Chapter 24 - Scarlett

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I gazed at my reflection in the mirror, attempting to cover up the bruises that Blaze had left on my body only a few days ago. I regret choosing such a revealing dress now. The foundation I applied did little to conceal the marks, which were still sore and throbbing.

Liz seemed unaware of the bruises I had, perhaps because of the sweater I was wearing. Had Liz noticed them and said nothing? Or was she planning to tell Cain later? The thought of Cain's reaction sent a wave of fear through me, and my hands began to shake.

As I applied foundation to my neck and chest, I debated whether to lie or tell the truth if he asked.

Concealing the bruises was impossible, no matter how much makeup I applied. I rummaged through my cosmetics bag in a panic, hoping to find a new bottle of foundation to hide the evidence, but the door to the suite creaked open before I could cover them up.

My heart racing, I frantically tried to make sense of how someone could have gotten in when I distinctly remembered locking the door. Without a second thought, I left my unfinished makeup on the dresser and quickly slipped into a pair of high heels, ready to see if it was just my imagination or if there really was an intruder. As much as I wanted to dismiss my paranoia, the truth became apparent as I caught a glimpse of his shadowy figure leaning against the wall, arms crossed in front of him.

"What the hell are you doing here?", I twisted around and yelled at Blaze, the source of all my troubles. "How did you get in?".

"Let's just say I had my ways", he replied with a grin, as I blinked a few times, trying to figure out how he'd gotten in anyway. "But that doesn't matter now", he added.

I turned my back to him, continuing to roughly apply foundation to my neck, knowing that no matter how hard I tried, I wasn't going to change the situation.

As I caught Blaze's reflection in the mirror, watching me with unwavering focus, my nerves grew increasingly agitated. The thought of Cain appearing only added to my anxiety.

"You didn't answer my question. What are you doing here?", I finally asked out of anger.

He preferred to be silent, but he moved closer to me. Panic fueled me and I quickly jumped out of my chair and threw the bottle of foundation at him.

The blue-eyed pyromaniac simply watched the bottle hit his chest, not flinching an inch before raising an intrigued eyebrow.

"Is that how you want to stop me?", he said mockingly as he moved even closer.

"Go away", I shouted, threatening him with my foundation brush.

A guttural laugh escaped Blaze's lips before he grabbed my wrist hard enough for the brush to slip from my hand, then I felt his palm grow hotter and hotter, preparing to burn me if I didn't get his way.

"I thought you needed me", he whispered in my ear. The warmth of his breath sent shivers down my spine and I felt myself melting as he ventured lower down my neck. "Now do you want me to leave? Which one are you for real, Scarlett?", he continued, planting gentle kisses along my collarbone.

The feel of his hands on my body made it hard to think. His name escaped my lips like a whisper as his fingers slipped beneath the fabric of my dress, touching the delicate silk covering my vagina. The words of protest I had been about to utter died in my throat.

Despite my best efforts to resist him, every kiss and touch from him was breaking down my defenses. I was well aware of the wrongness of our actions, but the way he made me feel was impossible to ignore. His intense gaze had me completely captivated, a fire burning within it that I couldn't resist. Logically, I knew I should have pushed him away, but my heart had other plans and I couldn't bring myself to resist him.

We kept kissing until the intensity took us to a whole new level. Blaze moved his hands all over my body as I moaned in pleasure, feeling his touch like an electric current spreading across my skin. He was so passionate, I was starting to forget why this was wrong to begin with, but luckily Cain's name crossed my mind before things got crazy again. With heavy breaths, I finally managed to push him away from me.

"Blaze, stop! I don't want this", I told him firmly, though not strongly enough for him to refrain from continuing. He seemed to be losing his patience, and I had no idea how to get him to leave without giving in to his wishes.

It seemed strange that I hadn't thought of Cain when I had been with Blaze the first time, but maybe it was the alcohol and drugs.

I was afraid of him.

I was afraid of both of them.

If Cain found out that I had slept with Blaze, he would have been really angry and I had a feeling Blaze wouldn't even help me. My thoughts were all jumbled, unable to come up with a solution, until his phone rang. Seizing the opportunity, I hurried out of the room without looking back.

I ran for some time down several hallways before slowing down to catch my breath. I didn't have my phone or my shawl, and I wouldn't want to run into Cain without a little cover. Eventually, I walked into a bar, hoping to blend into the crowd, squeezing my legs together as I felt ashamed of the wetness between them. To distract myself, I sat at the bar and ordered a Pink Flamingo Martini.

Despite the alcoholic beverage I ordered, I needed to stay sober, but this drink really appealed to me. Yesterday I went out with Skyler, Ash and Liz to a restaurant, and they recommended this drink. That's also when I found out Liz was bringing me today. I sighed, thinking of Cain and Blaze.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I thought of a common saying - everyone wants a master key that can open any lock, but no one wants a door that can be opened by just any key.

"Stop thinking about the past. You'll feel worse", I heard a female voice say. Hesitantly, I turned my head to the right and noticed a blonde woman sitting next to me - she was the dancer at the club I'd been to with Blaze.

"If you want some advice, don't trust his lies", she continued, but I didn't know how to respond.

"I'm sorry, where are my manners? I'm Diane, Blaze's ex-girlfriend", she said. "One of many".

The woman in front of me was even more gorgeous up close. Her platinum blond hair flowed down her hair, and her blue eyes stood out because of her makeup.

"If you're here to hurt me or something, save yourself the effort", I said as I sipped my cocktail. "I managed to do that myself."

A soft laugh echoed from Diana as I wondered if Blaze was just using me for sex. That thought had crossed my mind earlier, but I wanted to believe not.

"No, I just want to warn you about him", Diane said quietly. "He only cares about himself and his own well-being; you shouldn't get too attached to Blaze".

I didn't want to discuss Blaze with his ex-girlfriend, but the truth in her words couldn't be denied.

" I appreciate the concern, but why do you care? The way I see it, we're supposed to be enemies. Or at least not allies", I asked.

"Good question. I'm not sure why either. All I know is how much pain I endured while I was with him. I thought he could change, that he could become a better man. It seems some individuals just can't be changed or don't want to be changed", she said. "I've known him since high school. He's always been like that", she continued as she lit a cigarette. "I think the only thing he lives for is watching the world burn - literally."

I nodded, taking another sip of my cocktail.

"I just don't know how to get him to stop. The truth is, I don't even want him to stop, but there seems to be no other way", I tell her.

"Why don't you just ignore him for now? You're on a cruise, so do your best to make the most of it. Let me help you with those bruises", Diane suggested.

"I doubt you'll be able to, but okay", I said looking at my drink again. "I tried earlier, before he interrupted me."

"I think I have something that will help you", Diane replied.

Despite my reluctance towards her, I downed my drink and followed her to her room.

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