Chapter 24

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It's been days since Alarice started healing the patients. She doesn't have much sleep and he hasn't eaten properly. She just wanted this to end.

The epidemic has a cure, but she didn't bother to create it as she believes that the epidemic will no longer sprout as she already immediately healed the first person to be infected years ago.

Besides, this disease came from poor sanitation and she has been doing her best to make the slums clean and sanitized properly. And there was now a lot of improvement.

The disease was a skin infection. The symptoms include fever, vomiting, headache and difficulty in breathing. After 2 weeks purple rashes with water inside it will appear. That's when the disease get contagious. Once the rashes was touched there was a high possibility that it will infect you.

The doctors arrived days ago. They can only cure patients who doesn't have the rashes yet. That's the best shot. Once rashes appeared then it will be difficult to cure it and the doctors might also caught the disease.

So as someone with healing powers. She was the one healing those with the rashes. Of course she's not immune to the disease. But she needs to heal them.

"Your Majesty, you need to rest." the baron wearing his protective gear said.

"Just give me a minute. I'll just finish this patient. I also need to sanitize myself now." She said

"We're all glad that the number of highly infected patients decrease considerably but you need to rest. Please let the other doctor treat them as well. His Majesty was also pressuring the others to find the cure.  We're all worried for your health."

"I'm fine. I can still do this. Besides the number of patients I need to cure is now below a hundred." She said while healing the next patient. "I just need to keep at it a little longer. Just a little longer then I will asked for a month leave. I also really wanted to rest. And please tell His Majesty that I just remembered that the flower of whisteria that can be found in Duke Elmea's territory is the cure. " She said

The baron bowed his head. "As you wish Your Majesty." He said

It's been days since she tried remembering the novel's contents but her memory of it is fading. As far as she remembers there was a person who was behind the spread of the disease. Viscount Billen is just his puppet. But she can't remember who.

It took her another days to finally finished healing all the other patients. There were still some patients undergoing treatment but it is no longer life threatening.

"Hail to her Majesty the Empress! Our life and loyalty are yours!" The villagers shouted

She smiled. It seems that all her efforts are paid off. Additionally, now that they know the extent of her healing powers and she gains the further support of the commoners her power as the Empress Regnant increases. For now, she doesn't have to think about having a child for the sake of power. It was not her intention but she's glad she gained something valuable.

"It is my duty as Your Empress to be of service." She said smiling.

She instructed her maids to prepare her bath and a light meal. After eating a taking a bath she slumped back at her bed. It's really a long long month. And she was glad they got through it.

She picked up the letter sent by the Emperor. For the past month he never failed to write her two letters within the day. One is a business letter reporting the progress of the epidemic case while the other is a personal letter as a husband to his wife.

Well at least I know he hasn't abandon me. She thought.

My Dearest Empress,

How are you doing? Have you eaten properly? You always had a habit of forgetting to eat when you're too busy with work. Please don't exert yourself too much. Please let yourself rest. That's what I've always been writing you but I hope after repeating that over and over again you'll do as I say.

I heard that you're about to finish your task there. I wanted to see you soonest. You don't know how anxious I am as days goes by that you weren't here by my side. Please come back here safely.

Praying for your safety,

She smiled at the letter. Though he has been sending these kind of letters to her she hasn't once replied. She doesn't know what to say. She no longer wants to drown in his sweet nothings.

She opened the second letter

My Dear Empress,

We've been questioning Viscount Billen over the past month about the epidemic but he has not say a thing. I've received your words about the cure and Duke Elmea was refusing to cooperate. He wants the full custody of the production of the cure. Must've been his attempt to bring his name back as a proud noble. I've been trying to refute him but because of the pregnant Empress Consort they have been adamant on pressuring me to yield on their whims.

The Empress Consort was also asking me to let her father create the cure as she does not want the grandfather of our sons be the source of shame. She was in a sensitive phase of pregnancy and I can't allow her to be stressed so I have no choice but to yield. Although the duke is a greedy snake he was competent when it comes to creating medicine. I am ashamed in what is happening but I once again ask for your understanding.

She sighed. She's too exhausted to welcome any negative emotion. Besides in the novel, it was indeed Duke Elmea who successfully created the cure so it might not be a bad news. She started writing her response to the Emperor.

Her thinking that making Duke Elmea have power over the cure is a good thing is a bad decision.

When she came back to the palace after several weeks she develop symptoms similar to the epidemic. It was not only her but also tye pregnant Empress consort.

And according to Duke Elmea, he only has successfully created one cure as it also requires time fermenting the flower.

Soon they have to choose who to save between the Empress Regnant and the pregnant Empress consort.


Hi! Author here! So last time I announced that I will be updating 2 days in between. So here I am hihi.

The next update will be on Saturday. If I am free I'll be able to update early but if not maybe around 10 o'clock on the evening. Thanks much!!

The Villainess Next Life (COMPLETED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora