Chapter 28

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Nicole's POV

I can't believe James is gone because of me. I should never disobeyed him, I was sk reckless so stupid.

We are now in a burial of my brother. All of our relatives was there even the guys, except for Jonathan though. I don't know where he is and J don't want to interfere with the girls. I just stayed in front of the burial.

"Condilence Nicole" when I look up it was David.

I flashed a smile, I know it's fake and all but I rather smile than moarn. "Thanks you David" I said then looking bak at the coffin.

"I am sorry that Jon couldn't make it today. He can't see this again" David said.

I let out a confused looked at David he is just looking at the coffin. "What do you mean David?" I asked.

"He lost his sister, Luke's Girl. And being here will only remind him of what happen" he said.

I can see that he cares for Jon's sister too.

"She was once one of us, she was like our little sister" he said then looking at me.

"I am sorry to hear that David... I... it's just, expect that my parents will blame this" I gesture to thr coffin. "On me" He looked at me with an eyebrow up.

"Why would they blame you?" He asked facing me.

"It's just is." I said then standing up because my Aunt called me to her.

I walked up to Aunt Sam who is looking at David a little suspecious.

"Nicole tell me who is that Irish accent guy?" She asked.

"Oh, a friend of ours and a neighboor. David" I said in my most convincing innocent voice.

"Oh I see... And I see that your cousins are in a relationships and good ones too." She said looking at the three girls talking to their boys. "How about you? Have anyone?" She ask like she doesn't want anyone for me.

"Ahm..." Should I tell them or not. "I don't have any" I said.

She nod and walked away towards our other relatives.

I walked towards the others when I felt a hand on my arm, when I turn it was Luke.

"Why did you hide Jon from your Aunt?" He whispered.

"I was protecting him" I said but he doesn't know why.

"Protect him from what?" He ask a little suspicious.

"What's it to you Luke? I know you are just a best friend." I said a bit angry he tightens the grip from my arm.

"If you are just using my Best friend I won't have second thoughts on getting back at you" He said in a threatening voice.

"I. Don't. Care Luke, you don't know me like I do." I sais threatening back.

I know this is sudden but I think Jhey is not really gone yet. She stopped messing with my head, But I can still feel his anger and vengefulness.

Maybe it's because of James. I sigh.

"Let go Luke" I said not looking at him.

"We are not done yet Scar" He said pulling me closer.

"I said let go!" I kinda yelled and making them all look at me.

When Jon rushed towards us and yanked Luke's hands off my arm. "Luke what's got into you?" He asked at him.

Real Life Game (VanossGaming and The Crew) -Currently Editing--Where stories live. Discover now