Chapter 10: New Beginnings

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Another three months later, the last remnants of summer were gradually fading away and hints of autumn were seeping through into Pallet. Ash and Serena had continued to develop their relationship and were currently in a very good place. Except, there was still the small matter of actually sleeping together and not just the kind where they spend the night in each other's bed. But ever since that steamy night in June, they had slept in the same room together every single night. They took it in turns at first, alternating between each room each night, but now they just stayed in Ash's room most of the time. And that was exactly where they woke up today, on a slightly chilly Monday morning.

Ash stirred in his sleep and tossed side to side, flopping his arm over Serena's midriff. She groaned a little, but then sleepily smiled and grabbed Ash's hand, half-awake. Then a loud beeping shook them both up. Serena ignored it and rolled over towards the wall. 7am read the alarm clock on Ash's bedside, as he leapt up and slammed the off button. He yawned loudly and scratched his armpits, like a Slaking. Then he rubbed his bleary eyes and swung his legs out of bed. He sat on the edge of the bed for a few minutes, giving himself time to wake up and adjust his eyes to the light. He was exceptionally tired today for some reason, but today was a very important day and he couldn't be late for it. He lifted himself off the bed and accidentally farted as he got up. Serena turned around and scowled at him, wafting the smell away.

'Oh, Ash! That's disgusting!' 

He sniggered.

'Sorry, Rena! Couldn't stop it. Better out than in though, right!'

Serena rolled her eyes and cracked a little smile, shaking her head at him. Being with the man of her dreams was definitely one of the best things (if not the best thing) to happen to Serena, but that also came with certain domesticity factors. Both positive and negative. Yet, farting was nothing compared to other common relationship problems most couples experienced. But, they had reached a point where they were comfortable doing pretty much anything around each other.

'I guess so...' said Serena, absentmindedly. 

Then she suddenly remembered something. 

'Oh! Sorry! I almost forgot! It's your first day today isn't it?!'

Ash nodded and rushed around his room, looking for clothes to wear for the day.

'Yup. Gotta be in at 9 sharp... Can't wait to get started! I'm raring to go!' 

Serena smiled and admired his positive mental attitude, that he never seemed to lose and made her fall for him in the first place.

'I'm so proud of you, you know. You're really growing up.'

'Thanks, Rena. Had to get a job sometime, didn't I! And Professor Oak really needs the staff!'

'Yeah. You're gonna be amazing, babe. No one cares more about Pokemon than you.'

'Oh, well... I guess it just always came naturally to me and all my journeys just put me in situations where I had to take care of them. And hey! All of that's gonna give me the skills I need to do this!'

'Of course. You still chose to take care of them though and always did your best for them. Anyone who knows you, knows this is the perfect job for you.' 

Ash smiled.

'Yeah, I guess it is... Anyway! I gotta go get ready!'

'Oh, okay.' 

Serena yawned. 

'I'm gonna go back to bed for a bit, so come give me a kiss goodbye.'

Ash smiled and went over to kiss her on the cheek.

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