Chapter 31

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Alarice and Nicholas was taken aback. Both of them were confused. Who are these children and how did they get in here?

"Who are you?" Nicholas asked first.

They might be assassins who were after the Empress Regnant's life. Since the imperial court is in chaos and the opinions of the nobles were divided about the heir topic it is not surprising that someone might kill her.

Nicholas clenched her sword. He won't let them kill the Empress.

"Why are you asking me? You're bad, how dare you put your sword at us. We are your-"

"We're very sorry!" The boy cut off the girl.

The little girl looks at the boy and the boy whispered something to the girl.

"That's stupid." The girl said

"Wait. Can you guys please fill us in? Who are you? Who sent you here?" Alarice asked

Looking at the two children, she can't help but feel strange emotions. Strange different emotions.

The two children looked at her intently. They just stared at her for a while then the little girl cry suddenly.

"Eh? Eh?? Did I do something wrong?" Alarice was confused

She likes children but she really is awkward handling crying children. She was just glad that Mael and Naveen was easy to be close with.

"You should put down your sword Nicholas. They might be scared." She just said

"But what if-"

"Just put it down." She insisted

Nicholas did sheathed his sword. She get up at her bed and went closer to the two children.

"Awww.. please don't cry honey. Your pretty face will look smudged." She said

The boy who was just staring at her took her hanky out and gave it to the little girl.

"I apologize. My sister was just a cry baby. She misses our Mom and she cries whenever she saw someone who was silver hair like me." He said

The boy was a little mature for his age. He has a stern attitude, formal tone and serious look. He has an unbending gaze and his eyes looks as if he was drowning you from different emotions. He reminds her of someone.

"You have a very pretty eyes." She said

"Really? People around me also said that my mom love my eyes the most. "He said

*Grumble* *Grumble*

A hungry stomach. Alarice can't help but chuckle at the sound of the crying little girl's stomach.

"Why don't we eat first." She said

"What? We don't know who they are." Nicholas protested

"They are children and look harmless. Besides, don't you have the confidence to protect me from these children?"

Nicholas sighed.

"Come here. I'll cook something." She said and gesture her hand towards the boy.

The little girl for some reason automatically pull Nicholas' shirt and gesture her hand as if asking to be carried.

They looked at each other. These children are really weird.

Nicholas don't have a choice but to carry the child. He looked at the little girl. Something in him is in turmoil. His stomach was like in knot. The little girl's feature was so similar to Alarice.

If they did have a daughter. Would she looked like this? The walked towards the kitchen.

When Alqrice turns on the lights they had a pretty good look at the children.

"Did you have an illegitimate child somewhere?" Alairce asked looking at them.

"What? No!"

"Are you sure? 'Cuz one look and they'll know that it's your daughter. Come on you have to be honest, so we can work things out. " She said

"I told you no. I never slept with other women."

She looked at him suspiciously.


"Look, you're saying that but doesn't that boy looks like your child. It's rare for someone to have silver hair." He said

"It is but silver hair is not technically genetic. You can have a silver hair if you are blessed by the spirits."

"And only people in your country is blessed by spirits."

"Does that mean you sleep with someone from my country?"

"What? No! Why would you think that?! What I mean is somehow the child might be related to you."

"So does that mean you sleep with someone I know from my country?"

"Goodness lady No! How many times do I have to say no for you to believe me? I never sleep with anybody outside the harem okay?"

"Then is she a hidden con-"

"Do you really think it's okay to talk about adult things in front of the children?" The boy said suddenly

The both of them stopped arguing.

"I'm hungry." The little girl said

Alarice went to prepare a simple meal for the children and gave it to them. The little girl was beside Nicholas and across them were Alarice and the boy.

"Where's mine?" Nicholas asked

"Why do I have to cook for you? I'm sure you've already eaten anyway. It's 12 midnight."

"I'm also hungry."

"Then cook for yourself."

"Why are you being so mean?"

"Why are you being so weird?"

"Here, you can have some of mine." The little girl said and feed Nicholas a carrot from her plate.

Nicholas looked at her for a while before eating the carrot the little girl offered.

"So you stoop so low now and eat a little girl's meal?"

"She offered it. Who am I to refuse?"

Alarice just shook her head.

"Please don't flight. We don't have a whole family so being here is so nice. " The little girl said cutely

"We're not fighting sweety. We're just ahmm... Talking." Alarice said

"That's how you talk?" The boy asked

"Yes." She said

"So, what's your name?" Alarice asked

"I'm Ember. I'm four years old. We're twins!" The little girl said

"Emery." The boy said

The boy is really reserved. Reminds her of a certain someone who is also reserved and bad at communication.

"Where's your parents?" Nicholas asked while Ember feeds him so Alarice gets up and prepare another set of meal.

The both of them was silent for a while.

"My mom is dead and my father is... I don't know. Maybe he doesn't loves us anymore." Ember said teary eyed.

Nicholas pat the little girl's head. She's just so adorable.

"That's not true. I'm sure your dad loves you so much. Who wouldn't love a cute little thing like you?" Alarice said

"She's right." Nicholas said

"Really, so your majesty. If you were my dad will you love me?" Ember asked looking at Nicholas intently.

Nicholas glanced at Alarice before answering.

"Yes, I'd love you unconditionally." He said and pinched her chubby cheek slightly.

Nicholas wished that this girl is his daughter.

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