Chapter 30

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The conference room is full with the nobles' noises. Everyone has a different opinion. But most of them agreed to one.

"If we mix our blood to them. Our empire will definitely prosper more!"

"Indeed! I don't know why in their 4 years of marriage they don't have a single child!"

"If their child was the one to inherit the throne in the future then the imperial family will be much more powerful!"

"Preposterous! The imperial family already have 2 princes! And the Empress consort is still pregnant! Just because that Chile might have the mixture of our Emperor's blood and the bloodline of those blessed with spirits doesn't mean we will discard the older 2 princes! She was still a foreigner!"

"You're saying that because you're on the Duke's side! Think about how the Empress Regnant healed those who are in the brink of death alike it's nothing. She healed almost all of the people infected by the epidemic in just a month! And her mother the queen of Las Islas brought her back to dead! Both are from the spirits power!"

"That's right! They are not even spirits made for offense but considered as just supporting ones! Once they birth a prince he might be qualified to make a spiritual contract with the spirit king himself!"

"Yes! I heard he is the most powerful of them all. He controls over all spirits. Imagine if that person will be allied with our country! We'll be unstoppable."

"But the Empress Regnant might be infertile. She's never conceived a child. Even the late first consort was pregnant when she died. We already have two princes we don't need someone to join the bloody battle to the throne!"

"And how dare you talk about succession when our Emperor is still alive and well."

"We're just thinking about the future of the Empire."

The nobles continued to argue. Truth to be said, they were planning to conquer the country of Las Islas. Their power to make contract with the spirit and wield their power was very tempting.

If they successfully make the Las Islas a colony country of them. They can have their citizens produce offsprings with them. The country of swords Philleon Empire and the country of spirits Las Islas, surely if they merge their powers then their country will be powerful.

However, Las Islas was a close off country. It's hard to penetrate them. They tried negotiating with them but they refused. They were about to plan for an invasion. After all, despite them being blessed by powerful spirits they are still a small country. They stand no chance to the army forces of a huge empire like Philleon.

Everything changes when their only Princess offered her hand on marriage. They were able to have her without much bloodbath.

And now that they saw first hand the miracle of those blessed with spirits, they don't want to wast the chance to have their bloodline mixed with them.

"The Emperor has arrived with his aide!" A knight announced which made the nobles silent.

Nicholas walked through them and sit in the chair reserved for the Emperor. His aide Pierre stood behind him

The nobles bow their heads with respect.

"Let's begin the meeting." Pierre announced.

Alarice was still on her bed. Her mother was feeding her soup made by herself.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Her mother Isolde asked

"I'm already fine mom. I feel refreshed after sleeping for a while." She said

The queen sighed. "About going home, sweetheart. Are you really refusing the plead of this mother of yours?" She asked

Alarice smiled.

"I know this is a stupid choice but please let me stay here for a little while longer. This country still needs me." She said

Islode held her daughter's hand.

"But you need to rest and go home in our country. I hate seeing you like this."

"Mom, I know you also had a vision of this country's future. There will be an upcoming war. I don't want my efforts of four years go to waste. Just let me help them get past this war and I'll be going home. I also wanted to rest. I just can't abandon these people." She pleaded

Her mother knows her best. She knows how Alarice was someone kindhearted and sometimes stupid. After all she raises her that way. Be a kindhearted person. Always help those in need. And now she's regretting her choice a little. If only this child is a little more selfish and spoiled...

"Your father and brothers were about to come here but something came up with the borders. You're right, a war was about to begin. I also need to go back to our country tomorrow. I'm sorry I can't stay here any longer. But if you change your mind, let's go home together tomorrow." She said

Alarice only smiled. Her mother also has a lot of duty as a Queen. She understands it best being an Empress, that's why she really appreciate her rushing towards here to let her live.

For the next few days, after her mother left, Nicholas did not visit her even once. She heard from the maids that he was having a hard time controlling the nobles demands.

And in those few days, she definitely rest a lot.

One night, while she was sleeping she heard little noises in her room. She readied herself thinking it was an assassin.

She touched the dagger under her pillows. When she felt the presence near her she grab the dagger and throw it at the presence's direction.

"Who are you!" She said and so was a voice inside the room

The air from the opened window blew the curtains and the moonlight let her see the situation.

Nicholas was in her room pointing his sword to two children and behind the wall where the children are was her thrown dagger.

"Children?" She asked confused. Actually she has so many questions in her head but her attention was more on the children who looks like five years old.

A boy with silver hair glistening with the moonlight and ocean blue eyes. And a girl covering up for the boy with her ocean blue eyes and silky golden blonde hair.

"I'll let you taste the wrath of the demon queen if you hurt my servant of a twin brother." The little girl said confidently



So yeah. I lost track of time so I forgot to update yesterday but here yah go! Thanks for waiting!

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