Chapter 26

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It's happening again. She's stupidly sacrificing herself again for the others.

"Why are you doing this? Are you perhaps punishing me?" He asked, almost whispered

"This is the rational choice Your Majesty. You know that people on our position were not allowed to decide based on our superficial feelings." She said coldly

He cannot see her face clearly as her bed was surrounded by thin curtains. But she was not looking at him.

"Is that really what you want?" He asked

"It doesn't matter what I want. Nicholas. What matters is that it is the right thing to do."

Ah. It's been a while since he heard his name lingers on her lips. Heck, he hasn't even heard his voice during the past weeks of her absence. And the first thing that he'll hear is all this nonsense?!

"I've waited for you for the last long weeks that feels like eternity. I oblige to your plead not to come to your aid when you went to the place where the epidemic started. I listened to you to when you told me to ask the person I resented the most to rely on him making the cure. I followed your decisions because I trusted you considering the short span of years we're together. But have you ever considered my feelings?" His anger is rising up.

He clenched his fists. This is not what he thought will happen if she come back. They were supposed to be in his room with their body intertwined. He waited and waited for her just for things to turn out this way.

"I never wanted you hurt. Everytime I saw you like that I feel like destroying the people who hurt you. You told me never to be a tyrant that kills mindlessly but I'm willing to turn back to the old me the moment I loose you. Alarice, you know how much I-"

"STOP! Don't say another word." She commanded.

Even with the thin fabric he could see her golden eyes looking straight to him.

"You cannot and don't have the rights to say those words to me. Whatever you call that feelings I won't accept it. We're going to part ways in a year so whatever it is you're going to say is useless." She said

"And who told you we're going to separate in a year?!" He almost roared

"That's what our contract says. That's what we agreed upon in the first place."

"So you don't care about the relationship or the memories that we build? You'll abandon me after all the things that we shared together."

"I know we shared a lot and I'll cherish it 'till the day I die but that's it. From the beginning I don't have any plans to prolong this relationship. I want to be free, Nicholas."

"Can't you do it by my side? We're okay with everything."

Alarice's face crumpled.

"Is that what you really think?"

"Is it not? I though we're happy."

"I AM NOT FULLY HAPPY!" she said then burst out crying

For the past years, Nicholas never see her cry. She was always strong that some people thought that she doesn't shed tears and Nicholas was one of them. He always thinks that she's okay.

"I'm so so tired of everything! I'm tired of doing your work while you were with other women! I'm tired fighting for my position! I'm tired from all the dirty glares the other nobles are throwing at me! I'm tired of sacrificing myself and my time and my peace just to keep yours! I am just nineteen when I married you! I am just still so young to endure any of this! But you never took my side! You always tells me to do my job or to understand my situation wherein you never intend to understand me. The only reason why I seem okay is because that's the last bit of my pride that I have. I don't want you seeing me weak. I'm never happy when we are together knowing that you were never mine alone..that everything that you give me is something that I must share to other people who were making me miserable. I'm just so so tired of everything. I can no longer endure it for another years or so. I wanted to go home. I miss my parents, I miss my brothers, I miss my home. Please let me go already. I no longer want to help you in your delusion that everything about me is fine. I am never fine." She said sobbing

For the first time, she looks like a child in his eyes. She was always like a cold fortress. Someone so grand that she was considered perfect for the roles of the Empress and she is. But he never considered her feelings or the weight of her responsibility.

It was his fault. It was all his fault for thinking she can handle everything when he himself also leans on her during tough times. But who does the Empress Regent leans on?

He was the only one who she can lean on but he was always worried about his other wife.

"I-I'm sorry. So please give me another chan-"

"And what about the Empress Consort?"

There was silence. Yes, Qashanna was someone who he fought for and the reason why he desired this power.

"What about her? She was also someone who wanted you for herself, Nicholas. She needs you. Are you saying you're going to abandon her for me?"

He opened his mouth to say something but no words came out.

Of course he can't abandon her. And that's what makes her feel more miserable. She was never chosen by him.

"Please get out. Just leave me alone, Your Majesty. I'm tired." She said

"I'll fix everything. I'll make sure you're cured. So please.."

"GET OUT!" she yelled as she throw her pillows at him.

For a second there the curtains parted and revealed the clear condition of the Empress Regnant.

Nicholas' body turns cold as he saw some purple rashes in her face.

"No. No. No. Please no." He said

"I can't cure myself your Majesty. It's too late for me now. Please save the Empress Consort." She said

He was about to say something but a maid fervently knock at the door.

"Your Majesty, Duke Elmea came and went straight to the Empress Consort's palace and give them the medicine! They didn't even-"

She stopped when he saw the Emperor standing beside her bed.

"What did you say?" The Emperor asked with a pale face.


Hi! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Next update will be on Thursday. Thank you!

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