Chapter 5

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[A quartet of nineties yuppies--two guys, two girls--clown their way down the sidewalk. This looks like the intro to your typical 90's sitcom. They reach a bank. One of the guys holds the door open for his friends as they all enter-- ]
[--And the lead Guy promptly gets his nose bashed in by the butt of a combat shotgun! The Yuppie Girls scream as several armed bank robbers grab them and haul them inside.]
[Hours later. The bank is under siege. We follow a Robbet #4 as he patrols the floor, AK-47 in hand. Various customers and bank employees huddle on the floor, sobbing, terrified. We approach robber #1, currently in the process of losing his shit as he talks to a hostage negotiator over the phone.]
Robber#1: I don't give a shit! You are out of time! I told you what would happen, didn't I? Didn't I tell you? [He gestures angrily. Robber #2 yanks a frightened bank teller to his feet, drags the man over.]
Robber#1: Get him over here. C'mere. (back to the phone) I want you to listen real careful. [He holds out the phone to the Bank Teller.]
Robber#1: Yo. Tell him your name.
Bank teller: Craig. Craig Davis.
Robber: (into phone) You go home tonight, your wife asks, "how was work," you tell her, oh, not bad, got a guy named Craig Davis killed. (the negotiator protests) No. We're done talking. Now you're gonna listen.
[The Bank Teller moans, closes his eyes. Robber #1 drops the phone, steps forward, raising his pistol-- ]
Young Allison: (O.S.) Excuse me, sir?
[They turn to find 10-year-old Allison standing before them. She's wearing a protective bodysuit and a black domino mask.]
Robber#1: The hell--?
Young Allison: I heard a rumor you can't stop sneezing. [Robber #1 looks confused for a moment. Then he sneezes, violently. Again and again.]
"Is it weird i kind of missed missions? Like i don't want to leave my new life, but..." said Cora.
"Yeah, i get it." Said Allison.
[The other robbers look confused. Robber #1 steadies himself against a desk, eyes watering, gasping for breath. Still sneezing, he gestures to his men: get her! The other robbers start forward. That's when all hell breaks loose. Robber #5 is jerked off his feet by an invisible force. His body rockets straight up, ricocheting off the ceiling--
A horrible scream rings out! We whip around to see Robber #4 being dragged headfirst into an airduct by a pair of monstrous green tentacles-- Robber #2 whirls, sees Number Five standing on the counter. He raises his gun, just as Number Five blinks out of sight-- Robber #2 glances down. Sees that, somehow, in the blink of an eye, his gun has been replaced by a Janitor's squeedgee.]
"You are always so dramatic." Said Cora fondly.
"I'm not." Said Five.
"Oh, really? That's why you didn't just knock him out?" Said Cora.
[A split-second later, he is slammed sidways out of frame by a small, dark blur-- The room has erupted into chaos. We follow one of the yuppie hostages as she crawls frantically across the floor-- Ahead of her, a table explodes into splinters as a Robber #4 is dropped from the sky. The hostage screams as something goes streaking through the air just above her. The action is overwhelming, a little frightening. Robber #1 is the last gunman left standing. He sneezes again, then turns on Allison. Cora makes man drop the gun by blood control and freezes his legs on ground, so he can't move.]
Young Allison: I had it.
Cora: Should have been faster then.
Cora watched her younger self smirking.
[A split-second later, Young Luther drops from the sky, crushing the gunman downward out of frame-- ]
[Hostages flee the bank. They are met in the street by the police presence surrounding the building. From inside the bank, we hear a dull impact. Several windows explode, showering the street with glass. A shadow falls across one of the cops. He looks skyward-Hargreeves' stream-powered dirigible hangs over the city.]
[Reginald watches from the observation deck. Young Vanya is at his side, her face pressed up against the glass.]
Young Vanya: Dad? I mean, Mr. Monocle, sir? Why can't I go play with the others?
Reginald: Well, Number eight... there's just nothing special about you.
"Asshole!" Said Cora. Five glared at Reginald, so did others even Luther. Vanya smiled at her siblings protectivness toward her.
[She hangs her head. In a quiet voice:]
Young Vanya: Oh.
[Police, hostages, and TV camera crews all watch, astounded, as the bank doors open and the rescuers emerge... They're children. Little kids wearing domino masks. Young Luther surveys the scene, beaming with pride. We dissolve back to the present...]
