Chapter 32 - Cain

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With all other tasks completed, I felt a sense of urgency and determination to confront Liz. Her recent actions had left me questioning her intentions, especially when she kissed Scarlett. Whether she was with someone in her suite or not, I was determined to find out the truth. Without hesitation, I hurried down the hallway towards her room.

I kicked the door with my foot, and it swung open effortlessly. Of course, she hadn't bothered to lock it. Why was I even wasting my time trying to explain the importance of keeping her door locked? I angrily marched into her room and made a beeline for her bed, only to find her fast asleep wearing nothing but her underwear. My heart raced as I stood over her, seething in silence.

"Elizabeth, wake up. "Now," I said in a firm tone, but she just turned on her side, asking for five more minutes.

I couldn't tear my eyes away from her breasts, the ones that I had masturbated to countless times. The memories of our first night together rushed back to me, but I pushed them aside and refocused on the task at hand.

"Wake up now!" I shouted at her, grabbing the blanket she was clutching between her legs and dragging it across the floor.

I clenched my jaw in anger as I watched her sleeping, lying there without a care in the world. With a brisk but determined step, I walked to the bathroom and filled a glass with ice cold water before returning to the bedroom. I hesitated for a moment before pouring the liquid over her body, watching her wake up screaming in horror. Her piercing eyes focused on me as she noticed my presence.

"What the hell was that for?" she muttered to herself. "What was so urgent that it couldn't wait?"

I took a step closer, my eyes narrowing.

"What were you thinking last night? Why did you kiss her", I asked aggressively, grabbing her by the shoulders.

The thought of finding out the truth terrified me. My feelings for Liz were too strong to let her potentially hurt me like this. If she liked Scarlett, how would I handle it? And if she liked Liz, what would I do? I could handle Blaze, but not both of them together. As long as I'm alive, that will never be an option.

"So you were there after all", she replied.

What the hell was that supposed to mean? Of course I was there. I had paid for the whole cruise. So where exactly should I have been?

"I'm warning you, Elizabeth," I clenched my jaw.

She rolled her eyes, then broke free of my grip and grabbed a blouse thrown over a chair.

"Whatever. You're no fun at all", she made a point of informing me.

What was she expecting from me? To tell her to go on? To beg her to sleep with Scarlett and let me watch? What the hell... What was I even considering...

"I suspected you'd be there and I wanted to show you that she does stupid things when she's drunk", she continued. "Well, that still doesn't erase the fact that Blaze probably slept with her", she muttered to herself.

I stared at her, unsure of how to react. The image of Scarlett locking lips with Liz and looking directly at me was burned into my mind.

"You worry too much about me. The woman likes cocks way too much, believe me", she continued.

I let out an exasperated sigh and ran my fingers through my hair, feeling the stress building up. I turned and strode out of the room, wishing I could just drown my problems in alcohol. But that wasn't a solution. Instead, I needed to focus on the ones I could solve right away, like dropping off my shirts at the dry cleaners as soon as I got home. Ever since she became part of my life, not a day went by without me ruining a shirt.

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