Chapter 2

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[A sprawling Gothic mansion. Chilly and austere. This is the fabled umbrella academy. The taxi deposits Vanya outside the mansion. She watches as it pulls away. Feeling very small. Very alone.]
[Once upon a time this was a magical place, a wonderland of cutting-edge technology and strange archeological artifacts gathered from around the globe. But Reginald spent the last decade of his life alone, and the once-great manor has fallen into disrepair. Nowhere is this more evident than the automatons that Reginald created, robotic creations imbued with some small degree of intelligence. Now these malfunctioning robots litter the manor, broken and crippled things.
Vanya enters the lobby. A broken automaton comes limping toward her, an ancient teddy bear, its face sloughing off, arms extended for a hug.
Teddy Bear: my purpose is love!
[Vanya kicks the bear over, steps past. The bear's legs continue to scissor mindlessly.]
Teddy Bear: WHHHHHhhhhyyyyy...
Allison: Would ya look at that?
[Vanya turns to find Allison standing in the doorway.]
Allison: Everyone was like taking bets on whether you'd show.
"I hope she wouldn't." Said Cora and Diego. Vany looked down.
"Diego! Cora!" Scolded Allison, but they igonred her.
Vanya: Did you win? [Allison gives a small, rueful shrug.]
Allison: Nope. [Allison steps forward to embrace her sister. It's an awkward moment. Neither of them quite ready to make physical contact.]
Allison: Are we supposed to... how's this go?
Vanya: I have no idea. [Allison gives Vanya a quick, obligatory hug. Then she reconsiders, pulls Vanya in closer. Vanya closes her eyes, rests her chin on Allison's shoulder.]
Allison: I'm glad you're here.
Diego: (O.S.) Least someone is.
[They break apart to reveal Diego and Coraline, glaring at Vanya. Unlike the others, Diego is wearing his usual attire: a Kevlarreinforced black bodysuit, complete with domino mask.]
Allison: Eat shit, Diego.
Coraline: You're seriously gonna defend her? After what she did?
Cora and Diego glaeed at Vanya.
Allison: You two are seriously gonna do this today? At Dad's funeral?
Diego: Dad knew what she was.
Five sent Diego a glare.
[Diego turns away in disgust. Vanya stares after him, dismayed.]
[Reginald' bedroom, chilly and austere. Luther runs his hand along a faint indentation left in the mattress. The spot where his father slept for the last 30 years. Luther's body is hidden beneath a massive overcoat that does little to disguise his monstrous, unnatural proportions.Luther moves to the window, examines the locking mechanism. Behind him, Diego saunters into the room.]
Diego: (O.S.) If you're looking for the will, you're wasting your time.
[Luther glares at his brother.]
"No need to attack, big boy. He didn't say anything bad." Said Cora.
Luther: Diego.
Diego: But you're not looking for the will, are you? Mmm. You're looking for something else. (touches Luther's overcoat) Nice monkey suit, by the way.
Luther glares at Diego.
[Luther irritably slaps his hand away. Diego flops down into Hargreeves' favorite armchair, one leg thrown over the side.]
Luther: What do you want?
Diego: To save you some time.
[Diego hands Luther a crumpled medical report.]
Luther: What is this?
Diego: Dad's autopsy report.
Luther: And you have this why?
"Of course you think i killed him." Scoffed Diego.
Diego: Because I broke into the county coroner's office. The point is, it was normal, boring old heart failure.
"Heart failure for that man seems suspicious." Said Five.
"Exactly!" Said Luther.
Luther: I know that.
Diego: So you're checking the windows and doors for... fun? [Luther ignores him.]
Diego: All locked, by the way. No forced entry, no evidence of a struggle.
Luther: Were you the first one on the scene? [Diego stares at his brother. A flicker of grim amusement.]
"Really, Luther?" Said Cora and rolled her eyes.
Diego: No. Pogo found him.
Luther: What about Dad's monocle?
Diego: What about it?
Luther: Do you know where it is?
Diego: Why are you doing this, Luther?
Luther: Asking questions?
Diego: Looking for a fight. (gestures around) There's no mystery here. There's nothing to solve, or avenge, or anything else. Dad got old, and he died alone, just like we always knew he would. End of story. (quieter) I'm trying to help you.
Luther: You should leave. [Luther's voice is gravel, broken glass. The voice of a man struggling to keep his fury in check. Diego recognizes this. He tips an imaginary hat, then strolls out of the room. Luther remains at the window, his massive body silhouetted against the soft orange light.]
[Cora sees Klaus and walks to him.]
Cora: Klaus!
Klaus: Hello, Cora!
Cora: Don't Cora me! Where were you last night?
Klaus: Having fun.
Cora: Klaus! You promised that you would at least let me know you aren't coming back, so i will know you aren't dying in some ditch.
"Coming back?" Asked Allison.
"He lives with me." Said Cora.
"Oh." Said Allison.
Klaus: Sorry. Sorry. [Cora sighs.]
Cora: This family drives me crazy.
Everyone nodded at that.
Klaus: Love you, too, sis. [Cora rolls her eyes fondly.]
Klaus grins at her.
[Vanya enters Hargreeves' library. She scans the wall-toceiling shelves, searching for a specific title.
To her surprise, she actually finds the book: "Extra Ordinary: My Life as Number eight," by Vanya Hargreeves. The back cover shows an author photo of Vanya herself. ]
Diego and Cora glared at Vanya. Allison didn't look please with it either.
Vanya: I'll be damned. [Vanya turns to the inscription page of her book, where she finds the dedication she wrote to her father. She smiles softly to herself.]
Pogo: (O.S.) Welcome home, Miss Vanya. [She turns to find an elderly chimpanzee limping into the room. He's dressed in a natty tweed jacket. POGO.]
Vanya: Pogo! [She kneels and embraces Pogo. He returns the embrace warmly.]
Pogo: It's so good to see you. [She pulls away, beaming. He notices the book in her hand.]
Pogo: Ah, yes. Your book.
Vanya: I never knew if he got it. Did he... did he ever read it?
"Why? Proud of your work?" Sneered Diego.
Pogo: Not that I'm aware of. Then again, your father was a very private man. [Her expression hardens. She returns the book to its shelf.
Hand in hand, they leave the room together.]
[Vanya and Pogo pause before a framed portrait on the wall. The placard at the bottom of the painting reads number five.]
Vanya: How long has it been?
Pogo: Twenty-two years, seven months, sixteen days.
Vanya: I used to leave the lights on at night, in case he came back. I didn't want him to be scared.
Five smiled at Vanya gratefully.
Pogo: Your father used to insist he could feel Number Five's presence. That he was still out there, somewhere. He never gave up hope.
"After your disappearence, I slept in your bedroom for months. Even father couldn't make me get out. I believed you would come back. But then... i- i lost hope." Said Cora to Five. Five didn't know how to react and just looked back at screen.
Vanya: And look where it got him.
[Meanwhile, Allison enters a cavernous room filled with umbrella academy memorabila. Posters and news clippings of their exploits. Merchandised toys and costumes.
Allison turns in a slow circle. Her gaze falls on-- A life-sized mural, painted across the far wall. It shows Allison and her siblings as children. They're wearing matching costumes and domino masks, each one striking a different heroic pose. Only Vanya is missing from the mural.]
Vanya looks at portrait sadly.
[Allison browses the memorabilia room, her expression wistful, perhaps just the tiniest bit embarrassed. She picks up a stack of old teen magazines. Young Allison graces every cover, glamorous, already a star in the making. "Have You Heard The Rumor?" "Rumor Has It!"]
Allison: Jesus.
Luther(O.S.): Allison. [She turns to find Luther standing in the doorway.]
Luther: I... wasn't sure you'd come. Where's Patrick?
Allison: Filed for divorce eight months ago.
Luther: What about Claire?
Allison: (avoiding eye contact) He got sole custody.
Vanya patts her hand comfortingly.
Luther: I'm sorry. [Allison picks up another magazine. Reginald on the cover.]
