Chapter 11

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[Leonard is playing "Frère Jacques" slowly .]
Vanya: That's coming along.
Leonard: Looks like I chose the right teacher.
Vanya: Oh... (Leonard chuckles) I don't know about that. My next student could probably lecture me on what I'm doing wrong. She's... She's a bit of a prodigy.
Leonard: Well, you can relax. I have never been a prodigy at anything.
"He is giving creep vibes." Said Allison.
"He does." Agreed Cora.
"No, he doesn't." Said Vanya.
Vanya: (sighs) Well, that makes two of us. So... So, I will see you next week, and, uh, practice the bow hold, uh, and maybe... [Vanya takes her violin back.]
Vanya: get a violin. [Both of them chuckle.]
"It's so awkward." Said Ben.
Leonard: You can be honest. Do you think it's weird wanting to learn violin this late in life?
Vanya: No, no. Monet didn't really start painting until his forties. He did all right for himself. No, if you love music, then you're in the right place.
Leonard: (chuckles) I'd say you're describing my dad more than me. He was the music lover. It's kind of why I'm here. He passed away a while ago.
Vanya: Oh, I'm sorry.
Leonard: Oh, no, it's fine. We had a complicated relationship. Didn't really get each other, you know? But he loved violin, and that was not my thing. So I guess I'm here to... understand him better, if that makes any sense.
"Stay away from him." Said Five.
"Why?" Asked Vanya.
"Allison and Cora are right. There is something off about him." Said Five.
"There is nothing wrong with him." Said Vanya.
Leonard: Family. It's never easy, right? Sorry for getting heavy on you there. Um, stupid, I know.  [Leonard awkwardly chuckles.]
Vanya: No. No, stupid is not knowing.
Leonard: Oh.
Vanya: Believe me, uh, I get it.
Leonard: Well... thanks. Guess I'll see you next week.
Vanya: Yeah.
Leonard: Uh... I'm a woodworker. I have a shop in, uh, Bricktown. You should come by some time. You know, check it out.
Vanya: This week I'm... busy, but...
Leonard: It's fine. I understand. Another time. See you next week. [Leonard opens the door.]
Vanya: Bye. [Leonard leaves and closes door back.]
"I don't like this guy." Said Ben.
"Only because he likes me doesn't mean something wrong with him!" Said Vanya angrily.
"We didn't say it because of that. It's just... the way he is... i don't know how to explain." Said Allison.
[Allison is sitting on windowsill and smoking cigarette.]
Pogo: Ah, Miss Allison. [Allison quickly stands up and puts the Cigarette out.]
Pogo: I was looking for you.
Allison: How did you, uh... How did you know I was up here?
"You always go there when you are upset." Said Luther.
"You told him?" Asked Allison.
"No." Said Luther.
"I did." Said Vanya. Allison looks surprised.
Pogo: Oh, it wasn't hard. This is always where you used to come when you were upset.
Allison: Who told you I was... Luther.
Pogo: Actually, it was Miss Vanya. She called to make sure you were okay.
Allison: Yeah, I, um... ( sighs ) I said some pretty unkind things to her.
Pogo: She's your sister. She knows you didn't mean it.
Allison: (Scoffs) Doubt it. She doesn't know anything about me, which is fine 'cause I don't know shit about her either.
Vanya and Allison look sad.
Pogo: Language.
Allison: Sorry. (chuckles softly) It's just... it's been a while since we've all lived under the same roof.
Pogo: Almost 13 years.
Allison: How did you do it? Alone in this huge house for so long.
Pogo: Well, one grows used to things, even if, sometimes... one shouldn't.
Cora looks at Five at that.
Pogo: Come with me. I want to show you something. It might just cheer you up. And make sure you fully extinguish that cigarette. Wouldn't want to start a fire. [Allison goes back to throw away the cigarette.]
[There is lots of screens. They show children chattering on recording.]
Pogo: Your father stopped recording years ago. But I still come here from time to time. [Man is speaking on recording.]
Pogo: When I'm missing you kids.
Umbrella siblings smiled.
"I love Pogo." Said Cora.
Allison: Pogo, this is... (sighs) Most families have home movies to look back on. [Child is shouting on recording.]
Allison: We have surveillance footage.
Pogo: That's not true. I hoped it might cheer you up.
Allison: It does. (laughs) Oh, my God, look how little we were. [Young Allison laughs on recording.]
Young Allison: Luther. Luther, quit it.
Siblings smile at videos.
Allison: Oh! Ben and I? [children are chattering.]
Allison: I miss him so much.
"I missed you, too." Smiled Ben. Allison smiled back.
[Children are running around the house. Then we see Vanya, who is playing violin alone.]
Allison: And Vanya... Why didn't we include her? I mean, if anybody ever treated Claire like that, I can't even imagine...
Vanya looks down. Umbrella academy siblings look ashamed.
Pogo: You were a child, Miss Allison.
Allison: Yeah... But i'm not anymore. And neither is she.
Pogo: If you're not in a hurry, the rest of the tapes are in that cabinet. (Gives her a key) Make sure you lock up when you go. Things have been disappearing lately. These are too important to lose. [Allison puts another tape in. She looks surprised and looks at screen closely.]
Allison: Oh god. Dad.
"What is it?" Asked Diego.
[Five is looking through mannequins with flashlight. He goes toward one of the mannequins.]
Five: (sighs) Delores. It's good to see you. I've missed you... obviously. Well, I... It's been a rough couple of days.
"Dolores is mannequin??" Yelled surprised umbrellas.
"Don't call her that!" Greeted his teeth Five.
"Is that Dolores?" Asked Cora softly.
"Yes." Answered Five. Cora sent everyone cold glares, so they won't say anything.
[Hazel and Cha-Cha eneter with masks and start shooting.]
Five: (yells) No! [Five ducks and runs.]
"Shit. They found me." Said Five.
"That's why you shouldn't have left without me!" Said Cora.
Five: Oh, shit! It's them. [Shooting continues. Five runs to Dolores and carries it with him.]
Five: I'll be right back for you. [Five runs and blinks few times, while Cha-Cha and Hazel continue shooting.]
Cha-Cha: You see that?
Hazel: You said he was special. So now what?
Cha-Cha: You start over there, I'll go to the other end. Meet in the middle. Shoot anything that moves. [Five takes sharp object and blinks to Cha-cha and slices her.]
"Yeaaah! You go little man!" Cheered Klaus.
"Don't call me that!" Glared Five.
[Hazel continues shooting. Five runs and jumps thro space. Five goes to Dolores, picks it up and continues running. Five tries to jump, but he can't. Hazel and Cha-Cha are close to him. Five tries to jump again and fails.]
"Why does it stop working the most important times?" Groaned Five.
Five: Shit! Come on! [Five jumps over shelves. Hazel and Cha-Cha have him cornered with guns.]
Cha-Cha: Got him! [There are sirens wailing.]
Hazel: The bastard jumped again.
Cha-Cha: Come on, let's go. [Five is hiding behind a cabine with Dolores hugged to his chest.]
[Patch sees tortured and killed Sid's corpse.]
Patch: Shit. [Her radio calls.]
Woman on radio: We have a 10-14 at Gimbel Brothers department store. Shots fired.
[Diego is cleaning floor when he hears radio.]
Woman on Radio: Repeat, shots fired. 6045 Vanderbilt.
"Didn't she take radio from you?" Said Vanya.
"I have more." Smirked Diego.
Allison: There you are. I've been looking everywhere for you.
Luther: What are you doing here? I thought you were gone.
Allison: No, I was gonna go, and then Pogo showed me this...
Luther: Well, listen... (sighs) I was wrong about Dad's death.
Allison: What?
Luther: Yeah, I was wrong about Diego. You know, to accuse my own brother of that is just...
"Finally! You got the brain back. Congrulation!" Said Cora. Luther sent her a glare.
Allison: No, I...
Luther: I know, I get it... Seeing all of you and being back here... I should be the one who's trying to bring us back together, not tear us apart.
Allison: Would you shut up?
Luther: What?
Allison: You were right... about Dad. Come on, I gotta show you something.
"Footage?" Asked Ben.
[Allison and Luther walk past stairs when Five walks up.]
Allison: Five? What the hell happened to you?
Luther: Are you okay? Can we help? [Luther tries to touch, but Five stops his hand.]
Five: There's nothing you can do. There's nothing any of you can do.
"Don't say that. We can help." Said Cora.
"You lost last time." Said Five.
"Maybe, but we didn't have you last time, now we do. You can't do it alone, you like it or not, you need us!" Said Cora.
[Little Five sees hand holding eyeball. He goes toward it and takes the eyeball, than looks forward and sees Luther is the one who was holding it and he is dead. He walks past ruins and one by one he sees his siblings' corpses: Cora, Allison, Diego, Klaus.]
Siblings flich at seeing themselves and each other dead.
[Five looks devastated.]
Siblings look at him sympathetically. Cora pattes his hand gently.

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