Chapter 8 - Operation Hail Storm

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Bucky POV

Everyone war boarding a helicopter while Marius piloted. I look at everyone who were checking their weapons and their gadgets, except 141. They all looked at me and nodded so I walk to the cockpit of the heli.

Bucky: Alright, Marius. Let's go.

Jager: Any idea where the guy is?

Bucky: I might have an idea on where he's going.

[time skip]

3rd POV

The helicopter flies over a big forest, covered in snow, in Siberia. Hundreds of trees and a small HYDRA base in the distance.

Jager: How'd you even know this thing was out here?

Bucky: I got some good Russian friends.

Jager continues to fly the heli until he landed infront of the HYDRA base. Everyone was about to get out but Bucky stopped them by raising his fist while staring at the base.

Bucky: You all stay here. I'll go in.

Ash: Are you insane?

Tachanka: It is Bucky we are talking about.

Ash: Don't side with Bucky!

Bucky: Relax, I'll be fine.

Bucky gets out of the heli and grabs his shield from behind him. He runs at the base before throwing his shield causing it to bounce between two guards, hitting their throats and killing them, before returning to Bucky's hand. He casually walks into the HYDRA base causing every HYDRA agent, scientist and occupant in the base to look at him.

Bucky: I heard the Winter Soldier's here. Mind if I get his autograph?

Outside, everyone watched the base from the helicopter but weren't able to see what was going on after Bucky went inside.

Thatcher: You think he's alright in there?

Dokkaebi: It's Bucky! I think he's doing just fi-

Dokkaebi was cut off by Bucky being thrown out of the building infront of the helicopter. Everyone looks at the base to see the Winter Soldier walking out of it with his rifle in hand and mask on his face making him seem even more intimidating to everyone in the heli.

Valkyrie: Now that I know what he looks like I can't unsee his face along with his sexy strut.

Bucky: Meghan, you can try fuck my brother when he's his normal self!

Bucky stands up and grabs his shield from off the ground. Ghost and Cav both exit the chopper and run at the Winter Soldier with Bucky while everyone else got into their positions. The Winter Soldier was easily able to keep up with Ghost, Cav and Bucky at the same time which made Cav extremely nervous. The others used none lethal rounds and tried to fire at the Winter Soldier but it was difficult due to how fast he was moving and with Ghost, Cav and Bucky in the way of the good shots. At times like everyone wished Kapkan (Maxim) and Glaz (Timur) came along. Bucky tried to smack the Winter Soldier with his shield but the Winter Soldier grabbed it and kicked the three away from him.

Caveira: Great, now he has your metal frisbee.

Tachanka and Jager began to fire at the Winter Soldier but he used Bucky's shield to block the rounds that were coming his way. Ela quickly threw a grzmot mine at the Winter Soldiers feet. It exploded like a flashbang which gave Bucky the opening to tackle him to the ground. Once on the ground the two were punching each other but Bucky was quickly thrown off before be threw the shield at a tree causing it to bounce off every tree after hitting it.

Soap: Christ, he's a one man army.

The Winter Soldier catches the shield before throwing it at Ghost who was able to roll underneath it causing the shield to get lodged into the side of Jagers heli.

Jager: My copter!

The Winter Soldier turn his attention to Jager and Tachanka. They both tried to fire at him but their weapons were out of ammo

Jager: Of course our weapons are empty!

Jager tried to throw a grenade at the Winter Soldier but the Winter Soldier caught it and threw it at the HYDRA base causing it to explode. Bucky notices the two in trouble so he grabs his shield from the helicopter and threw it at the Winter Soldier. The Winter Soldier quickly turns around and catches the shield before throwing it back at Bucky. Ash shot the shield causing it to fly off course and into the ground infront of Bucky.

Bucky: Thanks for the save, Ash!

Ash: You owe me one!

The Winter Soldier ran at Bucky but was tackled by Ghost. Ghost continually beat the Winter Soldier until he was kicked off. The Winter Soldier stands up and realizes he's outnumbered, but not out skilled.

Thatcher: It's over, soldier! Stand down!

The Winter Soldier just reloaded his rifle and stared down everyone else. Price and Soap started shooting at him so he returns fire but everyone else fires at him. He does take multiple hits but since they're non-lethal they don't effect him much. He grabbed Soap by the throat but was shot in the left arm forcing him to drop Soap. The Winter Soldier turns to Bucky who had a pistol aimed directly at the Winter Soldiers head. He loaded a lethal round into the chamber, silencing everyone.

Bucky: Don't make me do this...

He looked Bucky directly in the eyes causing memories to flood into Bucky's mind. Memories of their time in the war, time as kids and everything in-between. Everyone watched in anticipation while Ash sees Bucky's shield on the ground so she quickly grabs it and smacks the Winter Soldier across the head with it, knocking him out completely.

Ash: That was MUCH harder than it needed to be.

She tossed Bucky the shield before Ghost and Roach picked the Winter Soldier up and carried him to the helicopter. Everyone got aboard and Jager got into the cockpit and took off once everyone was sat down and ready.

Rainbow Six: The Winter SoldierTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon