110 8 4

(2022, August 1st)

" How dare you get close with P'Jeff?" Bible asked to Build letting go of his arm Build looked at him with shock, nearly all of his body that can be seen out of the swimwear was red because of anger" He is my friend Bible, you are close to him too" also he has a boyfriend, he wanted to say but P'Mile and jeff told him not to do that so he can see the 'true nature' of their relationship" Next time he comes to talk to you act cold and make him understand that you are not interested" Build raised his eyebrows, ok maybe they were right that something was wrong with Bible lately " I don't need to do that he is my friend I don't want to be in bad terms with him" Bible opened his arms, he looked like a lunatic " But you need to do it because you harmed this relationship enough already and th-" Build's breath hitch and suddenly there was a flood of tears coming from his eyes as he pushed Bible to shut him up.

" Enough, enough I have enough of this" he said then he pushed him again " Why are you torturing me if you don't want to be with me in the first place, this is not how lovers treat each other, this is not how we used to treat each other" Bible was out of words, he knows Build was right but he kept his mouth shut " Why do you keep trying to manipulate me with this one mistake I did years ago, why are you trying to control my life instead of loving me, you were supposed to be the only one that stayed beside me after this mistake not the only one who benefit from it to take control of me" Bible gulped, he needs to turn this around, he needs to apologize " I, I don't do that" Build started to laugh even if his tears were still coming " Let's Bible" he put both of his hands on Bible's shoulders and looked up at him " Let's break up" Bible panicked, what he should do?

He laughs but it is in a crazy tone, he then suddenly grabbed the collar of Build's shirt and pulled it until their faces are a millimeter apart, I want to kiss him, he thought " Finally you got the cue and break up with me so no one will blame me for breaking up with you anymore it is on you" this will make him change his mind Bible was sure, Build's face got more sad but he tried to fix it forcefully " So this was your plan? To torture me until I break up with you? To manipulate me?" Bible smirked and now he will want to get into a relationship with me again" Yes, yes this was all my plan now go" he said pushing Build off of him and releasing his collar " So we don't need to see each other unless we need to do fan service together" Build gulped and turned around, making his way to the beach party P'Mile throw for them after the world tour ended, this will be the last time he cries for Bible he promised to himself, last time.

Build entered the area that was reserved for them " P'Build" he didn't listen to Barcode calling for him and went straight to the sea as Barcode sulked back into Ta's arms " Give him time baby, he just had a fight with P'Bible probably that's why he ignored you" Ta said kissing his hair. Someone started to make some gagging noises when they both turned to where the noise is coming from Apo was looking at them with disgust, Barcode sit up suddenly making Ta pout " What P'Po? What did we do?" Barcode asks trying to keep himself from laughing at Apo's expression " Firstly Code, you two are sitting on the same sunbed cuddling in this hot weather" Mile laughed " To be honest it is not that ho-" Apo slapped his arm making him stop talking " And also the way you call him 'baby' is disgusting Ta" said Us as Apo gave him a high five.

" Exactly Us is right, what is thi-" someone cut his sentence " Oh come on let them be, it is better that they are like this and not like Bible and Build" Tong said as he was playing with Nodt's hair, Us raised his hand " Please do not open that discussion P'Tong, I feel rage coming inside me whenever I hear about them" Barcode lowered his head to Ta's right collar bone and rest his head there as he laid down again and listened more of their discussion " I think me and P'Mile solved that problem a little phi" Jeff said while putting on sun protection.

Us sighed " I know you told Build about how Bible and him looks toxic from outside and make Bible jealous to top it off but I don't think it will work on healing their relationship" Tong continued his sentence as he was tying Nodt's hair up in a bun " Yeah it will break them up but I am ok with them breaking up, I don't have any bad feelings about either of them but I think lately they started to be more and more toxic at each other" Apo nodded " I know, I mean I can understand Bible on one hand since learning something like this about your boyfriend is probably traumatizing but at the same time lately the way he treat Build is beyond toxic and sad, even if he made a mistake Build does not deserve a bad treatment like this and I feel like it exceed the toxicity Build's past bring into the relationship now Bible is more toxic than Build" Tong nodded " I can't describe how sad he felt and looked whenever Bible hangs out with Jeff, I wanted to drag him out of the room and I would if we didn't have any work to do"

Daddy Issues( TaBarcode)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz