Chapter 7 - Cain

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I knew deep down that Blaze would come after her again, it was just a matter of when. But I never expected it to be so soon - it only confirmed my suspicions that he was relentlessly pursuing her. It also made me realize that he must have known she was with me now and I couldn't help but feel guilty for putting her in danger. As much as I tried to deny it, everything played out just as Kristopher had predicted.

I shifted my gaze back to her, observing as she continued to stare out of the window. I couldn't help but wonder what thoughts were swirling in her mind. For once, her facial expressions gave away nothing of the inner turmoil she must be experiencing. A thought suddenly crossed my mind, causing a chuckle to escape my lips. The idea of cumming on her beautiful face gave me a brief rush of arousal, causing my cock to twitch for just a moment.

I finished my drink, refusing to dwell on such thoughts - not in this moment, when my emotions were unstable. The temptation to give in to my desires was powerful, like a siren's call drawing me towards reckless actions. But I couldn't lose my cool now, not with so much at stake. I gritted my teeth, forcing myself to redirect my attention elsewhere - anything to distract me from the image of her wearing a collar and kneeling for me.

I stood up from my seat and reached out my hand to her.

"It would be wise for you to avoid him," I warned her.

Without any hesitation, she reached out and placed her fingers in my open hand, giving me a grateful smile in return. I held onto her hand tightly, leading her towards the door with a sense of protection and care.

"Allow me to accompany you to your car," I suggested, trying to sound reassuring and composed. We made our way out of the noisy room and into the refreshing night air, leaving behind the scent of alcohol and perfume. As we entered the poorly-lit parking lot, my instincts were heightened and on guard.

Scarlett's words echoed in the still night air, a wistful note in her voice.

"You know, I had a really good time tonight", she murmured, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "It's nice to get out once in a while".

I turned to her, and though I didn't want to make her feel bad, I couldn't contain my curiosity.

"Once in a while?", I asked.

A tinge of sorrow flickered across Scarlett's face as she averted her gaze downward.

"I don't have many friends here", she admitted, her words spilling out in a rush. "In fact, I don't have any friends at all. There were a few people I talked to in college, but I lost touch after graduation".

She took a moment to gather her thoughts, her expression turning contemplative. "As for my sister... we're currently facing some communication problems".

I listened attentively, my heart brimming with empathy. I could sense the heaviness of solitude, the weight of being alone that she bore on her shoulders.

Her head turned towards me as she spoke, "I apologize. I didn't intend to unload all of this onto you."

We arrived at her car, and she fumbled in her purse for her keys, her fingers shaking nervously.

"I just... wanted you to know that tonight meant a lot to me", she said.

I leaned closer to her, eager to learn more about her.

"No, don't stop now", I said in a soft, convincing voice, closing the distance between us. "If we don't want anyone to know about this, we should know stuff about each other. Only then will our relationship seem real".

She gave a nod of approval, but didn't make a sound. Her body started to tremble and I suddenly regretted not taking my jacket earlier in the day. It was tempting to embrace her and offer comfort, but I resisted, not wanting to worsen the already strained atmosphere.

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