Chapter 12

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[Vanya is writing, we realise time passes, because in the window seasons change.]
Vanya: My name is Vanya Hargreeves, and this is my story.
"No, it isn't your story! It is our story!" Said angry Diego.
"You had no right to write about our lives without our consent! If not Ben, i would sue you for invasion of privacy!" Said angry Cora. Vanya looks down.
"Oh, stop looking pathetic! You made the decision to write about us, so stop playing the victim and suck it up!" Said angry Cora.
"Coraline, that's enough!" Said Five.
"No, it's not, but fine." Said Cora.
"How did Ben stop you? He is..." Said Diego.
"Dead. It's okay to say it, Diego." Said Ben.
"Klaus told me what Ben was saying, so i didn't sue her, even thro i already had papers ready and i think i should have." Said Cora and glared at Vanya venomously.
[Vanya is reading her book in front of people.]
Vanya: We were never a real family. We were our father's creation, family in name... And smile. ...but not in fact.
[Luther is doing push ups, while reading Vanya's book.]
Cora and Diego glare at Vanya. Allison does, too.
Vanya: In the end, after our brother Ben had died, there was really nothing connecting us. We were just strangers living under the same roof...
[Allison is reading, while girl is styling her hair.]
Vanya: "... destined to be alone..."
[Diego has one of the pages of book on punching bag and is punching it.]
Vanya: "...starved for attention..."
[Cora walks past coworker who is reading Vanya's book. She snatches the book and frozes while everyone is watching.]
Cora: If i see someone holding this book again, they will get fired! [Cora crashes the frozen book. Everyone looks scared.]
Vanya looks sad at her siblings reaction.
"They looks so scared." Said Klaus.
"They should be." Said Cora.
Vanya: "...damaged by our upbringing..."
[Klaus is on a drug addict meeting, Ben is standing next to him and they are reading Vanya's book.]
Klaus: Oh, my God. She wrote that? I can't believe she would do that.
"I couldn't either." Glared Diego.
Vanya: "...and haunted by what might have been."
[Five is reading Vanya's book in apocalypse.]
Cora looks at Five sadly.
Vanya: "We all wanted to be loved by a man incapable of giving love."
[Reginald is reading Vanya's book and places it on shelf.]
"Why did he keep it?" Asked Ben. No one could answer.
Vanya: "Our father never missed an opportunity to remind me that I was ordinary. A hard thing for a little girl to hear."
[In the pawn shop, woman places 50% off sign on Vanya's books.]
Vanya: "If you're raised to believe nothing about you is special, if the benchmark is extraordinary, what do you do if you're not?" [Three person, who is left listening to Vanya read the book, clap for her.]
"You didn't even get fame or money for your useless, stupid book, you just screawed us!" Sneered Cora. Vanya tears up.
"Coraline!" Said Five.
"You would defend her even if she burned the world." Rolled her eyes Cora.
[Vanya runs in late for orchestra training.]
Vanya: (panting) shit, shit, shit, shit, shit. [Orchestra is playing. Vanya goes to join them, but she causes noise while trying to get her violine out and orchestra stops.]
Vanya: Um... I'm so sorry I'm late. [Girl looks annoyed to be interrupted.]
Vanya looks emberassed.
Conductor: I hadn't noticed. (Clears his throat) From the top. [Music resumes.]
[Luther is watching the footage.]
Luther: (sighs) Play it again.
Allison: We've watched it over and over, Luther. It's the same every time. [Luther sighs. VCR whirs.]
Luther: Er... ( stammers ) What is she doing? The tea. Did she poison him?
"Whaat? That's absurd. Mom wouldn't do it." Said Diego.
"Diego is right. And even if she wanted, she physically can't." Said Ben.
Allison: Uh... (sighs) I don't know.
Luther: (sighs ) Where did you find this?
Allison: I was looking at old footage of us as kids, and I saw the tape just sitting there.
Luther: Yeah, Dad must have started using the security system again. He was getting more and more paranoid. He thought people were out to get him. Well... I guess maybe he was right.
Allison; But Mom? I mean, she's not capable of... (sighs) Is she?
"Of course she isn't!" Said Diego and glared at everyone.
[Grace is making eggs. Allison and Luther are sitting at the counter.]
Luther: Mom? We need to ask you some questions about the night that Dad died. Do you remember anything?
Grace: Of course. Sunset, 7:33 p.m. Moon was waxing crescent, dinner was Cornish hen, wild rice, and carrots.
Luther: No. No, uh... later that night. In his bedroom. Did you go and see him?
Grace: (chuckle ) I don't recall. [Grace starts humming.]
Allison: Were you ever... I don't know, angry with Dad?
"She was programmed to care for him. She can't harm anyone!" Defended Cora.
Grace: Your father was a good man. A kind man. He was very good to me.
Five, Diego, Cora and Klaus snorted.
Allison: Yes, but after we all left, it must have been difficult.
Grace: Oh, there were days. You kids kept me oh so busy, and then...
Luther: What?
Allison: What were you gonna say?
Grace: Eggs are ready! Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Now, eat up. Both of you.
Now siblings looks suspicious. Everyone except Diego.
[Police is studing the place and taking photos. Diego picks up the bullet. He is wearing gloves.]
Patch: Do you seriously still not understand the chain of custody? If you touch it, I can't use it.
Diego: Let me save you some time running ballistics. These nine-millimeters haven't been manufactured since 19...
Patch: 1963. Odd, I know. Matching casings were found at a murder scene last night. Ishmael's Towing.
Diego: The driver?
Patch: Found him hanging from the ceiling. Looks like he must have known something after all.
Diego: It's a shame nobody told you to go talk to him.
Patch: In the span of 24 hours, I've had attacks in three different places across town. Whatever this is, whoever this is, they're not slowing down. So, if you really give a shit and you've got any fresh ideas, I'm all ears.
Diego smirks.
Diego: The guy's daughter and grandson, in the doughnut shop?
Patch: I've got units tracking the extended family in case anyone goes after them.
Diego: Well, this place must have surveillance footage.
Patch: No, it doesn't exist. The first unit on the scene clocked two shooters fleeing the premises, wearing, get this, creepy kids' masks.
Diego: The city is really going to shit, huh?
"You are the one saying it, Fake batman." Laughed Cora. Diego glared at her.
Patch: Coming from the guy dressed in spandex?
Diego: It's not spandex, it's leather. And you used to like it. A lot, if I recall.
"Eww. I didn't want to know that." Said Cora.
Patch: God, please un-remember that.
Diego: Etched into the data bank, Eudora.
Patch: And we're done. [Patch walks away.]
Diego: Yeah, well, you go fill out your forms while I go hunt these animals down. And, Detective, I do give a shit.
Policeman: (sighs) I still can't get over the fact that you two used to...
Patch: Not another word, Beeman. Not another damn word.

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