Chapter 19

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[Hazel and Cha-cha go in lab. They are eating Klaus's chocolate and get high. They start dancing.]
"They are so high." Laughs Klaus.
"Now they are out, maybe you manage to escape." Said Vanya hopefully.
"They wouldn't leave him to escape. They are more experienced than that." Said Five.
[Luther and Diego to Five's car.]
Luther: This is it. They're still here. This is Five's van. Go. Go. [Luther tries to open it, but can't so Diego will. They tried to get in van and keep bumping each other.]
"Children. Absolute children." Said Cora.
"You are one to talk." Said Diego.
Luther: I'm one. [Luther gets in, but he hits his head to Van's roof.]
Luther: (grunts) Damn it. 
[Hazel and Cha-cha continue dancing. They take gazoline and start pouring it in lab.]
"No, no, no, no, no!" Said Five. Everyone looks worried to lose only key to stopping apocalypse.
[Diego and Luther search papers to find where Five might be. Diego whistles and shows Luther a paper.]
Diego: I know where to find Five.
[Hazel and Cha-cha creat fire in lab.]
"Damn it!" Yelled Five.
"You can fix this. It's future." Reminded Ben.
[Five and Cora see burning hospital and run toward it. Explosion throws Cora and Five away. Sirens approach.]
"Everything is ruined." Said Five defeated.
[Allison is looking at magazines at street, outside Vanya's rehearsal. Vanya approaches Allison.]
Vanya: Hey, what are you doing here?
Allison: Hey. I was looking for you. I, um... I wanted to be the one to tell you about Mom.
Vanya: What?
Allison: Vanya, she's... she's gone.
Vanya: I thought we were gonna wait a bit.
Allison: It was those psychopaths last night. They killed her. We found her this morning.
Diego looks guilty about it. Cora notices it and goes to him. She grabs Diego's face.
"Hey, hey, It's not your fault. Mom wasn't... working. She was harming herself. You did what was neseccery." Said Cora and hugged Diego.
Allison: And, listen... Last night, what I said...
Vanya: No, no, don't... don't worry about it.
Allison: Oh, I have your keys.
Vanya: Why do you have my keys?
Allison: It's a long story. (sighs) Do you wanna get a drink?
Vanya: Sure.
[Hazel is groaning.]
Cha-Cha: I hate sprinkles. Maybe I just hate doughnuts. Why are we here again?
Agnes: Refill?
Hazel: God, yes, please. [Agnes pours coffe for Hazel.]
Hazel: Thank you. [Agnes smiles softly.]
"They look cute." Said Klaus about Hazel and Agnes.
"That bastard literally tortured you! He definetly is not cute!" Said Cora and glared at Hazel and Cha-Cha.
"I love love." Said Klaus.
Hazel: The world is ending. All this, all these... people, they'll be gone and they have... just... no idea.
"Is it me... or does he sound sad?" Said Vanya.
"It doesn't matter if he is sad or not. He IS making sure apocalypse happens and He tortured our brother!" Said Cora.
"I- i -uhh- i didn't mean it like that." Said Vanya, looking down.
Cha-Cha: This is not about a broken contract!
Hazel: What?
Cha-Cha: Five, son of a bitch. He's trying to change the timeline.
Hazel: So we're not only going to kill him. We're gonna end the world.
Cha-Cha: Come on, let's get back to what's his name.
[There is complete darkness. Then we see boy, who is covering his ears. There is whooshing and talking voices. Scary ghosts show up and are screaming his name 'Klaus! Klaus!' ]
Cora moves back to her seat, closer to Klaus. She pattes Klaus's hand. Klaus flinches.
"Sorry." Said Cora and took her hand away.
"It's okay. It's over." Said Ben to Klaus.
Little Klaus: (screams) Daaaaad! Aaaaah!
"And after that you are still defending dad?!" Said Diego to Luther. Luther looks uncomfortable.
"He.. he did to trach him his abilities." Said Luther.
"That's not teaching. That's torture! He is just a kid. It's dad's fault he hates his powers! If dad didn't do things like this and traumatised him, he might have learned how to not be scared of his powers and control it, instead of taking drugs to make it stop!" Glared Cora.
[Klaus is tied up, his mouth covered with tape and he is screaming. Ben's ghost is with him.]
Siblings look at Klaus sadly.
Ben: Klaaaus! Klaus! Breathe. You're in the worst of it now. Just try and stay calm. [Lady is in room and vacuuming.]