[Dusk. The sky bathed in hues of purple and blue. Vanya stands by the road, checking her phone. Behind her, the security gate creaks open and Pogo emerges.]
Vanya: If you're gonna convince me to stay, you're wasting your time.
Pogo: I was going to offer you a ride.
Vanya: The car's almost here. But thanks. (stares into the distance) They are not wrong, you know. Diego and Cora. [She looks at Pogo solemnly.]
Vanya: I don't belong here.
"Not because of not having power, but because of betrayal!" Said Cora.
Pogo: I hope you know... your father loved you all very much. In his own way.
Cora and Diego scoff.
Vanya: Yeah, well. That's kind of the problem, isn't it? [She kneels, hugs him fiercely.]
Vanya: Goodbye, Pogo.
Pogo: Miss Vanya. [The taxi arrives. Vanya climbs in the back. Pogo watches sadly as the car pulls away. Vanishing into the night.]
[The siblings have retreated to adjacent rooms. Luther is slumped in the darkened sitting room. Number Five is scouring the kitchen for some instant coffee. Cora is also looking for coffee. Klaus floats above Five, staring raptly at his fingers, stoned out of his gourd.]
Number Five: Has to be here somewhere. What kind of adult doesn't drink coffee? [Allison meets Pogo in the foyer.]
"Crazy kind. Like dad." Said Cora.
Allison: Where's Vanya?
Pogo: She left.
Number Five: Pity. She's the only one of you I actually trust. (glancing up) Her, Cora and the floating idiot. [Cora grins at him.]
Cora: He trusts me! Suck it, Allison!
"You are a child." Said Allison to Cora. Cora stick her tongue out. Klaus chuckled. Allison shook her head slightly amused.
Klaus: (slurred) That's Miiiiiister Floating Idiot. [Five looks at Cora and Klaus and sighs. Allison glances at Luther, sitting alone in the darkness.]
Allison: Luther? You okay? [He doesn't answer. Diego enters, carrying his duffel bag.]
Diego: Give him a banana, he'll perk right up. [Cora caughes to hide her chuckle.]
Offscreen Cora doesn't bother to hold back her laugh. Luther glare at her and Diego.
Allison: Oh good, Diego's still here. Said no one. Ever. [Diego pauses, glances around at his siblings.]
Cora: (to Allison) I actually like Diego more than you. [Diego smirks at Allison, who rolls her eyes.]
"You like everyone more than me." Said Allison.
"That's not true." Said Cora.
Duego: So. Lots of fun, guys. Let's totes do it again.
Klaus: Yes, let's! [As he turns to leave, Luther finally speaks up:]
Luther: No one else is leaving.
Diego: Hey, look at that, right on time.
Allison: Luther--
Luther: We have to figure this out-- Diego: There is nothing to figure out! Dad died, the world spins on, the end.
Cora: We can't leave, we just got back together. Even Five is back. [Cora pointed at Five.]
Luther: You read the autopsy report.
Diego: And...?
Luther: When they found the body, his monocle was missing.
Diego; And?
Luther: And think about it. Have any of you, ever, seen Dad without that monocle? Even once? [A moment while this realization sinks in.]
"Does anyone except Luther even care if he was killed or just died?" Said Cora.
"Not me." Said Diego.
Allison: No.
Diego: And your point?
Luther: That whoever has that monocle is either the last person to see our father alive, or the first one to see him dead. I don't care what you thought of him, I really don't. (looks around) What any of you thought. You wanna hate his guts, fine, who gives a shit. But we're not gonna pretend like this thing didn't happen. We owe Dad that much.
[Diego and Cora stare at Luther.]
Diego: Get help, Luther. Seriously.
Cora: I own him nothing. NOTHING. I payed him for feeding me and teaching me about my abilities by becoming his best weapon. I own him nothing! [No one says anything for a while.]
"What happened?" Asked Five.
"Who do you think became his killing machine after Ben died? I spent two years doing his dirty work. I don't own him anything!" Said Cora. Luther looked down.
"Aww. You need a hug!" Said Klaus and hugged Cora. Cora smiled.
"Thank you, Klaus." Said Cora.
Diego: Number Five, enjoy puberty. Allison, Good luck with that Best Beach Bods of the Summer list. I hear there's some real fierce competition this year. (She gives him the finger.) Klaus-- [Klaus shakes off his reverie and flashes a dazzling smile.]
Klaus: Are we leaving?
Diego: I'm leaving. By myself.
Cora: You will still visit me, right? [Diego nodded at her. Cora smiled.]
"Cute." Said Klaus.
Klaus: Lovely. I'll get my things.
[Klaus floats out of the room on his back. Diego glances back at Luther and Allison. Then wordlessly exits the house.]
[Diego climbs behind the wheel of his black '72 cutlass supreme convertiable. He slams the door. As he starts the car, Klaus levitates into frame and settles into the passenger seat. He smiles brightly at Diego.]
Klaus: I've been eating speed for the last two days, and every time I close my eyes I see centipedes.
"That's why you should come home!" Said Cora.
[Diego grimly turns the key. The car roars to life.]
Diego: Fantastic.
[Number Five angrily slams the pantry door.]
Number Five: Pogo, for the love of Christ, tell me there's coffee somewhere.
Pogo: Your father didn't believe in caffeine. [Cora rolls her eyes.]
Number Five: Of course he didn't.
[Five hops down, heads toward the garage. Cora follows.]
Cora: If you are going for coffee, i'm coming, too.
Number Five: I'm taking the Bentley into town.
Allison: Do you even know how to drive?
Number Five: I know how to do everything.
"Do you now?" Said Klaus and wiggled his eyebrows.
[Number Five hits the lights, revealing a garage stacked with classic cars. He climbs behind the wheel of the Bentley.]
Cora: Are you sure it's good idea for you to drive?
Five: I'm not a child.
Cora: I know that, but police doesn't. If they...
Five: I'm driving!
"Cora is right." Said Luther.
[Cora and Five have staring contest.]
Cora: Fine. You were always stubborn.
[Cora sits in passenger seat and fastenes her seat belt. Five attaches a wood block to his right shoe to reach the pedals. Guns the engine. Five grins.]
[The Bentley screams out of the garage. It swerves dangerously onto the lawn, digging deep furrows into the grass, before righting itself and speeding away into the night.]
[Allison climbs out her bedroom window onto the sloped roof. She finds Luther, sitting alone, gazing up at the stars. He holds up the eye of anubis gem, stares through it, breaking the sky into a prism of competing constellations.]
Luther: (noticing her) You're still here.
Allison: Just waiting on my car. Want some company? [He scoots over slightly. She sits beside him. The moon is visible, a glowing crescent in a sea of darkness.]
Allison: So what's it like up there?
Luther: Quiet. Cold.
Five looks at him empathetically.
Allison: I wish I could see it. Maybe someday you'll take me up there with you, huh?
Luther: Yeah. Maybe. (beat) Can I ask you something? I haven't seen you use your powers once since I've been back and you said you don't use them anymore.
Allison: Yeah, well. The last time... it didn't turn out so hot. Careful what you wish for, blah blah blah. (changing the subject) How about you? [Luther is silent for a long moment.]
Luther: I'm not stupid. I know things can never go back to... you know. The way they were. (he looks at her) But that doesn't mean we can't still try.
"I can't believe i'm saying this, but i agree with Luther." Said Cora.
Luther: Father brought us together for a reason--
Allison: He didn't bring us together,
Luther. He took us from our homes. From our real familes. He turned us into this.
"Techincally, our families gave us away." Said Diego.
Luther: We're still a family--
Allison: We're an experiment. And not a very good one.
"Talk about yourself." Said Cora.
[Luther falls silent. Hangs his head. Far below, the mansion gates swing open to admit a black stretch limousine.]
Luther: You should go.
Allison: You should come. I can show you California. Do the whole Hollywood sign, Disneyland thing.
Cora looks disgusted.
[He meets her gaze. Seems like he wants to say yes.]
Luther: You know I can't.
Allison: Yeah. I know. Don't stay gone forever. The rest of us miss you down here. [She stands. Kisses him on the forehead. Then climbs back through the window, leaving Luther alone.
He stares at the ruby in his hand. Then he clenches his fist, as if trying to crush the gem into dust.]
[Allison gathers her luggage, starts for the door. Her gaze falls on an old photograph of the Umbrella Academy in its prime. Eight smiling children, grinning and laughing. She gazes at the image. Perhaps remembering how different things were back then. How happy they were.]
Other Umbrella academy siblings do the same.