Allison: He's really gone, huh?
Luther: When's the last time you talked to him?
"When i left." Said Cora.
"Same." Said Klaus and Diego.
Allison: God, who knows. Before Claire was born, so, what, maybe seven years ago? Eight? What about you?
Luther: He called me every day. Every single day.
Klaus: (O.S.) You know what I love about funerals? [Klaus floats into the room, doing a lazy mid-air backstroke.]
Klaus: Everything I own is black.
Cora looks amused by Klaus's antics.
Klaus: (noticing Allison) If it isn't my baby sister. Ooh, and the mighty Spaceboy.
Luther: The name's Luther.
Klaus: The old man kicks it and the code names are the first to go. Shame.
[He drifts backwards out of the room, humming merrily.]
Luther: So he's still insane.
"Always." Grinned Klaus.
[She grins back at him.]
Allison: Is it weird that I find that strangely comforting?
Luther: Did you see Diego?
Allison: With his stupid little mask? God.
Luther: You think he wears it in the bathroom? Like in the shower?
"I'm sure he does." Said Cora. Diego scrowled at them.
Allison: Oh, one hundred percent.
[Their smiles gradually fade. Both of them remembering the task still at hand. Luther sighs heavily.]
Luther: Okay. Wanna get this over with? [She nods. Luther starts toward the door. Allison hesitates.]
Allison: Hey, Luther...? It's... it's really good to see you again.
Luther: Yeah. You, too. [He holds her gaze, longing and regret in equal measure. Allison senses the pull just as strongly.]
"I still think it's weird." Said Cora to Five.
[Then Luther breaks the connection.]
[Diego, Vanya, Klaus, Cora and Allison are seated at the long dining table. Luther enters, moves to the head of the table.]
Diego: Can we hurry this along?
Cora: Yeah, i have places to be.
Luther: I thought we could have the memorial service at sundown. Out by Dad's favorite tree.
Allison: Dad had a favorite tree?
Luther: The big elm? He, um...he used to take me out there and we'd sit and...and talk about...
Cora: (whispers) Daddy's boy. [Klaus snickers.]
Luther glares at Cora. Cora gives him an innocent smile. People look amused at her.
[Luther trails off, awkward, as he realizes none of the others were ever privy to this particular side of Hargreeves.]
Luther: It doesn't matter. What's important is: there are things we still need to discuss.
Klaus: Question. Will there be food?
Allison: (ignoring Klaus) Like what?
Luther: Like Dad. The way he died.
Diego: Aaaand here we go.
Vanya: I thought it was a heart attack?
Cora: It was. I saw med...
Luther: (Interrupted) According to the coroner.
Allison: Yeah, well, I think he'd know.
Luther: His heart stopped at 4:32 in the morning. We know the exact moment, because of his pacemaker.
Vanya: Why does that matter?
Luther: There are over 250 cameras on the property. You know how Dad was.
Allison: Paranoid?
Diego: Insane?
Cora: Manipulative?
Klaus: Tall.
"All of the above." Aaid Cora.
Luther: He died at 4:32. Three minutes before that, the cameras stopped recording. All of them. There's a ten minute gap before they come back online. [A moment while this sinks in.]
Klaus: Wait, sorry, I wasn't listening. What?
Cora: He was saying he thinks dad was killed and made it look like natural causes.
"Evidences point to it." Agreed Five. Luther pointed at Five.
Klaus: Oh.
Luther: And then erased the footage.
Vanya: Okay, hold up, confused. Who had that kind of access?
Luther: It's the same system from when we were kids. Retinal scan grants full access. I tested it to make sure.
A beat to process that.
Vanya: What... What does that mean?
Diego: Please. Like it's not obvious. (looks to Luther) You're not telling us this because you want our help. Are you? [Luther is silent.]
Cora: (realises) You think one of us killed him. [The news sinks in around the table. Vanya looks to Cora and Diego, Allison to Luther. Luther stares back, impassive.]
Siblings(except Klaus) glare at Luther.
Klaus: But there's definitely no food?
Cora smiles at Klaus fondly.

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