"Come on! Come on!" Said Allison and Cora.
[Klaus is screaming to make her hear him, but she can't.]
Ben: She can't hear you.
"Damnit!" Said Cora.
[Klaus continues screaming.]
Ben: You know what the worst part of being dead is? You're stuck. Nowhere to go. Nowhere to change. That's the real torture, if you gotta know. Watching your brother take for granted everything you lost and pissing it all away. [Klaus sniffles and whimpers.]
People look at Ben sadly.
"I'm sorry. You didn't deserve it." Said Cora.
"Didn't i?" Said Ben.
"Of course not. You have always been best of us." Said Cora.
"People i killed wouldn't agree." Said Ben.
"You did what you had to do. What you were taugh to do and it's not like you killed innocent." Said Cora. Ben shrugged.
Beeman: It's creepy, huh?
Patch: That's the understatement of the year. Did you find anything?
Beeman: Well, the fire inspector says that the speed of the blaze indicates that an accelerant was used. Oh, and, uh... we... found this. [Shows part of Cha-Cha's mask.]
Patch: Oh. Get that over to the lab immediately. I'll be right back. [Patch walks over to Five's car. There is writing on car's front window:
"Your brother says hi."]
Diego: My brother. Been missing since yesterday. I need to find him.
Patch: Son of a bitch.
"No, no. Don't go after them." Said Diego.
Luther: Let's split up.
Diego: Wow. Good thinking.
Luther: Anything?
Diego: No. [Luther turns around to leave.]
Diego: (sighs) You wanna know why I left? [Luther turns back.]
Luther: What? What are you talking about?
Diego: Why I left the Academy.
Luther: Yeah, 'cause you couldn't handle me being Number One.
Diego rolls his eyes.
Diego: No. Because that's what you do when you're 17. You move out, become your own person, grow up.
Luther: Oh, yeah. You're a real grown-up.
"It doesn't matter if he is mature, at least, he is indipendant and has his own life." Said Cora. Diego smirked. Luther glared at them.
"It's true, Luther. You need to learn how to live without dad controling every single thing in  your life. I'm saying it for your own good." Said Cora.
Diego: At least I make my own decisions. You've never had to hold down a job. Pay bills. You ever even been with a girl?
Luther: I...(clears throat) I don't know what you're talking about...
"You are a virgin?" Laughes Klaus. Luther blushes and glares at everyone.
Diego: (chuckles) Look, you wanna blame me, blame us for leaving... that's okay. But maybe you're asking yourself the wrong question. Maybe it's not about why we left. Maybe it's about why you stayed.
Luther: I stayed because the world needed me.
"That's what we say to ourselves to convice ourselves all the things dad put us through was for something. That we didn't suffer for nothing. News flah: We did." Said Cora.
Diego: You stayed because you couldn't let go of the way things used to be. The Academy. Dad. With Allison. [There is long silence.]
Diego: Dad's dead. Mom too, now. We're orphans again, dude. (elevator bell dings) And things are never gonna go back to the way they used to... be.
Luther: Do you ever stop talking? Woman: What kind of mother lets her child drink?
Woman: I'm gonna call security. [Diego and Luther walk toward voice. They see Drunk Five and Cora. They are hugging mannequin-Dolores and sleeping.]
"What happened to you two?!" Said Allison.
"We just lost only clue to stop apocalypse. Give us a break. We needed that." Defended Cora.
Luther: Are they, um...?
Diego: Drunk as a skunk.
[Vanya and Allison are drinking.]
Vanya: Leonard wouldn't. I mean, I can't even imagine.
Allison: Uh, I get it. I don't wanna believe it either, but why would he tell you he's going to work, and then he's letting himself into your place?
"Listen to Allison. I have bad feeling about him." Said Cora. Vanya crosses her arms and huffs.
Vanya: To use the bathroom, like he said?
Allison: (sighs) Or to creep around. He wouldn't. Rifle through your stuff? Maybe steal something? I mean... Jerk off on your Mr. Snuggles teddy bear?
"Allison has a point. You really should listen to her." Said Ben.
Vanya: No! No, stop.
Allison: Look, I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this, but sometimes, men are unredeemable shits.
Vanya: Well, maybe, but... I like this one. I know it's weird, 'cause we only knew each other for a few days, but... Leonard felt real. Like he saw something in me no one else did.
Allison: I know the feeling. (chuckles softly) God, I haven't felt like that since I was a kid.
Vanya: Luther?
Allison: (chuckles) Does everyone know?
