Chapter 41

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When the knights tried to force Alarice to go home to the palace, the rebels came ambushing them with the mercenaries that they hired. This made the knights become busy subjugating them.

For the next months, Alarice was still helping on treating patients. She helped Mael formulate ideas on how to prolong the war without causing much damage so they can still have reason to stay there.

She also did receive tons of letter from the Emperor urging her to go back but he never went there himself so she never did bother replying to any of his letter.

If he really did care, he will come here against all odds. That's  what she thought.

And as expected, during the course of her pregnancy, many attempted to kill the unborn child.

On her 7th month one knight named Mikhail secretly pour an aborticide on her food but got caught in doing so. When tortured, he confessed his relationship with concubine Elisha.

Little by little, Mael was getting more information about this whole fiasco. They were getting much closer to who's the real traitor in the Empire.

In one of the battles, pregnant woman asked for their help as she was left by her husband to die in the middle of the firings. They did tried to save her and her child but they were too late. Alarice was very busy that time treating the injured knights that she failed to cater the pregnant woman right away.

The woman and her child died. When she saw the baby with her pale blonde hair. She thought that she was perfect for their plan.

It was a great disrespect for the dead but she needed the body of the child.

Mael agreed to use the child as the body of her "dead daughter" to be presented to the Emperor. 

I'm sorry for using your corpse this way. But I promise you'll have the grandest funeral as the first princess of the Philleon Empire and I'll let you be buried beside your mother.

She silently told the child. This time, the plan was now in motion. She pretended to drink the aborticide Elisha sent and contracted the doctor to make it seem like she had a miscarriage.

And months later, she did give birth to the lives that must be kept in the dark.

Emerion and Ember. The hidden prince and princess.


The receiving room was huge and in the top middle of it are two extravagant chair to be occupied by the Emperor and Empress regnant.

It was a room designed to receive honorable guests or special people by the Emperor. It is usually filled with other nobles for a warm welcome.

But that day was different. Alarice sent a letter for the first time in almost a year stating that she only wants the emperor and his aide on the receiving room. 

The emperor who was deprived of news from her excitedly complied. Even though he didn't receive any letter. A doctor constantly reported her condition.

And even though she doesn't know the child's gender, he eagerly asked the maids to prepare two rooms for the child. One room is designed for a male child and the other is for a female child. Both was decorated lavishly.

He ordered scholars to find him books to give him idea on what name shall he give their first child.

He was just that excited.

But all of those excitement vanished into thin air when Alarice walked through the receiving room holding a black fabric.

She then kneel Infront of him.

The Villainess Next Life (COMPLETED)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz