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"Let's take a break." My tattoo artist said finishing up my arm

I nodded not putting up a fight like I usually do he wrapped my arm before letting me go do what I wanted to do. Taking notice that Johnnie was busy with his own tattoo, I decided to see if Athena is still next door.

"I'm grabbing food, you want anything Johnnie?" I called out


I left quickly not bothering with what Johnnie wanted, I saw Athena in the window organizing her flowers in a vase. I knocked on the window to get attention. Her head perked up and she smiled once she caught my eyes, she motioned for me to come inside meeting me at the door.

"What are you doing?" She asked

"Just getting a tattoo next door, I saw you and thought I should stop by." I smiled

"I'm glad you did." She smiled "Wanna come and get some food with me? Unless you have to finish your tattoos."

I shook my head "I'll join you."

"Great, let me just finish this order."

I stood by the desk as she went around her store picking different flowers slowly making a bouquet. She wrapped it in brown paper before handing it off to another girl.

"I'm ready now." She said smiling up at me

"Where do you want to go?" I asked

"There's this cafe down the road, it has really good food."

I nodded my head "Sounds great."


We ended up at the beach watching the sunset, Johnnie and my tattoo artist were pissed that I never came back, but I was spending time with Athena so it didn't matter.

"I like this." Athena mumbled resting her head on my shoulder

I looked down at her before back up at the beach "I like it too."

I didn't lie to her, I really did like spending time with her. But what would I do if she wanted more then just being friends? I already told Johnnie that I wasn't ready for a relationship, but it seems like I'm being told different. I just don't want to hurt her if I decide something different.

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