winter Soldier caught it and threw it directly back at Bucky. Bucky narrowly dodged it before taking out his rifle and firing at the Winter Soldier but the soldier took cover behind a car. Bucky used the opportunity to grab his shield from a truck before running at the Winter Soldier but he was caught off guard when the Winter Soldier grabbed him by the throat and threw him into a van, causing the van to indent. Bucky quickly got back on his feet and ran at the Winter Soldier while all the operators watched from the cafeteria.

Ash: He's even more skilled then I thought.

The Winter Soldier went in to punch Bucky but Bucky raised his shield which caused the two metal objects to collide causing a loud bang to echo throughout the city. Bucky kicked the Winter Soldier back giving him some breathing room.

Bucky: Gotta say, you're really fuckin scary.

The Winter Soldier quickly gets back up and runs at Bucky but Bucky slid between his legs and tripped him up causing him to fall to the ground but he broke his fall by rolling. Bucky got up and stared at the Winter Soldier who had his face away from Bucky until he slowly turned to face Bucky, leaving Bucky at a loss for words.

Bucky: Y/n...?

Winter Solider: Who the hell is Y/n?

The two stared at each other in silence as everyone in the cafeteria was stunned at the true identity of the Winter Soldier. He looked similar to Bucky but wasn't too similar to be considered twins. The cafeteria were filled with people talking about how it was possible for Y/n to be the Winter Soldier.

Ash: Did he just say Y/n?

Frost: Y/n is the Winter Solder? I thought he died.

Dokkaebi: It shouldn't be possible. Didn't Bucky say he died near the end of World War Two?

Valkyrie: He did.

Bucky and the Winter Soldier continue to stare at each other while time seemed to stop for Bucky, he felt like it was 1945 again where he saw his brother for the last time before he "died" and now Bucky is face to face with him again.

Ghost: *comms* Do I take the shot?

Bucky didn't respond. He was just frozen. Price, Soap, Ghost and Roach were all confused at what was happening. Soap found a large pipe so he picked it up and began slowly walking toward the Winter Soldier from behind. Soap lifted the pipe above his head a brought it down onto the Winter Soldiers head, causing him to fall to the ground unconscious which was enough to break Bucky out of his trans. He ran over to the Winter Soldier and examined his face as a single tear falls down his cheek.

Bucky: He's alive...

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