(2022, August 4th)

Barcode opened his eyes immediately when he felt a kiss on his cheek " Normally it would take minutes to wake you up, you are excited for your birthday, right?" Ta said smirking, Barcode blushed " No I was just not in my deep sleep" Ta gave him a peck on lips " Sure, sure now get up I made you breakfast" Barcode pouts " What happened to the breakfast in bed concept?" he asked Ta shakes his head and kisses his nose " We have so much to do today so that wouldn't be practical majesty" Barcode rolled his eyes and raised both of his arms " At least carry me to the dining table" Ta laughed and took Barcode from the back of his thighs " Not bridal style? Just another excuse to touch my ass" Ta laughed and kissed his neck as he makes his way to the dining table " Don't need any excuse isn't it my natural right because I am your boyfriend?" Barcode mocked him " Isn't it my natu-" Ta slapped his ass to stop him " Don't mock me majesty or I am not responsible for what I would do".

Ta pulled a chair from the dining table and let Barcode sit on it while proudly watching him looking at the food he made " When did you wake up to make all of this?" Barcode asked surprised by how many food there was in the table " Actually, I didn't make all of them" he said scratching his head " P'Po and P'Us brought some of them, they wanted to stay for the breakfast too but I told them we should be alone for it" Barcode laughed " You know you could have lied that you made them and I might have believed you" Ta laughed too " Yeah but I don't need to lie, I already have a good gift for you and also those two would probably tell you that they made some of the food the second they saw you" Barcode raised his eyebrows " I don't think they are that evil but ok Mr. good gift, I can't wait to see your gift then" he said while throwing a grape in his mouth.

Ta laughed instead of talking and take a bread from the table to put some chocolate cream on it, after he is done he put it in front of Barcode's mouth " Come on, open your mouth" Barcode smiled and opened his mouth taking a bite from it then covering his mouth with his hand while chewing it" You know what? Sometimes you can be extremely romantic" Ta smiled "Just for you" Barcode rolled his eyes " I bet you said that to your ex girlfriend too" he said sourly as Ta shakes his head " Are you being jealous, hmm?" Barcode looked away " You don't even object to it I can't believe I have a scammer as a boyfriend" Ta started to laugh " No I was not this romantic with my ex girlfriend" Barcode still pouts as Ta sighs, he feels like he is dating a very grump and chaotic black cat.

After eating their breakfasts Ta put the dishes away as he told Barcode to dress up even though Barcode objects and states that he wanted to stay at home he told Barcode that he will take him to his next surprise and blindfolded him the whole car ride for this said ' surprise', how can someone be such an asshole while surprising someone else, twenty minutes later Ta helped Barcode leave the car and lead him with a hand on his waist throughout what felt like a crowd to Barcode.

He opened Barcode's eyes to a VIP movie theater with all Barcode's friends waiting in front of it excitedly looking at them, Barcode looked at Ta and then the theater and then his friends and then back at Ta again " What-Why?" Ta smiled " You go and watch what you want with your friends until six pm then I will come and pick you up for another surprise" Barcode looked at him confused but smiled anyway " I don't know what to say Ta? Is this much surprises necessary? I would be happy to have a chill day with you at home" Ta smiled and kissed his forehead " You deserve to be pampered baby so I will spoil you as much as I can" Barcode smiled and gave him a peck on the lips, to be honest? He really just want to spend today lazing around with Ta maybe getting a little special treatment like not doing dishes or making Ta fetch him his needs but his boyfriend seems so happy and proud with his surprises that he does not want to discourage him so all he needs to do is just show him that he is excited and happy with all those said surprises.

(2022, August 4th, 6 PM)

Barcode arranged the gifts his friends gave him and closed the car door to stop in front of the familiar house door" Are you ready?" Ta said, Barcode smiled " I am ready" he then opened the doors to reveal all of Barcode's loved ones and friends saying " Happy Birthday" Barcode looked at them surprised, to be honest he thought Ta wanted the house for a night from Mile just for the two of them to hang out but this was more of a delicate surprise for him than that and he does not know what to say " I know that you miss this house and also you miss living with P'Mile and P'Po so I asked them if it's ok to make your birthday here with everyone" Barcode looked at him, he looked happier than when he saw the VIP theatre, he hugged Ta tightly as he put his face on his neck" Ta, this is, thank you" he said while trying to keep himself together and not cry.

Daddy Issues( TaBarcode)Where stories live. Discover now