Chapter 3 - Bomb Threat

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Bucky POV

It's been a week since I joined Rainbow and word has spread around about my brother. I wasn't angry at all, if anything I want people to know about him so he's not forgotten. People also learned about my main weapon being a large metal shield which some thought was impractical but it helps me out of alot of situations. I was in the cafeteria talking with Fuze and Tachanka who I learned has a running joke about him being called "The Lord" so I decided to play along.

Harry: Could operators Bucky, Caveira, Tachanka, Ash and Dokkaebi please report to briefing room one, please?

Tachanka and I stand from the table and say our goodbyes to Fuze before walking out of the cafeteria. The both of us walked through multiple corridors before arriving at the briefing room. We enter and see the other operators inside waiting for us including Harry. I take a seat next to Cav who, honestly, scares the shit outta me.

Harry: Thank you all for making it here on such short notice. Now, we have a hostile bomb threat in Berlin. Many of my contacts report White Masks at the scene so it's most likely them. I want all of you to go in, take out the terrorists and then disarm the bombs then let local law do their job.

Dokkaebi: What if the Winter Soldier is there like the hostage situation?

Harry: If he is, do not engage and evacuate the building. If there are hostages then do your best to get them out but I don't want anyone in this room to die. Your chopper leaves in 10 minutes so I suggest you gear up. 

We all leave the briefing room and head to the armoury where I grab my weapons and my shield which I haven't cleaned since I went to deal with those White Masks in Greece so it's still dirty.

We all leave the briefing room and head to the armoury where I grab my weapons and my shield which I haven't cleaned since I went to deal with those White Masks in Greece so it's still dirty

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

I put it on my back anyway and walk out of the armoury. I walk through the halls until I reach the stairs that lead to the roof. I walk up the flight of stairs before exiting onto the roof where I found Cav waiting for the others.

Bucky: You're quick.

Caveira: Don't push your luck.

I put my hands up jokingly before walking toward the chopper where Marius (Jager) was waiting for us. I enter the chopper and sit down on a seat and wait for the others, thankfully not too long after the others came in and sat in the chopper. Marius took off from the base and began to fly toward Berlin so I decided to lay my head back and get some sleep before we land.

Winter Soldier POV

I walk through the building while White Masks planted the bombs and moved the hostages to level 18 of the hotel. I awaited orders from HYDRA command about our situation while White Masks were patrolling the building.

HYDRA Commander: Winter Soldier, I have reports of Rainbow operators approaching from a nearby outpost. Be prepared for a fight.

I relay the comm message to the other White Masks within the building before heading to the 18th floor where I began patrolling the floor incase anyone would try rescue the hostages.

Rainbow Six: The Winter SoldierUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum