Chapter 14

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[Vanya is standing in front of the store. Leonard comes to her.]
Leonard: You're still lookin' for Mr. Puddles.
Vanya: I... I got out of rehearsal and was in the neighborhood, so I thought... I...
"Can't we skip traitor's love story?" Said Diego.
"Yeah. I would like to know more about apocalypse and not about Vanya's terrible communication and flirting skills." Said Cora. Vanya looks saddened by her siblings attiude toward her.
Leonard: Came all the way to Bricktown? Well, since you're here, you might as well come in. [Vanya and Leonard go into the building.]
Vanya: These are beautiful.
Leonard: Ah, thank you. Restoration antiques. It's my bread and butter. But I do play around with other things.
Vanya: Like what?
Leonard: Oh... I don't know. It's kind of embarrassing. Come on. [Leonard brings Vanya to back room and shows her his works.]
Vanya: You made all these?
Leonard: When I was a kid, my imagination was my escape. And, clearly, I never grew up.
Vanya: No, it's amazing. Which one is your favorite?
Leonard:Ballerina is kind of my best. Or maybe the duck. Or the other duck. Or the other duck. ( chuckles ) But there is one you should see. [Leonard gives Vanya wood made mini version of her playing violine.]
Vanya: Is that...?
"You still think he isn't creepy?" Asked Ben.
Leonard: Okay, so I might have... stayed up last night making this.
"Ben is right. To carve something like that in only one day? It's almost impossible. It needs at least six hours, why would man who met you day ago do that?" Said Cora.
"Because he likes me?" Said Vanya.
"Cora is right. No one likes someone on first sight so much that they spend whole night doing that." Said Allison.
Vanya: Wow. It's beautiful. Thank you.
Lepnard: Take it.
Vanya: Oh, no. I...
Leonard: I insist. Please. I made it for you. You inspired me.
[Vanya and Leonard walking on the street.]
Vanya: This is so bizarre. We've known each other for... two days? I feel like you know me better than anyone in my family.
Some of the siblings look hurt by that.
Leonard: (chuckles) Hey. This might be a little inappropriate, seeing as I'm your... impressionable young student, but... would you want to have dinner with me tonight? You don't have to if you don't want to.
Vanya: Yeah.
Leonard: It's fast...
Vanya: No, I... I know, but... I'd like that.
Leonard: Yeah? [Vanya sees Allison.]
Vanya: Allison?
Allison: Hey.
Vanya: Leonard, this is my sister, Allison.
Leonard: Wait a second, I know you. You were in that movie. You're in the movie, the... You were the lawyer. The tough one in the wheelchair, right?
Allison: Yeah. (chuckles) Yeah, that was me.
Leonard: (to Vanya) You didn't tell me your sister was a movie star. (To Allison) Wow! You were in that Umbrella thing, too, weren't you? (To Vanya) But you weren't in that, were you?
Vanya: No, uh... I was sort of the fifth Beatle of the family, so...
Leonard: I never really did like the Beatles. More of a Stones guy, myself.
Allison: Um, I'm sorry to interrupt, but, uh... could you come back to the house? We're having a family meeting.
Vanya: And you guys want me there?
Allison: Of course. It's about Mom.
"You better not do anything to her, because of your stupid theories!" Said Diego and glared at Allison and Luther.
Vanya: I'm so sorry. I...
Leonard: Oh, don't be. We'll do a rain check on dinner. Bye.
Vanya: Thanks.
Leonard: Yeah. [Leonard leaves.]
Allison: Who's the guy?
Vanya: He's a... just a friend.
Allison rose her eyebrow at Vanya.
Allison: Friend?
Vanya: No, it's not... Maybe I'm just trying to not separate myself from everything and everyone.
Allison: I'm... I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said those things to you yesterday. I was angry with Patrick, and I... I took it out on you. I'm really sorry. I'm, uh... I'm not good at this whole sister thing.
Vanya: I hadn't noticed.
"Ouch." Said Allison amused.
Allison: Ouch. Tell me how you really feel.
Vanya: Maybe I will.
Allison: (laughs) Okay!
