Chapter 16: A Forever Promise

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A/N: I'd just like to say that this is the very first time I've ever written a wedding! So it might not be the best, but I tired my best with it! Also this is basically the end of the story folks! There are going to be 2 (fairly short) follow up chapters (plus the smut chapter of course). But this is the end of the main story! I hope you have enjoyed it all! Pls stay tuned for the rest <3

Six months later, a date in June had been set for the wedding of Ash Ketchum and Serena Durand. They wasted no time at all with it and everything had been thoroughly prepared for, straight after Christmas last year. Everything was ready for them now. All the invites had been sent out, the venue had been chosen and booked and outfits were picked out. Serena wanted a traditional wedding, so she was very particular about her wedding dress being nothing too fancy and she wanted Ash to be quite conservative too.

Serena had taken charge on most of the wedding details and Ash was happy to leave it up to her. All he requested, was that the reception be held at the gym, with all of his and Serena's Pokemon present. (Well, at least a fair handful of Ash's Pokemon). The rest of the details were trivial to him. All he cared about was making his queen happy and finally fulfilling the wedding of her dreams. He did, however, have a part to play in the selection of the most important roles. They both unanimously agreed, that Brock would be Ash's right hand man on the day and Shauna would be Serena's maid of honour. The ring bearer didn't take much thought either, as they agreed that Pikachu and Delphox, should deliver the rings together, both being their first and most loyal Pokemon. The only slots left to fill after that, were the Flower Girl and Page Boy. Even though Serena was very particular about traditions, she insisted Bonnie should be the Flower Girl. She was at least five years too old to be one, but they could break a few rules, for the sake of family. Bonnie was still like a little sister to Serena after all and the Page Boy was of course, Max, with him being the youngest male at the wedding.

As the day finally approached on the 7th of June, everyone was waking up after the hen and stag nights. All of Ash's guy friends had been invited and were absolutely buzzing for him. But Serena's guest list was quite surprising. Amongst the expected bunch, were three women Serena had previously felt threatened by; Misty, Sophie and Miette. She had beaten all three to Ash's affections already, so she felt there was no reason not to invite them. And in a way, it was quite satisfying to have them there, knowing she was the one marrying Ash and that they had failed to tempt him away from her. But she was also still friends with them - well maybe not so much Misty. Yet, there was no reason why they couldn't become friends now. The three of them being present wasn't the biggest surprise, however. A lot of things had changed since they had last all seen each other.

As everyone made their way to the venue, (Ash and Serena arriving at different times, of course) the boys and the girls met up outside of the venue. The usual couples linked arms and kissed each other. But there were some very different ones, including a few mystery men. One man who was very recognisable, however, was Tracey, who made his way straight over to Sophie. It wasn't too surprising to most, but some had no clue they were actually together now. It seemed Serena's matchmaking at Brock's wedding had worked perfectly and Sophie had never looked happier in her life. The next man, was one only Ash and Tracey would know. Rudy, Gym Leader of Trovita Island, made his way over to Misty and slapped her ass playfully. Misty giggled and kissed him. They had met again in unforeseen circumstances and Rudy had reignited his strong interest in her, to which Misty was very keen to reciprocate. She had well and truly gotten over Ash now. The last surprise of the morning, was a dark-haired tall man, nobody knew, who appeared to be with Miette. They didn't kiss or look in love, however, but it was clear they were accompanying each other today. A bit on the side, if you will. All of Serena's previous competition for Ash's heart, had completely disappeared. Not that anyone else could possibly have won it though, of course.

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