Chapter 33

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"Brother!" Ember called

It's been days since the twins came to the palace. Mael was roaming around the Moon garden when a little girl with golden blonde hair and ocean blue eyes called.

Mael's eyebrows met. Who is she? She looks like the girl version of Father.

The little girl ran towards him and suddenly hugged him. She hugged him so tightly that he thought his organs will popped out of him.

“I’m so scared brother. I want to stay here but I also need to go back. What should I do?” She asked crying

Mael was confused. Just who is this child?
“Let him go Ember.” A child with ocean blue eyes and silver hair said.

Mael was even more confused. These two are just shouting to the world whose children are they. Did the Emperor and Empress Regnant have children on secret? But why would they do that? Besides, he was often with the Empress Regnant so it’s impossible that he didn’t know she was pregnant.

Nevertheless, these children must not be seen by his mother.


“He’s looks uncomfortable. And there’s a certain rule in our situation.” The boy said

“Who are you?” Mael can’t helped but ask

The girl stopped hugging him.

“We’re. ahmm..”

“We’re a guest of the Empress Regnant and the Emperor. My name is Emery and she’s Ember.” Said the boy

Mael looked at them intently when suddenly Ember grabbed his left hand and pull his sleeves slightly revealing his bruised arms he got from his mother’s fit of rage. Emery clenched his fist.

He held his bruised arms. Then a light emerged from his hands and his bruises are gone. Even the pain is gone.

His eyes widened.


“My twin brother’s amazing right? He healed you by turning back time in you body.” Ember said boasting

Turning back time. Mael felt like he fits all the puzzle pieces. So that is it… they came from the future.

“Please don’t get hurt too much brother.” Emery said

Mael smiled.
“How was your brother?”


“You have one, right?” he asked

The two looked down.

I see. So, they came here on purpose.

“What can I do to help?”

“We can’t stay here for long; it will cause too much change. We cannot even say directly in any form our situation. Our hands are tied. But please brother, save the imperial family. In the middle of roses are thorns. The root of those roses is poisonous and will cause the whole land drought. I know it’s hard but you have to uproot the roses.” Emery said

“Emery, we have to go back now.” Ember said

“I know. We’ll just have to said goodbye.” Emery said.

“Please remember my words well.”

Mael was left standing there. Roses... It refers to his mother. The owner of the Rose Palace. And roses are the symbol of the Elmea family. Does that mean that his mother and his grandfather will do something horrible that it warrants children going in here to asked for help?

And as much as it pains him. He was the only one who has access to the Elmea family. Only he can do it.

“What did you do Mom, Grandfather?”

When Ember and Emery were in the palace, they plan to have one last meal with their parents before going. But they stopped when they heard the knights talking.

“… then I guess we have no choice but to go to war.”
“Yes, and they are planning to send troops next week.”

The two of them got pale.

“Brother! What should we do?! Something changed! It was supposed to be next month!” Ember asked

“Let’s go back now. Before we changed something more.”

“But you said you’ll need more time so we can go back exactly at our time.”

“Well, what should we do?! Do we stay here so something more changes and we might make things worse?!” he said

Ember was teary eyed. It feels like they messed up. “Let’s go back. If brother succeeded on changing the future, then we might not need to go back in time anyway.” She spoke

Emery held her hand and they both vanished.

In the courtroom where the discussion on war was taking place Duke Elmea suggested something so horrible.

“What about sending my grandson, the first prince on the front lines?”

Sorry for the short update. I'm stressed cuz I almost lost this account

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