Chapter 14

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Alarice thought that after all these years she will no longer be hurt by whatever he did. She must've been drown to his attention he's giving her these past year.

She paused for a while gathering herself.

It's okay. It's fine. You knew the moment you marry him, something like this will bound to happen. It's not even the first time so it's fine. It's fine. It's fine. It's gonna be fine. You just have to hold on for another year and everything's going to be okay. She told herself.

She slightly clenched her fist and silently sighed trying to expel the tightness in her chest.

"That's a good news Your Majesty. You need to go now to cater the needs of the Empress Consort. I also need to rest for a bit, then meet my friends in the afternoon." She said without looking at him.

She afraid he's gonna read her heart if she look straight to his eye.

When she was about you stand, Nicholas held her hand to stop her.

She close her eyes very tight trying to suppress her tears then she looked at him. Different emotions can be seen in his blue eyes but she can't name it. She didn't dare to.

"What's wrong Your Majesty?" She asked praying that her voice won't crack.

He opened his mouth to say something but close it again. He then sighed.

"You can stay here and rest."

"No. I need to rest properly at my own room as to not worry the Empress Consort. It's a sensitive time for her."she said and motioned the maid to help her get dressed.

Nicholas went to the rose palace where the Empress Consort resides.

Alarice throw herself on her bed.

"I'm tired." She murmured and can't help the tears that fell in her cheeks.

"So I still have tears. I thought they already dried out."

Alarice fell in love with him when she first saw him at a banquet when she was twelve.

The same day that she remembers that this was the novel that she reads in her previous life. Even though she knew she shouldn't her heart can't help but be stolen by him.

That night was enchanting for her. It was her father's birthday and she attended the banquet despite her hate to these social events.

She was busy observing in the side when she first saw him. A dazzling eighteen years old young man. Despite his young age, he stood proud, confident and powerful. A true king.

His elegant yet strong countenance caught her attention. It was a little crush. He was gorgeous. His ocean blue eyes and dazzling hair were perfect.

All through the banquet her eyes were on him. Even if she doesn't want to she can't help it. She was like magnetize by those eyes.

There were a lot of time that she was caught looking at him and she will just blushed from embarrassment.

I wonder if he already marry Qashanna the Female lead?

She was surprised when he asked for a dance. He was a gentleman. Just a little bit. Then I will no longer desire you.

After the banquet, she found out that he was already married and his wife was about to give birth.

So the story started out already. Alarice, as the Villainess has one role in the story.

To torment Qashanna. She appeared in the middle of the novel where the Empire of Philleon needed the Spirit power of the Las Islas country. Alarice in the novel also fell in love with him at first sight and was jealous of Qashanna whom he give his most attention. That was why she do a lot of bad things to Qashanna and almost kill her by refusing to heal her when she got afflicted with the plague. That time Qashanna was pregnant and had a miscarriage.

Alarice died at the end together with her unborn child. She was sentence to death by harming a member of the Imperial Family. That was her sad end.

And now, just like Alarice in the story, she too fell in love with him. She don't know why. He's not even her type but she still fell in love.

Alright! I'm just not gonna get involved with them. I just need not to marry him then problem solved.

She thought but after five years, she was forced to marry him. She has no choice. It was her duty as an Imperial Princess. Additionally, she took pity on those minority of the Empire that lives in extreme poverty. Or maybe, deep inside her those were just her excuse to be with him.

It's okay, I'll just not go between them. That's why she made that contract. She doesn't want to die nor have her unborn child die with her.

During the course of the story, Qashanna was always wary of her but she just ignored her and focus herself on improving the country. This was also her way to erase any feelings she has for him.

But it didn't go as planned. The Emperor often seek of her night service that she sometimes was afraid she'd get pregnant. She has no choice but to drink infertility pill in order to prevent that.

There were times when she pushed Qashanna and Nicholas to have a date while she took on the works of the Emperor.

"This is fine. This is how it's supposed to be. I just need to hold on for five years then I'm done." That's what she's always saying.

Besides, she pitied Qashanna. She's already been through so much that she doesn't have the heart to hurt her even more. She grew up in a loving family and she doesn't. She deserves to be happy.

Her only concern is the way she treated Mael and she tried to help the poor child. The Emperor took care of it but he too. Cannot defy Qashanna as he also pity her. 

Their realtionship has always been good. They were still I love after so many years. So them having a second child was not surprising. There was no place for her in between them.

From the beginning she already gave up. She dares not to hope of love from their marriage. And it's for the best. At least that's what she thought.

She admit that sometimes she hope to have a child with him but she painfully held back. For the sake of their love. For the sake of peace. But just how much must she sacrifice for them. She even drank too many infertility pill that having children might now be impossible for her. 

Why would he feel the need to be nice to her when they now only have two years left before the divorce? He gave her hope that maybe he likes her, too. But reality is cruel. It dragged her back from her cloud nine thinking.

The Empress Consort was pregnant. The news brought her back to reality that the Emperor was not hers. His heart and soul belongs to someone else. And it was never her.

That night, her pillows was wet with her tears.

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