[The Bentley is parked outside a cheap greasy spoon diner. Number Five and Cora are already inside. Several shadowy figures step out of the darkness. The mysterious temp agents we saw earlier. They check their weapons. Then advance toward the diner.]
Everyone's worried except Klaus.
[The diner is mostly deserted: a handful of customers, a tiredlooking waitress, a fry cook behind the grill. Number Five sits at the counter, signals for the Waitress.]
Number Five: Coffee. Black.
Cora: Same, but with two sugar.
Waitress: isn't he little young for that?
Number Five: Get me a goddamned cup of coffee or I'll burn this place to the ground. (then, with effort:) Please.
People look at him amused.
Cora: (slighly amused) Five!
[Waitress stares at Five for a long beat. Then, expressionless, she pours them, adds sugar in Cora's one and slides it over. Five drinks deeply.]
Waitress: You got a mouth on you.
[Five just shows his teeth, like a feral chimpanzee. The Waitress backs away, unnerved. Cora drinks her coffee, amused by scene.]
Everyone is amused.
[Five goes back to his coffee, too. The bell dings. The Temps enter in the background. Five doesn't turn. But somehow, he knows. He picks up his butter knife, hides it from sight. Cora looks at him confused. The Waitress gapes at the new arrivals. Customers scurry out the back. The Fry Cook lowers himself out of sight. The Temps stop behind Number Five. A beat. Cora looks at them suspiciously.]
Lead Temp: (to Five) You don't belong here.
Cora: Who are you? [She gsts ignored.]
Numbee Five: Is that supposed to be a joke? [In the b.g., the Waitress and the remaining customers flee.]
Lead temp: We don't want any trouble. We just want you to finish the job.
[He aims his pulse rifle at the back of Five's skull.]
Umbrellas look surprised and worried.
"Five!" Said worried Vanya.
[Cora looks alarmed and forces man to put the gun away by controlling his blood. Temps look at her susprised.]
Lead Temp: (To Cora) You are one of them.
"Who the hell are they?" Asked annoyed Diego. Five didn't answer.
Lead Temp: (To Five) This doesn't have to get messy. [Finally Five swivels around on his stool. Surveys them.]
Number Five: You didn't bring enough men for "messy."
Cora: (To Five) Should i kill them?
Five: Yes.
"You don't really mean that." Said taken a back Luther.
"They clearly want to kill Five. I can't exactly put them in prison, so... Only one option is left." Said Cora. Luther still looks displeased.
[The Lead Temp's hand is shaking, but he raises the gun, but before he squeezes the trigger. Cora throws ice stake at him. Five blinks and reappears on the Lead Temp's back. He plunges the butter knife into the agent's neck-- The other Temps panic, open fire on their own boss, cutting him to ribbons. Cora raises ice shields. Number Five blinks away again-- He reappears, sliding across the floor, right between the legs of a Temp... plucking the man's gun out of his ankle holster... firing severals shots upward... BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! Cora freezes people, but some mange to hide. She is careful to not freeze floor, so she won't accidentally make Five lose. BLINK! Number Five reappears in mid-air, parkour-bouncing off the nearest wall, roundhouse kicking a Temp in the face--]
"Woooohooo! Go Cora! Go Five! Show them!" Cheered Klaus.
[BLINK! He reappears in the kitchen. One of the Temps opens fire, spraying the kitchen with blue plsma-BLINK! Five appears, whipping a frying pan like a discus-- SSSSHUNK! The handle of the frying pan impales a Temp against the wall, quivering in his forehead--]
Cora and Diego look impressed by Five's skill.
"You have gotten better." Said Cora.
[Cora throws ice stakes at temps and kill them. There is only two of them left. BLINK! BLINK! Five pops in and out of existence, fighting hand-to-hand with two Temps simultaneously. Cora makes temps drop with heartattacks.]
"That was cool!" Said Klaus.
"That was murder" said Allison.
"That was self-defence!" Said Cora.
[In a matter of seconds, the entire diner has been reduced to rubble. The floor slick with blood, debris and remaining ice. Five and Cora are covered in other's blood.]
Allison, Luther and Vanya look shocked by bloody scene.
Cora: What was that? Who were they? Why were they trying to kill us?
Five: I was their target.
Cora: Why? Who are they?
Five: Not here. Do you know place where we can talk without disturbance?
Cora: Probably my house.
Five: Let's go.

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