Bonus Smut Chapter: Une Nuit De Passion (X Rated Version)

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A/N: Okay. So quite a few of you wanted this, so here it as promised! So just to explain, I've sort of put the smut in between the original scene from chapter 12, so hopefully it still fits in well. I thought it would be a bit out of place if I just posted the smut bit, without reminding you of the build up and aftermath. I'm not the best at writing smut tho tbh - fluff is defnitely my strength aha. But I hope you still enjoy it! I enjoyed writing it anyway. (Also, pls understand that it is literally their first time, so it's not gonna be anything too wild lol).

Nothing else needed to be said now, as they got the green light from one another. They both pulled the boxers down at the same time. Serena licked her lips at what popped out.

'Mmmm. Now that is a sight to behold.'

Ash laughed nervously and scratched the back of his head. But, it really was everything Serena had dreamt of and more. She looked back up at Ash and got up to kiss him. Serena was proud of him for finding the confidence to get this far. As the kiss ended, her hand brushed along his ever-growing manhood and then she laid herself out on the bed, spreading her legs apart gradually. Ash groaned. All his nerves had left and now all he needed was her. Serena rubbed her hands over her body, enticing Ash forwards.

'My body is yours to do as you please with tonight, Ash. I'm all yours.'

Ash climbed on top of her, keeping his eyes on the prize the whole time.

'You are so beautiful, Rena,' he whispered into her ear.

He kissed her and then continued kissing her further down her naked body, just as Serena had done to Ash minutes before. Except his head didn't stop. He got lower and lower and lower, until... Bullseye. Contact was made. Serena gasped. Ash was moving much faster than expected, reaching the sweet spot in mere seconds. Serena would never have imagined it to progress like this so rapidly, but she loved not knowing what Ash was going to do to her and when it was coming. And she did basically say, he could do whatever he liked to her. He could do anything. Especially as unpredictability was always Ash's speciality and it seemed as if he was taking it into the bedroom now. Serena braced herself for Ash's next move and then she let out a big loud moan.

Ash had dived tongue-first, deep into Serena's gaping wet pussy and now he was sticking his fingers in, probing away at Serena's walls. He looked down at it in curiosity, in awe of how it was possible for it to get so wet, so quickly. Ash knew that arousal in women caused a vagina to get in that state, but this was still a big learning experience for him. He pulled a finger out, as a string of pussy juice came out with it. Serena was absolutely soaking and enjoying every second of it. She tried to get a look at what her boyfriend was doing to her and she did get a brief look, until Ash increased the tempo and made her throw her head back down. She moaned louder as he continued to finger her quite hard, until his fingers got tired. In truth though, Ash's technique was very amateurish, but Serena had been waiting for this for years and she had nothing else to compare to, so this was absolute heaven to her. Plus, she was completely in love with him, so any kind of physical touch from him was going to be more than good enough.

Ash raised his head away from Serena's pussy and moved up her body to kiss her. Serena kissed him back and slowly reached her hand out forwards. She didn't want to startle Ash, but she was desperate to get a feel of what was poking out in front of her now. Her hand carefully touched the tip of Ash's penis. Ash jerked back a bit, not expecting it. Serena looked up at him apologetically.

'S-sorry, Ash. Can-can I touch it?' asked Serena.

Ash smiled.

'Of course you can, baby. I just wasn't expecting you to touch it so suddenly.'

He laughed a little awkwardly.

'Okay, well I'm gonna take it slow then.'

Ash nodded and then Serena grabbed the tip again. She would have to take it slow anyway, because she was still astounded at the size of it. It wasn't too lengthy and was probably just about a couple inches longer than the average penis, by Serena's guess, but the girth on it was insane. This was the first penis Serena had seen in the flesh and she'd always tried to imagine what Ash's would look like, but this was something else. She wondered how it was even going to fit inside her. Serena was too horny to care though, as her hand slipped further down it. She had a tight hold on it now and then when her grip was firm enough, she gradually began to rub it up and down. Ash groaned at the feeling of her soft hand, as it created a pleasurable friction. This was such a new feeling for both of them. Ash hadn't even masturbated before, so it was making his body tingle with new, intense sensations. He never realised what he was missing out on before and he was absolutely loving it, now he finally knew what all the fuss was about. But he didn't want to let it completely consume him, to the point he lost control. He knew he would reach a climax at some point and he didn't want it coming too early. Thankfully, the pace Serena was rubbing it at, was just right. Ash rolled his eyes back and sighed a sigh of relief. This was long overdue. Every young male needed some kind of special sexual treatment, after all and Serena was the perfect nurse to treat Ash.

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