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Jake wanted me to stay over so I could be in a video with him and Johnnie, apparently Tara is also coming over. I have never met Tara before and I was kinda nervous, from the way Jake and Johnnie both talk kindly about her she seems to be nice.

"I'm here! And so is Sugar!"

She came around the corner and into the kitchen with a big smile on her face.

"Tara, this is Athena." He said introducing us

I smiled "Hi it's nice to finally meet you."

Her eyes went wide before running over to me.

"I'm so glad I get to meet you! Jake just won't stop talking about you."

I slightly laughed before I looked over at Jake.

"Okay ladies that's enough yapping. We need to start the video."

"What are we doing?" Tara asked sitting next to me

"Trying every single ice cream flavor."

I can't eat ice cream, I got sick eating that one little slice of pizza last time.

"Um Jake." I said trying to get his attention, but he was too worried about the video

"Everyone has to eat the spoonful whether you like it or not."

"Jake I can't." I said

"Why not? I swear I didn't get anything too gross."

"It's not that." I said frowning

"Then what is it?"

"I'm lactose intolerant, I can't eat anything with dairy in it." I admitted "I'll just sit this video out."

"I'm sorry, if I knew I wouldn't of-"

"No really it's fine, I think I'm just going to run home and shower."

"You can stay-"

"Maybe next time." I said as I left


I spent the rest of the day at the flower shop. I needed to restock some flowers and vases, plus I also needed to do requested orders. Which was a lot.

I stayed at the shop later than I wanted to but at least I got all of my shit done and no one would have to worry about it for the rest of the week. I felt bad leaving Jakes video, I stared to following him on YouTube now and when I watched the video he didn't seem like himself. It was all my fault.

I just wished I said something earlier, but I couldn't keep thinking about that. My phone buzzed next to me on the night stand, I looked seeing that Tara messaged me.

Wanna do a video together?

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