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I haven't seen Athena in weeks, I've been busy with making videos with Johnnie and editing them.

I want to see her again. And I'm hoping she'll do a video with me and Johnnie today. I was standing on her deck ready to knock on her door while going through what I was going to say in my head, but she already opened the door.

"Jake, what are you doing here?"

Everything I was going to say to her went out the window.

"Uh well, I was wondering if-"


"Uh if you wanted to-"

I couldn't finish my sentence. I ran off her porch and right into my house running past Johnnie.

"Jake what happened?"

"I'm a little bitch." I yelled to him

"That about sums it up." I heard him mumble


"Oh." I said as I watched Jake run away from me.

I guess I won't act like that didn't hurt at all. I really needed to go grocery shopping, but it seemed like something was wrong with Jake.

Maybe it had something to do with me. But what did I do wrong?

Instead of heading to my car I went straight next door hoping that Johnnie would let me in to talk to Jake.

"I'm guessing you're here for Jake?" Johnnie asked

I nodded "Where did he go?"

"Upstairs, three doors down and to your left."

I thanked Johnnie before following the directions the was given, I stood infront of Jakes door for a few seconds before finally knocking.

"Go away Johnnie, I already told you that I fucked it up."

"What did you fuck up Jake?" I asked still confused

Jake went quiet making me worried.

"Jake, can you let me in?"

He opened the door letting me inside his room, I watched as he sat on his bed not bothering to look at me.

"What's wrong? I didn't mean to do anything." I said sitting next to him

"You didn't do anything, it's all my fault." He mumbled playing with his rings

"Jake, nothing his your fault, what did you want to ask me?"

"It doesn't pay to ask anymore."

"Yes it does."

He sighed "Can you be in a video with me and Johnnie this week? Just this one time please."

I smiled "Of course Jake."

His eyes lite up before he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Thank you!"

"When are we doing it?" I asked wrapping my arms around his next

"Next week, I'll come over and give you an actual day."


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