Chapter 32

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Nicole's POV

I woke up all dizzy and can't breathe. I didn't see Jane on her bed. Was it all just a dream? As the memories flashes back to my head. And I was debating to myself is it just a dream or did it really happen?

I walked dow the house. It was just a dream, "Good Morning Nicole!" Jean said.

"Good morning?" I said more likely asked.

"Hey, Did you see the Handsome guy next door?" Clarisse asked looking out the window.

"What handsome guy?" I asked.

"Oh, You'll see later." She said.

She is acting strange though, Jean put a plate of fresh cooked pancakes. "It's chocolate chip" she said then wink.

"Thanks, But I don't feel like eating" I said.

Something is really bad is going on. The last time I don't like to eat is, when I broke up with my boyfriend then passed out afterwards remembering none of what happen. And the flash backs of things is coming to me like imaginations.

The walk at night with a guy I can't see his face.

The fight.

I fell.

And lastly the kiss.

I shook it off, I always get imagination of this things. I don't even know of it is imaginations or memories.

We went to the cafe next our school. I don't remember anything really, but I know the lessons. But why did my grades went down? Our grades came and Apparently I got A-'s while my other sisters and cousins got A+'s

"Gosh, what happen? Why is my grades like this?" I asked.

"Oh, Yeah. Some dudes prank us making you miss a subject." Jane said recieving glares from them.

"The fuck is the dude did that? and I'll fucking kill those dudes" she said. But they all glances at eachother and sip on their drinks.

When she excuse herself to use the bathroom. But right after she did that someone bamped into her and making him spill all his coffee to her.

"Oh, God I am so sorry... I... Nikki?" He said as soon as he said that Nicole knew the voice.

"Dathi De Nogla?" She asked a little excited.

"Hey, how are you?..." He took a glimps behind him and he kinda tensed up. "Ahm... nice meeting a fan. See'ya" he said then walking out the shop.

Dang it! I didn't get a picture or anything. But we went to back to our house by foot. I regret wearing heels though. So I am walking bear foot.

"I hate coffee. Because you know how I get all hyped afterwards." I said.

When the rain poured down. "Well let us wash those coffee out of your system" Joan said then slapping my arm yelling "You're it!" Then running away.

I threw my shoes on our front yard and we played tag. While I am the it.

When a buff asian dude walked towards us with an umbrella, "Having fun girls?" As I looked at him I imidiently saw who was it.

"Vanoss?" I said in surprise.

"Oh, so you watch my videos?" He said.

"Well... Ahm... Yeah..." I was like a total retard stattering and just jaw dropped. While the others giggle atbthe scene.

"Dang it!" When I hear who it was I saw Wildcat walking towards Vanoss and all angry looking.

"What happen dude?" He asked Wildcat.

Real Life Game (VanossGaming and The Crew) -Currently Editing--Where stories live. Discover now