[Five is looking at eyeball and sighs. Cora is eating. Both of them are looking out of window. Still watching for doctor.]
Boy: Kick it over here! [Children are laughing. Two boys are playing ball and one is following them.]
Five: Whoa! [Five steps out of car.]
Five: No! [Five is looking around in distraction.]
Everyone looks saddened by the flashback again.
[Luther is looking in Five's window.]
Luther: Five. Five!
Cora: (worried) Five! [Cora shakes Five and he seems to be back in present.]
Cora: (worried) You okay?
Five: (to Luther) You shouldn't be... How did you find us?
Luther: Um... [In the back of the car, Klaus is kind of dancing with Dolores.]
Klaus: Hey, baby... Hey, a little privacy, guys. We're really hitting it off back here.
Five: (screams) Get out! You can't be here! I'm in the middle of something.
Klaus: Any luck finding your one-eyed man?
"No." Scrowled Five.
Five: (whispers) No.
Luther: What's he talkin' about?
Five: Does it matter? It's Klaus. [Cora slapped Five's arm.]
Cora: Don't say that!
"What does that mean? What Klaus says matter, too!" Said Cora. Klaus sents Cora an airy kiss.
Five: (sighs) What do you want, Luther?
Luther: Um... So, Grace may have had something to do with Dad's death. [Cora laughs.]
Cora: Grace? The woman who is literally programmed to protect and take care of others? Sure.
"Exactly." Said Diego and glares ar others.
Luther: She is malfunctioning. [Cora still doesn't look like she believes.]
Luther:  So I need you to come back to the academy, all right? It's important.
Five: "It's important." You have no concept of what's important.
Klaus: Hey! Did I ever tell you guys about the time I waxed my ass with chocolate pudding? [Cora looks at Klaus disgusted.]
Every sibling does the same.
"Did you really have to say that?" Said disgusted Ben.
"I feel so sorry for you. You have to handle him all day. For years." Said Cora.
"Good to be apprecated." Said Ben.
Klaus: (laughs) It was so painful.
Luther: What are you still doing here?
Klaus: Ay, ay, ay... What? I... What? I need an excuse to hang out with my family?
Cora: Of course not, but...
Luther: (interrupts) We're trying to have a serious conversation.
Klaus: What, and I'm incapable of being serious? Is that what you're saying?
Five: Luther's got a point, you should get out.
Klaus: What? [Klaus gets out of van and yells:]
Klaus: Fine! [Luther goes into the Van.]
Luther: What the hell are you up to?
Five: You wouldn't understand.
Luther: Try me. Last I checked, I'm still the leader of this family. [Cora rolls her eyes at Luther.]
Five: Well, last I checked, I'm 28 years older than you.
Luther: You know what your problem is?
Five: Really hoping you'll tell me.
Luther: You think you're better than us. You always have. Even when we were kids. (sighs) But the truth is, you're just as messed up as the rest of us. We're all you have. And you know it.
"Well, technically he is a genious and he is much more skilled and his power is more powerfull and he is also eldest, so..." Said Cora.
"Of course you are on his side. You always are." Said Luther.
"Someone has to be." Said Cora. Five smiled at her.
Five: I don't think that I'm better than you, Number One. I know I am. [Luther chuckles.]
Five: I've done unimaginable things, things you couldn't even comprehend.
Luther: Right.
Five: Just to get back here and save you all. [Shop bell rings and Klaus runs out of store with products in his hands.]
"Klaus! Can't you just buy them like normal human?" Said Cora.
"That's more fun that way and you wouldn't give money to me." Said Klaus. Cora couldn't deny that.
Klaus:Whoo! [Policeman chases Klaus.]
Policeman: Stop! (grunts) Hey! Stop right now!
Klaus: Hey, bitches! [Police man chases after Klaus while blowing the whistle.]
Policeman: You, get back here! [Five, Cora and Luther watch him dumbfounded. Car barely manages to stop, so Klaus won't get hit.]
Klaus: Out of the way, asshоlе!
Five: Now I'm starting to wonder if that was the wisest decision. [Cora chuckles.]
So does other siblings. Klaus makes dramatic, mockingly offended face to Five.

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