Chapter 8

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Evan's POV

Jean and I are in the police station. To see what this punk wants from the girls, and why the girls only?

"Why didn't you kill the guy?" I joked. But I think she took it too seriously.

"A person said it's not cool to kill" she said.

"Har har... are you sure this is the guy who attacked Jane and Nikki?" I ask.

"I don't know let's ask Nikki and see what she'll say" Jean said then dialing up Nikki.

After a few minutes they arrive, and unexpected. Girls actually gets scared when they see the person who wanted to kill them.

"YOU CRAZY SON OF A BITCH!" Nikki said rushing to the guy and slapping, punching and basically hitting him with her all.

The cops tried to calm her down. But Jonathan held her pinning her with both of her hands on her back.

"You wait you..." she stopped and calmed. But her expression changed.

"You're not the guy... Who are you?" She said.

"What?" Me, Jean and Delirious, we all said at the same time.

"How can you be sure?" Jean said walking to Nikki.

"No. The culprit has this word written on his knuckles. Skull and a big tatoo on the arm." Nikki said walking on the door.

"But this guy broke into our house" Jean said.

"He might have something with the killer" Delirious said.

"Maybe he has connection with the guy who wanted to kill you" I said.

"Yeah, think Nikki. There is someone there want us dead" Jean said.

"Sorry little missy but let the police handle it" the less old looking police man said. Is an intern I'm guessing.

"Fine... I'm filing an attented murder and property damage with him thank you" Jean said.

I saw Nikki looked at the policeman and the guy on the interrogation table.

When we got out of the police station we all saw the guys amd girls.

"What happen?" Lui said.

"We found a guy but it wasn't the guy who wanted to kill Nikki but he wanted to kill Jean here" I said.

"Jean? You too?" Clarrise said.

"Yeah. You too?" Jean said.

"Yeah and if it wasn't for Craig here I would be dead" Clarisse said.

"You gurls need to becareful" Dathi said.

"Wait, Nicole was already threaten to be killed. So does Jean and Clarisse but why didn't Jane got any threats?" Lui said suming it all together.

"That's easy they are scared to even touch me. So don't they fucking dare!" Jane said.

"Yeah right." Tyler said.

"You don't know me Pig!" Jane said.

"We need to go home and try to think this through. But you girls wanna let us stay at your house?" Mini said.

"Sure. No one is coming home later we should lock all of it. And with their help we are safe right?" Clarisse said.

"And we should really go now I have a bad feeling" Nikki said.

Real Life Game (VanossGaming and The Crew) -Currently Editing--Where stories live. Discover now