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Athena called me a few days before she was supposed to come home, but now she says it is going to be permanent.

Her house was put up for sale and within a few days some old couple bought it, moving all their things in that day. They ruined Athena's flower garden. She gave the ownership of the flower shop to her most trusted worker Melissa, who gladly took the offer.

And as the months went on with Athena not being by my side, we both thought it was best if we broke up. It didn't hurt like I thought it did, but maybe it was just because we both agreed that it would be best for the both of us. And later I found out she was dating a different guy, he honest she didn't look happy with him like she was with me. But I can't say anything cause I feel like I would be too honest with her.

Like how it was a mistake that we broke up and that we could work it out of we would just talk and visit each other every weekend. But neither of us put that effort in.

I sat on the front porch smoking a cigarette, I started smoking again after she left but I never told her that, because she would be disappointed in me after she got me to quit.

But it doesn't matter now actually nothing matters to me anymore, she's thousands miles away with her dream that she wants to accomplish and I won't ruin that.

So I'm going to keep thinking of her like all she was ever was, was just a next door neighbor.

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