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I feel like Athena has been avoiding me for the past week or it's just me. Today Johnnie was doing his own thing so I wanted to go live with Tara and Athena. And right now Tara is trying to convince Athena to join while I wait in the car.

Apparently Tara said that she should do it and not her next door neighbor for reasons that I didn't listen to. I also found out that just a few days ago Athena was in a video with Tara, but it was just them shopping together.

It didn't bother me instead I was glad that my two favorite girls were getting along and doing stuff together. Soon Athena came out the door with Tara with a yellow sundress on, her and Tara were total polar opposites.

"Okay, we're ready." Tara said getting in the front seat "It took a bit of convincing."

"Because I'm hungover after drinking with you all night and my head hurts." She complained

"I have pills." I said digging in the center console giving them to her before I started to drive

"What are we doing today?" Tara asked

"Trying every crumble cookie."

"Oh god those sound amazing." Athena said

"You girls better have an appetite."

"Don't worry, I'm starving."

I laughed at Athena while Tara was talking about how last night went with them bar hopping.

"It was going great until some creep kept following Athena around." Tara said rolling her eyes

"What do you mean?" I asked looking at Athena in the review mirror but she was asleep

"She went to bathroom and when she came back some guy followed her towards me."

"And where were you?"

"In the crowed with some other girls."

"Don't go out again unless it's with me, please I don't want either of you getting hurt."

"Got it." Tara said looking at Athena "You know she really likes you."

"I know I'm her best friend." I said seeking a glance at Tara

"You're so oblivious." She rolled her eyes

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