Chapter 6 - Scarlett

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Despite sending my sister multiple messages, I have yet to receive a reply. Once again, I am left feeling alone. It's not the first time this has happened, but this instance feels different

I was lucky that my boss didn't walk in on me crying; if he had, Inferno Knight would have demanded to know the reason behind my tears. But how could I explain that Blaze, his son, was the cause of my distress? He would never believe that his own child was capable of such actions.

The moment I walked through the front door, I made a beeline for the bathroom. All I wanted was to relax and forget about everything that had happened earlier in the day. As I peeled off my clothes, the memory of Blaze's lack of control popped back into my head. It seemed like a surreal experience, one that I had tried my best to avoid by staying indoors as it got dark outside. I even bought a car to minimize the chances of running into strange people like Blaze. But it turns out that what you fear most has a funny way of finding you.

Even though Blaze's abnormal behavior was unsettling, I couldn't deny the comfort of his hands on my skin. As I waited for the tub to fill, I absentmindedly dropped a bathbomb into the water, trying not to think about my boss's son and the complicated situation between us.

I knew I should have gone to the police and reported his actions, but for some reason, I couldn't bring myself to do it. A feeling of shame flooded through me as I watched the peach-scented bath bomb dissolve in the water. The scent wasn't my favorite, but I had bought it from Lush anyway.

As I lowered myself into the bathtub, I couldn't help but question my own actions. Was I in denial about Blaze? Would going to the police even make a difference? After all, there were surveillance cameras, and Cain had been present during the confrontation too. But would he be willing to stand up for me now? He didn't react when Blaze dragged me out of the cafe with him, so why would he do anything now? Yet, as I thought about it more, there were a few things that didn't quite fit my assumptions. It was strange that both Cain and Kristopher seemed unhappy with Blaze's presence. I wanted to ask them about it, but I didn't have the courage to do so.

I rested my head against the rim of the bathtub and shut my eyes, attempting to make sense of their unlikely encounter. Blaze possessed powers over flames, while Cain was just a regular guy. Their paths were unlikely to cross, yet they appeared to have a strong mutual dislike for one another. I couldn't understand why.

I couldn't pinpoint the exact amount of time that had passed since I first started pondering the unlikely connection between the two of them. My mind was consumed with trying to unravel their unusual situation, but no matter how hard I thought, I still couldn't make sense of it all.

Sighing, I stood up from the tub and felt a chill run through my fingertips as I reached for the cover and pulled it off, allowing the water to swirl down the drain. With a sponge in hand, I lathered on some shower gel and let my thoughts drift to other things, like what would have happened if Cain hadn't intervened and allowed Blaze to carry out his reckless plan. I didn't have an answer to that question either, but I couldn't shake off the nagging feeling that something deeper was driving Blaze's actions.

It wasn't entirely surprising behavior from him; I had overheard him once talking about a past incident involving another woman. Only this time, he had referred to her as his girlfriend, while I was just someone he knew in passing.

A sudden chill crept down my spine, triggered by the memory of his piercing gaze and the twinkle in his eyes as his fingers grazed over my nipples. I could tell he was surprised by the unexpected piercings but also intrigued by this new discovery. The anticipation for his touch simmered within me, and I couldn't help but sink back into the warm bathwater. As I sat there, my mind raced with thoughts of him—his chiseled jawline, the way his leather jacket hugged his broad shoulders, and the way his scent matched perfectly with his rugged appearance. Even after our brief encounter, his alluring scent lingered on my skin and clothes, mingling with the aroma of the bathbomb.

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