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(2022, June)

Barcode looked around the big table, he cannot believe how luxurious Mile lives sometimes but he does not have any complaints as he is living this luxury with him too.

Today once again all the cast and the writers are invited just so Mile can tell them some news though Barcode does not understand why the writers are invited too since Mile does not like them that much. Even though that was a bit suspicious, now Barcode has more important problems than that, for example his current problem is that Build rather sit in between Ta and Bible instead of his side which is clearly empty, not only that but now he has been talking to them about random things and laughing like he really is enjoying his time making Barcode more envious of Ta and Bible.

He normally does not have any problem with Bible or Ta, on the contrary he normally got along with them when they talk to him or try to spend time with him but the fact that they are stealing his love from him still remains so he does not know how to feel about them when these kinds of things happens. Build should pay more attention to him than the attention he payed to these two, Barcode needs it more, he loves Build more.

" Stop staring at them you will scare them away" Apo said as he sat beside him, Barcode turned to him pouting " Why doesn't he sit beside me phi?" he whispered so no one can hear him, he sounded really hurt but there is nothing Apo can do about this " Did you invite him to sit beside you?" Apo asks, Barcode shrugged his shoulders " Why should I be the one to invite him, he should have come sit beside me himself" Apo smiled " Well at least you are a coward" he said Barcode hit him lightly " Phi!" they couldn't continue talking as someone started to hit glass with a spoon making everyone turn their attention to them.

Barcode looked up to see who is doing that and saw Mile with a wine glass in his hand smiling at him " I want to thank everyone for coming here and accepting my invite even though I know you all have very busy schedules" Barcode nodded, he and Jeff always need to attend an interview or a product review, even though he lives on the same house with Mile sometimes he does not even see him for days or weeks at end " Now I want to say why I have decided to throw this dinner party despite knowing all of you are busy" he smiled and cheer his glass towards Barcode " Today I have excellent news! I take a pleasure in telling you that I have found, beaten and fired Barcode's pedophile stalker" all of a sudden everyone first fall silent then like a switch was flicked they all started cheering beside the writers who are looking at Mile in shock and Mile was looking at them suspiciously as if to understand why they are not cheering.

Barcode smiled, he does not really understand what he does wrong or what that man was trying to do but after they have learned what happened about that man Apo and Mile made him talk about it more little by little while telling him about what workers can or can't do to him on this industry and if something suspicious happens next time he should tell Apo and Mile first even though the people around him proceed to act like it is normal.

After that the dinner went with individual chats about work or personal life and as soon as they ate desserts everyone started to scatter around the house, some people stayed in the house or sat on the couches in the living room, some people rather stay seated on the big table while Barcode have decided to go out on the garden, sitting at one of the sunbeds near the outside pool since it is more silent here and he does not have to see Build flirting with Bible in front of his eyes.

He lay down on the sunbed, put his headphones on to look up on the sky, two people approached him, one of them taking his headphones off while the other patted his leg " Hi nong" a familiar voice filled his ears, he wanted to roll his eyes, he really wanted to stargaze alone without any disturbances " Yes P'Poi" he said as the both of them sat on the sunbed beside him "Why did you complain about Bar to Mile and Apo" Barcode frowns, really you come here to disturb my alone time just to ask about a man that does not have any significance to me? " I didn't complain they just watched behind the scenes and saw him massaging me" he wasn't even looking at them anymore maybe they will leave him alone if he acts like they are not here, the things they are asking about is not important either he needs to think about Build and they were wasting his time with this pedophile case as Apo name it " Nong, then why didn't you give Bar your Line ID but gave your manager's instead" Yok asked, even though he sounds normal there was a hint of anger in his eyes " He was working at the company so for me the only reason he might want to contact me was work so I just gave my manager's Line ID instead also I don't want to talk to him it would be a waste of time for me" he said with a care free attitude, he really does not care about that guy anymore, he then continued hoping this would end their conversation " Phi let me be honest I don't care about that guy or anything he does really, I have more important issues to think about right now so please just let me be alone,ok?" he said.

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