Chapter 12

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After the embarrassing dinner, at least for Alarice they all disperse to talk about business with other nobles.

Alarice went to her parent's table.

"Mom! Dad! How are you? It's been a while?"

"We're doing good sweetie. How about you?" Her mother asked

"Didn't you see those two earlier? It's actually quite disgusting, I almost lost my appetite." His brother said

"Shut up brother Jacob. You're just jealous 'coz you'll never be able to experience that."

"Oh, I don't mind not experiencing that. I'm too busy playing with girls." He smirked

"Human trash."

"Stop it both of you. Sweetie, the other ladies are waiting for you. Why don't you go talk to them. We'll just arrange tea time with you for the next day." Her mother said

"Argh. You know I hate doing this." She grunted

"Well, you are now the Empress of an Empire you ought to do these things." Her father said

"Mkay. Fine." She said. The kissed her parents and second brother goodbye.

Her brothers were twins. Although the came from the same womb and nurtured at the same time the both of them has completely different personality.

Her first brother Jacob was a playboy and a troublemaker. He's a genius swordman but is nonchalant about work. His only interest is on weapons and playing with women.

On the other hand, her second brother Alejandro was closer to her. He was quiet and loves reading book. He also hates socializing just like her. He only love reading books. Since they were kids he express his interest in becoming a farmer.

None of them wanted the throne. Although they were all capable, they don't want work. Too much work. This is also the reason why Alarice chooses to be married to another Kingdom rather than take the throne. Though, what she didn't realize is she will still be bombarded with lots of work.

She sighed. The banquet hall is full of glittering lights and sparkling jewels. The ladies were all adorned with their best dresses and smiles.

Ha! If I know they were just talking about dirty things behind their fans.

She saw two ladies coming to her beaming. One with red hair and the other with purple hair.

"Ally! It's been a while." Said the red haired lady.

Even though she rarely attend social events she managed to make some connections due to her hard work.

The red haired lady with brown eyes is the younger sister of the Emperor's aide Pierre, Olivia Eleanor Lomoan. She became friends when she met her at the private dinner birthday celebration of Pierre which they were invited.

"Ally!! Why didn't you answer my last letter!" The one with the purple hair complained

"I'm sorry. I've been busy for the last few weeks. I barely even got to take a bath let alone sleep " she said feeling haggard.

"The Emperor is too much. She made you work day and night. Just look at the marks on you shoulder."

The purple haired lady with green eyes was the daughter of the southern duke. Adeline Liliana Castedras.

Her family has been one of the powerful ones after the Royal family. They contributed in lots of wars and now pledge their undying loyalty to the Emperor. They met when she visited one of the orphanage she was planning to sponsor. It turns out that Adeline was also eyeing for the orphanage to be sponsored.

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