Chapter 20 - Scarlett

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Leaving my car at home and clutching the file I was supposed to deliver to Blaze, I couldn't help but wonder why I had agreed to this meeting. I shouldn't have met him at night without a car and without a proper means of escape.

What was I thinking? What was the point of my fake relationship with Cain if I was seeing Blaze?

Although we were technically meeting for work reasons, I couldn't deny the underlying attraction between us. I could have found other ways to give him the documents, but deep down, I enjoyed being around him. He lived life without worrying about others and doing whatever he pleased—a lifestyle that I could never adopt myself.

Fortunately, my home was in close proximity to a bus stop that would take me directly to the location Blaze had recommended. My mind was consumed with worry, and I couldn't help creating improbable scenarios in my head.

I had ventured out into the town after dark a few times, but I couldn't shake off the fear from all the disturbing stories I'd heard about women being attacked. I had my superpowers, but were they enough to keep me safe? After all, I couldn't fully control them in normal situations, and it would have been a catastrophe if they had suddenly triggered during moments of heightened emotion. A genuine disaster.

Thankfully, I had reached my intended place without any mishaps. Once I got off the bus, I quickly surveyed my surroundings. The bar on the other side of the road seemed to have an unusually large number of people inside for a weekday night. I considered heading over to catch the next bus home, but then my eyes caught sight of that distinct Ferrari that always managed to elicit conflicting feelings from me. Since I was already here, I could just hand him the file and make a swift exit.

Resolutely, I made my way across the road towards his parked car. He stepped out of the vehicle, dressed in his usual casual attire, which honestly didn't shock me. He always looked so much more attractive in tight black jeans, a loose white T-shirt, and a stylish leather jacket.

"Here," I said, handing him the folder. I was finally free to go, but he snatched the papers out of my hand, not bothering to even glance through them, and tossed them onto the passenger seat. He locked the car, then walked past me, heading for the entrance to the bar.

I hesitated, unsure of what to do next. Part of me wanted to turn around and leave, but for some reason, I felt compelled to follow him. As I entered the establishment, I realized it was a warm and inviting bar—the type of place someone would go to unwind after a long day at work.

But Blaze didn't just stop at that. He continued on, leading me through a tight passage and down a flight of stairs without even bothering to check if I was keeping up. After a while, we finally reached the bottom of the staircase.

He nonchalantly opened the metal door in front of us and remarked, "You could use a little bit of fun."

As the door slowly swung open, I couldn't help but roll my eyes in disbelief. The club was nothing like the quiet bar above it. It was bursting with energy and packed with people, mostly rich young adults.

The club was a cacophony of sound and energy. It was full of a lively, noisy crowd, talking, dancing, and indulging in drinks. The atmosphere sparkled, the music reverberated at deafening levels, and the room was lit by vibrant lights, shrouded in a thick veil of smoke.

Blaze grabbed my hand and pulled me after him. The dense crowd made it hard for me to discern where we were headed. I assumed it would be the bar, given Blaze's apparent preference for it over anywhere else in the club. As we approached, the amalgam of alcohol, sweat, and smoke flooded my senses.

At the bar, Blaze ordered two drinks, but their names were lost in the incessant barrage of music. Lost in my own thoughts, I found myself gripped by an overwhelming sense of loneliness and desolation. I felt like an empty vessel, and my heart pounded with heartbreaking pain. I thought about all the young people here, who didn't look a day over 20, surrounded by friends. They were having a lot more fun than I was at their age.

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