Chapter 28

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Nicholas dashes off towards the Moon Palace. He never runs that hard in his life. He runs as if he can still chase after her soul so he can put it back in her body.

When he arrived at the Empress regnant's bedroom, he saw the gloomy maids and the silently crying head maid Constance.

He walked closely and saw the Empress Regnant beautiful face. Her rashes are gone and she only looks like she's sleeping.

"It's a joke right? Look! Her rashes are gone. And she was just sleeping, right?! Tell me!" He shouted. Trying to controll the overwhelming feelings of of his.

The doctor speaks. "We tried injecting her a medicine that can alleviate her rashes days ago. When we saw her rashes gone we thought she already doing good but she suddenly can't breathe and no she's.." he did not finished his sentence

The Emperor grabbed the old doctor's coat.


"P-please stay calm your majesty." The doctor pleaded

"Please, let him go yOur Majesty. The Empresa Regnant asked us to prevent you from killing the doctor. That's her last words." Constance pleaded

He let go of the doctor.

"Hah! Even at the end, you still worried for the others. What should I do with you, my empress." He said as he leaned closer to her.

He held her hand. " Please come back to me. I'm begging you."

It feels like all his energy left him. He was so so tired of everything. Is this what you mean when you told me you're tired?

"Please open your eyes Empress. I'll give you anything just please come back." He said

"Please accept our condolences Your Majesty." The doctor spoke

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN CONDOLENCES?! SHE'S JUST SLEEPING!" he burst in anger. Tears fell from his cheeks.

"She wouldn't die like this. She's a proud woman so she wouldn't let herself succumb to an illness like this. She's just asleep. She'll wake up in time." He said. He then lift Alarice's body.

The servants were in shocked.

"Your Majesty, please let her rest in peace." Constance pleased


His eyes filled with tears seems like blood from all his emotions. He was burning with rage and grief.

Nicholas brings her body to his own room.

"I'll let you stay in here for a while. You always slipped from my grasp so this time, stay by my side always, My Empress." He said while touching her face lightly as if talking to an alive human being.

He's gone mad. The person that was keeping him sane and upright is now gone.

"My Empress if you don't wake up, I won't stop purging all the people responsible for your death." He said

He went to get his sword.

"I'll start with that stupid bastard of a Viscount Empress." He said

And like a mad person, he walked dragging his sword towards the underground dungeon where Viscount Billen was staying. His eyes were so cold and feels like blood was running down from it.

No one dares to get in his way. He was so frightening that the servants made way instantly.

Qashanna was looking from afar. Even though she's been with him the longest, she's never seen him this scary. She was trembling. The bloodlust from Nicholas was sa terrifying. She doesn't know what to do so she ran towards her palace. She was just so so scared and sad that he was going to those length for the Empress Regnant.

When Nicholas was Infront of Viscount's Billen prison cell, his anger boils up when he saw him lying on a comfortable bed with delicious meal on the side table. Clearly, someone was making him comfortable in his stay.

He drags his sword and in two strikes he destroyed the prison cell.

"What the-!" The Viscount didn't finished what he's saying when Nicholas suddenly pierce near his heart. He made sure not to damage an internal organ so he can still live

The Viscount coughed blood.

"You're taking your sweet time here when my wife suffered because of you. But I'll give you last chance. You see, Ally hates it when I kill people, so I'm going to kill you so she can get up from her slumber and just to scold me." He said

The the pierce the sword deeper. The Viscount cannot speak a single word. Though the pain is intolerable he can't shout as the Emperor's bloodlust aura makes him suffocate even more.

Then Nicholas pulled out the sword and pierce him again and again making sure that he doesn't pierce an inter al organs. After a while of stabbing and stabbing the Viscount finally died from blood lost.

"Ahhh. You're way too fragile. You died even before my wife came to me to scold me." He said with his bloodied appearance.

The knights that were slacking off came back from outside and saw the horrible scene.

"Y-your Majest-" the didn't finished their words and just slashed them and the died.

He saw the maids holding a fancy alcohol and foods that were probably for the Viscount. He seems to be livinga pretty comfortable life with the help of bribing the servants.

His anger was constantly rising up. He suddenly killed all of them. The prison was covered with blood.

"I killed a lot of people now Ally. Please wake up and scold me now." He said but no one answered

Nicholas laughed coldly.

"So this is how you gonna play it huh?" He said then kills the people he sees.

The servants all locked their rooms.

"The Emperor has gone mad!" They were all thinking.

Nicholas was walking outside the dungeon.

"What a sight." A woman's voice

Nicholas coldly looked at the old woman. When he realized who she is he burst into tears.

"I'm sorry, I failed to protect your daughter." He said sobbing like a child


Hi! It's me again. Hope you'll enjoy this too!!

Lovelots. ,

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