"Well... it was obvious. How much time you spent together, Your blushing, how you acted around each other... it was so painfully obvious." Said Cora. Allison and Luther blushed.
Vanya: Well, I'm the last person who should be speaking for everyone, but... I always suspected. You two were so close.
Allison: Yeah, well, he's not speaking to me, either. Here we are.
Vanya: (chuckles) Yay, sisters? [Both chuckle.]
Allison: Yay, sisters. [They click glasses.]
[Cha-Cha and Hazel enter the room.]
Cha-Cha: You idiot!
Hazel: What?
Cha-Cha: You didn't put the "Do Not Disturb" sign on the door!
Hazel: I did! I know I... shit!
[Hazel opens wadrobe and sees Klaus, who is whimpering.]
Hazel: Oh, my God, he's still here.
"Where would i go? I'm tied up!" Said Klaus.
[He draggs Klaus out of wardrobe. Klaus continues whimpering, groans and speaks indistinctly.]
Hazel: What's he saying? [Cha-Cha takes off Klaus's tape on mouth.]
Cha-Cha: What are you sayin'?
Klaus: You guys are scarier without the masks.
"Don't antagonize them!" Said Diego. Already tired of Klaus's stupidiness. 'It's like he wants to get hit.' Thought Diego and rolled his eyes.
[Klaus chuckles, Hazel slaps him.]
Hazel: That's no way to say hello to your old friends, is it?
Klaus: Can't we call it a night? I already gave you what you wanted. Just, please... please let me go. Please.
Cora winces at seeing her brother like this. Everyone look at Klaus with pity.
Cha-Cha: Well, technically, we want your brother. Is your brother here now?
Klaus: (groans) Uh, he... (looks at Ben) You're gonna have to be a little more specific on that. [Klaus chuckles, They slap him again.]
Klaus: Ow! I told you already. He's not coming. No one will.
Siblings look disappointed in themselves and how disfunctional their family is that their brother thinks they won't rescue him.
"I'm so sorry, Klaus." Said Cora to Klaus.
"It's okay." Waved it off Klaus.
"No, we are really sorry. We should have noticed." Said Allison to Klaus. Klaus nodded, accepting apologies.
Cha-Cha: Well, Number Five knows now. We left him a message. And when he comes for you, we'll be ready.
Klaus: (sobs) This... ( groans ) [There is loud whispering voices.]
Reginald: Welcome back to the land of the living, Number Four.
Young Klaus: Can I go now?
Reginald: Have you overcome your fear of the dead? You must become the master of your own life, Number Four.
Or it will become the master of you.
Everyone glares at him, surprisingly even Luther.
Klaus: Please, I wanna go home. Three more hours. No! Don't leave me. [He slams the doors shut.]
Man: Klaus.
Klaus: Go away. [ghosts are screeching.]
Klaus: Dad!
Woman: Klaus!
[Klaus is panting.]
Ben: You went there again, didn't you? Klaus: (whimpering) No, no, no, no... [There is woman speaking in Russian.]
"Can't we switch the scene already?!" Said Klaus.
[Patch enters the motel. Recepionist doesn't react and keeps eating. Patch clears her throat.]
Patch: I have reason to believe two wanted criminals are in this motel.
"No, no. She found!" Said Diego.
Recepionist: Just two?
Patch: I'm gonna need to take a look around.
Receptionist: Mm... This is a pay-by-the-hour kind of place. My customers, they don't get four-star digs, but... they do get complete privacy, from me... and from the man. Hm. Pardon me. Wo-man.
Patch: That's bullshit.
Receptionist: They're your rules, not mine. Think I ain't read the Constitution?
Patch: I don't think you can read.
Diego looks at her fondly.
Recepionist: Come back with a warrant. [Recepionist leaves the room. Patch reaches over table and takes the phone. She is calling someone.]
Coach: Hit him! Come on! (Men grunting) Come on! [Phone is calling. Man walks to the phone.]
Al: Fighting Line Boxing. Al here.
Patch: I'm looking for Diego Hargreeves.
"She called me." Said relieved Diego, thinking he would help her.
Al: Not here.
"Shit. Don't anything stupid, Eudora." Said Diego.
Patch: Tell him Detective Eudora Patch called. I think I found his brother. Tell him to meet me at 4535 Calhoun as soon as he can.
Al: Uh, hold on, hold on.
Patch: I, uh... I could use some backup.
Al: All right, lady. I'll let him know you called. [Line disconnects.]

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